Hallo Tomas,
i am taking 150 mg Zyban (Bupropion) for a month and it works very good:
Libido increases,
sexual dreams happen again after years,
the orgasm is more intense, lasts a bit longer and is more satisfying.
Sexual arrousal is better.
Now i can be stimulated again by normal things like a good looking Woman or “normal” porn.
But there are also non-sexual effects:
Anhedonia disappeared
I can feel pleasure again
Fatigue is much better, i have more energy
i can motivate myself better
I don´t have any desire for Sweets or salty things
I am convinced that the main reason for the good results is the dopaminergic effect of Bupropion.
I don´t know if Bupropion is a possibel Cure for PFS. But it improves the Symptoms that are caused by PFS. I quit Propecia in Jan. 2008. I have tried many natural things. But Nothing really worked for me.
I will continue with 150 mg of Zyban/Bupropion. After 9 month i will try to taper off and then i will see if PFS returns again or not. If PFS won´t return again, then i will make a post on Propeciahelp and claim for me to be cured. At the moment it is too early to claim a victory over this damned syndrome.
I wish you luck Tomas. Don´t give up.