So I’ve been slowly introducing tribulus back into my supplements. I did a large dose cycle very quickly a few months back i think. But with all the stir up here i’m giving it another go.
I suspect that PFS is the result of the mutation to the aromatase enzyme after the discontinuation of propecia or other 5ari, and it subsequently effects the bodies breakdown of T to DHT. This is my guess, and I’m not a scientist.
Tribulus will raise androgen receptors, which is interesting- it would seem that just by that nature it works for PFS. Thus, testosterone is not raised to the point of raising estrogen due to its aromatization. Which by the way, I would assume is why some people feel bad om T raising supplements - the subsequent aromatization.
Tribulus, by starting slow, seems to allow testosterone to “work” without raising estrogen too much to the point of feeling emotional or fatigued.
Just my guess.
As for me, 2 pills a day of 1000mg trib with 85% proto has done the following (this is day 3)
- Increased oil
- Slightly increased armpit odor ( i no longer had to use deoderant
- Sexual dreams, but morning wood is still lacking.
- Workout performance increase.
- Pimples on face (previously had none).
I am also taking 1000mg tyrosine and 500 mg l-phenylananine twice daily with the tribulus.
I will continue with this dosage for some time.