Guide to using new feature: Therapeutic Outcomes and Notable Reactions Reporting Form

PLEASE NOTE: There is currently no known effective treatment for Post-Finasteride Syndrome and aggregate or individual indications through this system do not and cannot indicate a safety or efficacy profile for any therapeutic attempts. does not recommend or endorse any treatment for PFS.

Hi all,

For many years people have wanted a better way to look at standardised aggregate and individual reports regarding subjective patient responses to their self-driven or prescribed therapeutic attempts. We’re pleased to announce the launch of a new system to achieve this.

This topic is to walk you through how to use this system. This system and data from it will be accessible to all patients who have completed the Post-Drug Syndrome Survey.

The graph icon at the top right of the forum (when viewed on a desktop or laptop computer) will provide you with a selection of links to all out patient data systems, including the Post-Drug Syndrome Survey, and the new Clinical Tests Reporting Form as well as this Therapeutic Outcomes and Notable Reactions survey. It is quite short, but with plenty of entry fields. You will be able to continually edit/update your entries into this system as often as you would like. While it might seem daunting, it is quite simple and I’m sure you’ll get to grips with it very quickly.

The first section allows you to record notable reactions to substances, medications or foods that have NOT been taken with the intention of treating your persistent post-drug symptoms. You are presented with a simple table to do this.

At the bottom of this page, you will be able to indicate if you have taken anything with therapeutic intent. If you click no, the survey will conclude. If you click yes, you will be presented with an opportunity to record your response, if any, to these.

Next, you will be presented with a table to enter what therapies you attempted, if you are still using or if you stopped with no change or a persistent change to your condition (positive or negative), and for how long you used the therapy. Please do not enter nebulous concepts or poorly defined holistic ideas as this is not useful for aggregate data - enter individual aspects of any routines, even if you feel they are complementary. You will be able to add comments. It is possible you may feel this is too restrictive. However, we have endeavoured to maintain as much flexibility as possible within effective standardisation. If someone wholeheartedly believed several things must be done under a full moon while neptune is in ascension, then they could of course simply use the therapeutic efforts forum to discuss this.

Once you have made your entries, you will be asked to define your initial response, and your current response or outcome (depending if you are still using or have stopped) for each therapy you previously described having used. You will be able to add any relevant comments you’d like to share regarding the individual therapy attempts.

Results will not be immediately available at the launch of this project, but we hope to launch tables similar to those we are using for the survey results as soon as they are ready. We intend to make these results available in time to academics we are in contact with, as well as the community.

If you are unsure of anything, please ask.




Nice tool

@axolotl > Bravo et merci!