Propeciahelp site news and feedback thread

Hey guys

Please see the following post announcing the new Coping and Connecting categories, along with the new integrated map feature:

Hey Axo!

Could you inform the forum in any way of how many unique members have created accounts on here? I think it’s important data, but it’s really hard to estimate because there are many lurkers and nonposters, or people that have stopped posting.

Hey, sure. There are nearly 5000 registered, including posters who are currently inactive for varying reasons. Propeciahelp has been in existence for over a decade now, and with prescription of these drugs increasing, unfortunately it’s needed more than ever.

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Hi guys,

Due to a technical issue posts this weekend have been lost. Unfortunately this could not be avoided. However, these have been exported, and I will try to put a few back that are obvious manually. If there was anything of note you would like me to pass you to re-post please send me a private message and i will paste it over.

Thanks and apologies for any inconvenience,


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Hi all,

Two new site features are launching next weekend.

These are a system to record therapeutic outcomes and other notable reactions, as well as a clinical test reporting system. The systems to provide the results to patients are still in development, but when ready the data will be provided to patients who have completed the Post-Drug Syndrome Survey.

Topics explaining how to use these new systems are linked below. I hope you agree these are beneficial for the site and our shared issue.



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A couple of updates:

We now have a concise place for all the important stuff: The Community Projects category.

This includes a clear guide for actions new members can take to help push the issue forward, as well as individual guides on how to participate in the many projects we have underway to take the issue to the next level. This includes the survey, 23andme submissions, our YouTube project and more.

We are intending a significant switch in strategy to outreach projects beginning in the new year to change things, but we can’t do it without your help. Please get involved now.

Additionally, owing to his new role heading our media team and as a patient contact, the member formerly known as smallballsbighope has changed his username to @Jaime. Sad, but for the best.



We increasingly have users from drugs other than finasteride in our community. To make it clearer who took what, we have added some visualization which shows which drug the user believes is causative of their persistent health problems. This is shown as a little colored box with a letter in it, next to avatar in posts:

finasteride: red with F
isotretinoin: orange with I
ad’s: blue with A
saw plametto: green with S
GnRH analogs: purple with G
Dutasteride: yellow with D

Additionally, a mouse hover over the box will reveal the drug class in full.


@awor ,

Two questions:
1- I am seeing blue " F " boxes instead of red… is this my phone?
2- my phone constantly takes me back to posts I have already read instead of starting up at the newest post. Also the index will say a thread has new posts, and when I go there I have read everything. Are these problems with my phone browser?

Thanks, Jim

Had a message from awor that the color was changed from blue (Finasteride icon looked too similar to Facebook logo), to red.

Are the finasteride icons still showing blue for you?

Try refreshing or deleting the cached data for this site and see if it corrects itself.

Which phone browser do you use?

Does it always take you to the first post in each topic you open?


I cleared out my cache and now my “F” block is red.

Also, discussions which I have read are no longer showing up as unread.

Thanks for your help.
BTW, I am using Chrome on an Android phone.

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Hi all,

Patients have repeatedly asked for stricter moderation around therapeutic discussions, as unfortunately self-medication has repeatedly caused significant harm to some members. However, it’s important for patients to be able to report their experiences, both positive and negative.

Starting soon, staff notices will be added above threads or (in some cases) posts that contain therapeutic discussions and member thoughts that are within the rules but the moderators feel require feel an additional note of caution. This could be due to theories, or that a discussion surrounds or involves substances that other patients have reported a substantial worsening of their condition after taking. You can see this notice above this post.

This is simply intended as a word of caution in the hope of keeping patients as safe as possible and easing the burden on the staff, so please don’t take offense if your post is labelled. This is a matter of policy and I’ve asked the moderators to use this frequently.

Best regards,



Hi guys,

Given our increasing workload, I’m pleased to say @Sugarhouse is now on the moderating team. Please join me in thanking him for his time and commitment. He is a long term member and previously his username was msab1990, however I asked him to change it to something that’s a word or a name given he’s joining the site staff.




Another “house” username :smiley:

Thank you @Sugarhouse

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It’s great to meet you all, officially, and contribute to making a difference. I’m a great admirer of all the work you’ve all done so far and keen to help however possible.

Let me get up to speed on the mod guide, the chat and put together a few thoughts on how I can help.

It’s amazing how far this place has come.


Hi all,

As participation and demand for the site continues to increase, we now request that you post a member story after joining so the community can better understand your personal situation, symptoms, and reasons for participation.




@awor @axolotl
Would it be possible to add a block user option to the forum? Currently we only have ‘ignore member’ for a temporary amount of time but that does not actually hide unwanted member threads or posts, just puts a placeholder message in their place.

I am not aware of any such feature.

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Hey all,

Just to let you know @SkinDiesel has joined the site volunteer staff to help out with internal projects and community management. If you need help or have an issue he is now an additional point of contact.



Users which are still using Internet Explorer 11: Please note that our platform will no longer support IE11 after June 1 2020.

Our software relies on current, evolving web standards as it is developed. Microsoft is no longer updating IE11 to support modern web standards, they are only providing security updates and support.

Good alternatives are Chrome and Firefox, and to a lesser degree Edge.

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I’ve been lurking on this site for a few months. I’m a 67-year old woman who took prozac in the late 80s to help me through a time when I was dealing with chronic childhood sexual abuse. After stopping the prozac I started suffering severe sexual dysfunction, and was not able to find support for many years.

I’m wondering if there are other women on the site and how I would reach out to them. I’m not experienced in navigating social websites, so if the answer to my question is obvious please forgive me.