Success Stories Compilation

No, I did not have shrinkage.

I tried dozens of supplement, nothing was as efficient than the carnivore / ketogenic diet.

So same same result for me. Neurological symptoms gone (except some insomnia remaining), some sexual symptoms remained for a while but after 9 months on the diet, it’s pretty much all gone. I use Betaine HCL and Choline Bi-Tartrate to get rid of estrogen. Those are what the body use to achieve the same results so there’s no liver damage or side effects (unless I take too much) and the body has a natural path of elimination for those.

Weight lifting got me more muscle plus some general good fitness. That’s cool. Not sure what it did to pfs.

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In what aspects your sexual health improved may i ask?

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Well, I’m 100% normal, want sex everyday, have morning erection, sensitivity and erections are normal, since the 3rd month of diet semen is not watery and for the last month body odors have returned.

Sex drive is not as bitingly urgent as it was in my 30s but I’m 51 so once a day is good enough.


I was doing some reading and it could be that we also have some degree of glucorticoidss resistance.
Or maybe could be the problem and we are looking to the wrong direccion.
At this point everything is possible.
It say that is also difficult to diagnose it.

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Here 3 history more about recovery

there are lots of people that get recovery, it is a little hope. I will continue to look for the many recovery stories I have seen in the forum to put them here, they are many. A big hug to all and I wish you a lot of strength, from this we leave


Thanks Colombian. That’s great !

It’s always good to read the recovery stories. The more we have, the more hope we can get.

For anyone reading this, please feel free to post success stories.


I think that in most of these cases, the subjects did not have the syndrome, but only persistent (non-permanent) side effects or depression. The real syndrome does not allow you to train, your joints make you very sick, you get injured easily, you have digestive problems, your skin falls apart etc … In the great majority of recovery cases, they talk about physical exercise, but, if you have the syndrome, you can’t do it. I did 100 push-ups 4 times a week, after the syndrome, even after 5 push-ups, my arms are broken and my muscles are injured for a week.

It could be less severe cases, but pfs just the same.

I had all the symptoms you describe except the skin falling apart (although it does not heal easily).
I couldn’t climb two flights of stairs without a pause between the two. I couldn’t stand up at time, I had to squat where I was standing until I could gather enough strength to stand up again.

I started a zero carbs, ketogenic diet which I followed for more than 1 year and now I can swim 50 lapse or do 30 push ups and 13 chin ups. I still have recurrent insomnia and anxiety.

I don’t know how much all cases can improve. But I know for myself that the diet has stopped the deterioration as I was getting worst and reversed 95% of the symptoms. I also take a bunch of supplements and do weight lifting.

Over a year ago, I was disabled. I though of quitting work, couldn’t drive a car or a motorbike and thought of leaving my 3 children as it was too much for me to handle. Of course, I though of ending it many times.

I believe in a couple of year, I’ll write my story here.

In my opinion, diet is the key. And I’m not talking eating normal food, but buying the bio option. I’m talking radical diet: only meat, animal fat and leafy greens (and NO other plants) plus a few zero carbs items here and there. It’s only my opinion, but it has worked for me.


They may have the syndrome but just very minor, not full blown. I agree about the training. When people with this syndrome tell me to excersise 5 times a week I already know they are way better off.


I will not say PFS because its physically more complicated, but PSSD - Zero motivation, almost zero on whole sexual aspect, almost full blunted effect - almost not emotionally feeling a thing does sound like a very minor issue?? Mild case? I think there are minor, NORMAL! and very severe cases - like Rb2dett that truly have a cross PSSD/PFS syndrome, full blown. I really do not like this global depreciation when someone recovered or is on the way to recovery against all odds busting his ass off daily to be called a “Vanilla case” just because he is working out or tries to have a positive mindset. Again, I speak about PSSD, not PFS, because PFS may have physical limitations like Rb2dett mentioned


I agree with you: Saying those who got cured were mild case or not even sick to begin with is self defeatism. I believe there are actions that can be taken to improve people’s conditions here

I was also completely crippled, couldn’d stand up, had gastric reflux so much I had to lie down at an angle so my stomach’s content would’n pour into my throat, was unable to work any complicated task, had anxiety I wanted to die to avoid, brain fog, total insomnia, zero sex drive, no morning wood, no sensitivity and my balls were hurting all the time. Plus many other, you all know the list is long.

I took a very strict carnivore / ketogenic diet, got rid of the neuro and digestive sides within a week, got my energy back within a couple of week, started to lose the sexual sides after around 6 months and now insomnia is getting better, 15 months after crashing. When I started getting my energy back, I did weight lifting and exercise.

Physically, at 51, I’m in better shape than I’ve ever been my whole life. I can do 15 pull ups, lifting my knees to my chin at the same time, more than a hundred set ups (I don’t know how many, I get bored), swim 50 lapses non stop and my pregnant belly was replaced by an eight pack.

It took 13 months of strict diet. After 13 months, I can eat carbs in limited qty, like 40-50 gr in a day with zero carbs days in between and the carbs give me no sides at all. (note that in one of the stories, the guys says he started eating carbs AGAIN, which means he stopped and started again. The zero carbs thing was not permanent)
I am more sensitive to carbs than before in the sense that eating lots of carbs doesn’t sit well with my stomach and makes me feel weird in a negative way but I’m slowly going back to normal although I don’t consider myself healed. I do believe however, that being in ketosis and doing fasts once in a while does repair the epigenetic damage.

When you don’t eat carbs or you fast, you get your energy from fat only. Your body creates acetoacetate and BETA-HYDROXYBUTYRATE (BHB).

BHB prevents or maybe reverts some epigenetic damage to the DNA. This is not my opinion. If you care reading through the science below, be my guess. I didn’t read it all because it’s working for me and I don’t care too much about spending time understanding why it worked. And by the way, you can take exogenous BHB in the form of BHB salts and BHB esters without going into a diet. The effects are limited and it’s expensive so the diet is a better choice. Easy choice, hard life, hard choice, easy life. Pick one.

And here, physical exercise affect on epigenetic modulation:

Don’t give up hope guys. That’s all we have. (and speaking for myself, I also have a diet / exercise protocol that works for me)

I wish you all the best.


Can i get the BHP with water fast for a week Ozeph? Cutting out all the carbs is pretty hard for my student life right now. If water fast does the same thing in a week. I might try it thanks.

Exogenous BHB are available as salts or esters. The esters are super expensive (like 33 usd per 4 oz bottle), BHB salts less so but provides lots of electrolytes so if you take too much: you get diarrhea.

Altogether, they provide little calories: 90 calories for BHB salts with the maximum 3 drinks a day and 360 calories with BHB esters for a whooping 83 USD a day. BHB esters are fasting complient, I don’t know for BHB salts.

They are hard on the stomach and the bowels and will not prevent carbs cravings on the second and third day of a fast. It’s just not enough calories. Plus, if you could get enough calories from it, it would completely defeat the purpose of the fast. Your body would not be forced to do any of the changes that occurs in a fast and you wouldn’t get the benefits.

The “easy” way is to go ketogenic for 3-5 days prior to the fast so your body has already flushed the carbs. Better would be to be ketogenic (or carnivore) for 3 months and when you fast everyday is a normal day, except with an empty stomach. I last fasted 3 days and never had low energy, cravings or anything. I continued to do weight lifting and work and was full of energy all along. this is due to burning fat reserves instead of the fat I eat everyday. The body does not get low energy or tired but it does trigger the beneficial fasting effects.


PSSD can also be physically quite complicated, I have physical problems too. I get literally sick from excersise, also lost all my muscle in a timespan of 2 weeks, gyno etc. When I look at the people I talk to with PSSD, often the more ‘‘severe’’ cases have physical symptoms too. I would say that when u recover fully from ur PSSD/PFS due to a healthy diet and excersise, it wasn’t very severe to begin with. But that’s just my opinion, i have no proof in this whatsoever, just my own logic thinking. I am totally not saying these stories are fake btw.


I did see in multiple recoveries reocurring factor being a big focus on healthy diet and exercise, so my own logic tells me that it does play a role. Unfortunatelly these terms did become a cliche, sometimes even fun vanilla terms and are often a target for making others look like they out of boredom by the way have PSSD or PFS, not even noticable, mild funny cases. It is not a measurement tool and neither, and this important to differentiate, it is not the same to exercise every single day for 3 hours opposed to go for a short couple minutes cardio run 2x times per week. Similarly it applies to healthy diet. Not to mention consistency and time span following these. It has became this general term without differentiation and that makes things look as the same thing - it is not. But nevertheless, generally speaking, my opinion - minor cases fully curing by very good thoughtout lifestyle super approach? Yes possibly, they have a good shot moving very far if not even curing by this itself. Normal case curing by this alone? May be much much tougher to recover by this alone, this alone may not be suffcient enough, but my logic also tells me it does sure positively contribute, it may not cure by itself but it does increase chances after long long flawless superhealth focus and these people often do a lot and much more in addition to this approach, for example good thoughtout supplements may also contribute as well so when combined with also other factors then - yes, specific flawless maximum health lifestyle does sure contribute, it is a piece of the pie in the recovery. Severe cases, well, if someone is unable to even execise at all, not even light exercise, then it is a problem. I think that then at least well thoughout eating and drinking habits and lifestyle in general still shouldnt be neglected. As You can see Oseph, and not only him alone, has made spectacular turnaround for even his physical symptoms by his diet approach. It doesnt automatically mean it will be for everybody, but my logic tells me lifestyle dietary specific good plans increase the chances in the positive spectrum, not the negative. This doesnt put him in the Vanilla box as You can see by his symptoms he resolved and the length of his condition. So, my message to everybody in general is to be a little more respectful and thoughtful as well as less judgemental when it comes to the generalised terms “exercise” and “healthy diet” and to the suffering of people that stand behind them

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Hey I totally agree that excersise and diet should not be neglected. And for the milder cases it can probably do a lot. But that’s also my point. I think if u get cured by excersise and diet, ur problem, in my idea, no proof, was more that of a mild one. Because with severe PFS/PSSD u mostly can’t even do excersise. And it’s great u can heal through this, I am not saying u don’t have the syndrome etc. But I know for the more severe u can forget healing urself through this. Diet and excersise are known to not cure the fullblown syndrome, that has been proven over and over again, it’s the first thing people do and try, including myself. Ofcourse u have people who did heal with it, but that’s also pointing towards the thing u were doing at that time while recovering. If you are recovering naturally, and doing a diet at that time, people tend to point at that diet as the reason. But honoustly most are all doing a diet all the time, so u could always point towards that as the reason. Still u can get benefits from it, it’s a good thing to try diet and excersise. Btw that u see it’s a reocurring facter in recovery stories that people focus on healthy diet and excersise, is quite logic. U could say those people had a mindset to cure themselves, so that also included those things, and as I said before, almost everyone follows some form of diet here. But I just know that as soon as someone is able to, what they often say, do excersise, I know we have a disease of a different severity. I, and many others, would never be able to pull this off physically. And you are btw saying they are displayed as mild funny cases, I don’t say that. I just say I get the idea people who for example focus a lot on the sexual sides, like, I have low libido after finasteride, and do excersise and a good diet, and feel normal again, are totally not comparable with people who can’t get out of bed anymore due to the syndrome. The two should not be compared, it’s almost a different disease with different rules (not really but you get me).

Its not about me, I was not talking about me in specific neither I said I am curing because of exercise and lifestyle alone. I refer to these as in my opinion important contributing factors in overall picture, not necessarily cure itself (for milder cases these alone well thoughtout and implied intense and longterm enough are a good chance alone possibly). May not clearly work by itself alone, may not be dramatically noticable - It simply increases ones chances. And its also not accurate in my opinion to put sufferers in a box of natural recovery when someone has this syndrome for many many many years and when he from some point radically changes certain things in his life and after that point he slowly starts moving forward. And like I also said, there a big differences in exercises alone, its not the same to for 3 months go for a brief cardio 2x times per week or visit gym couple times weekly for an hour compared to for example when someone dedicates to physical aspect multiple hours every single day for over year even couple years this high intense, similar applies to “healthy diet” - it may have hundrets of factors alone. So like You see there are differences in severities, there are differences in complexity of things behind terms “exercise” and same, probably even much more for “healthy diet”. Its easy to wrap it all in one box and make measurements based on that - but its impossible and inaccurate to do so, as well as its easy to throw all in “natural recovery” box. Success? Either You are mild case or natural recovery. Its not like that in reality. And what bothers me and where it becomes a problem is when someone who could potentionally do a lot better after longterm following perfect specific high intensity lifestyle - he simply goes - bah, no, there is not a point in doing this, xyz did try, its not a cure, its only for mildies. This leads to many people that would benefit, after a truly long time and right intense method, longterm, to do nothing or to not give this dedication intense and long enough time, regardless of not seeing benefits after just few months. So they end up either doing nothing or often only trying for few months regular stuff and saying, hey I tried its pointless. I believe reaping results comes after much longer and it may be just a slight boost that only when combined with the right multiple other things like the right multi-aspect supplement approach results in true improving-reversing, after longterm and again with the right intense tools. So to wrap this up, I believe it is a big factor in increasing ones changes - it doesnt make it necessarily cure. If You want a pizza, You should have tomato sauce, flour, ham, cheese and a good oven to make one. And a good recipe! Make a good pizza without a tomato sauce - unlikely. Also, tomato sauce alone doesnt make a pizza. Have a perfect tomato sauce and You increase the chances of pizza tasting great. Have all the good ingredients, but if You cook it for 3 minutes the whole pizza would taste like shit. I hope this makes things more clear of what I mean. But, if someone is truly physically unable, that is a different story and from the start I said I am not referring to such cases, I am myself not physically impaired by this syndrome but this neither make one a mild case. I am a longterm sufferer and truly objectivelly a “normal” case, not a mild one, considering all my symptoms, severity, duration and rigidity. Some of my aspects are more in severe spectrum, some in “normal” and some in “mild” (ED aspect)