Success Stories Compilation

Antibiotic resistance perhaps?

Other people have reported that. One explanation I’ve read was that the antibiotics killed pathogen bacteria in the guts, and then they came back after stopping the antibiotics.
Could also be that the antibiotics themselves are having an effect on the body’s chemistry.

To me, there’s no doubt the initial cause of my pfs is fin. I began having typical pfs symptoms 3 years before stopping and I crashed 1 month after stopping and everything became worst.
I believe it’s possible parasitic infection of the digestive track or elsewhere can cause symptoms that exacerbates pfs, and maybe even some of the symptoms we think as pfs are caused by the parasitic infection. I don’t know. I know depression, autism, chronic fatigue and many more illness can be caused by parasitic infections and I know many of us don’t have bifidus and e-colie strands (e-colie is a pathogen but is needed in small qty). They all died off and from what I experienced, taking probiotics doesn’t help, they just won’t “stick”. I think it’s because the effects of pfs are still acting strong and still killing good guts bacteria.

So I don’t know. IMO, the 5ar producing cells are clogged by fin which apparently stay attached to the cell for a very long time, “almost permanently”. I believe fasting, autophagy and exercising makes the body more active and eventually we can either produce new 5ar producing cells or the old ones start getting clearing up. In this success story thread, it seem to take 4-5 years or more for people to get better when they do. There’s not much stories of people getting better after 18 months to 3 years. Then there’s the story of that guy that treated parasitic infection after 10 years of pfs and got better for 18 months +. So apparently it was the parasites the were keeping him sick but could he have healed himself after only one year, when the drug was still clogging hid 5ar cells ? Maybe he needed to clean his cells off the drug before having a chance to readjust his guts biome.

They found infection in my urine I thought there was some nerve inflamation or prostate. So what to do now? How to remove pathogens? Create new cells?

Urinary tract infections has to be treated by a doctor who will most likely give you antibiotics.

Some of us may be immuno-compromised to some degree. If that is so, vit D, zinc and healthy diet helps but really an infection has to be treated by a doctor in my opinion.
They may not know what is pfs, but they can sure treat infections.

The tricks I give to fix the epigenome (according to Dr. David Sinclair) are still good for eventually recovering some of our old self, but it takes time. Lots of time. Infections can’t wait.


I just found a new success story !

It’s on My official post on my recovery

@Livid171 has been recovered for over 2 years with no relapses and has been sick 10 years prior to his recovery.

He took Rhodiola Rosea 500mg in the morning and Acetyl-Carnitine 500mg 2 times a day to cure himself. Again, as with all other success stories, time seems to have been part of the recovery.

This time no harsh diets or fasts…

Thank you for sharing and congratulation to having made it to the PFS “Hall of Fame or recovered people”


Hey great thread @Ozeph. Really helps give us hope

Any recent success stories of people recovering within 6 months of taking Fin?
Specifically people who sexually recovered to 1000% pre-fin levels. Would be amazing to hear.

This is my single most favorite post on PropeciaHelp:

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Thank you for posting an early success story ! They are difficult to find because this website does not recognize sick people that heal within 6 months as having pfs.

To me, a human being that suffers is someone we should have compassion for, no matter how many months he’s been suffering. I don’t mean this as a negative criticism, I’m just expressing another opinion. I do respect the rules of this site.

I can confirm, just like this story you posted, that my sensitivity is sometime higher than it was before and sometimes lower. This oscillation in sensitivity has tightened over time and is now more or less the same all the time. I am recovered sexually maybe 95% as prefin, but it took me 3 years. I’m not sure. My sex drive is lower but it could be circumstantial as I’m having problems in my relationship. With girls outside, I seem as attracted as before.

I wish you good luck !


95% return is amazing, glad it got to that level for you!

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That Casual guy’s problem was premature ejaculation and low hormone levels. PFS is generally normal hormone levels with low sensitivity rather than high sensitivity.

If you read the whole thread , He still had pretty bad sexual shutdown including low libido and ED for months.

Yes, he had hypogonadism. People with PFS have those symptoms with normal hormone levels.

I tested 800 ng/dl for Test and still have low libido and ED. What gives? Do i have chance at recovery?

Testosterone often go up and down, especially early on. 800 ng/dl is high. Tested another week it may be lower. It’s part of the disease. The whole system fluctuate.

Premature ejaculation isn’t caused by “high sensitivity”. I suffered PE too for a while due to PFS (couple of weeks then it went away) and my penis is mostly numb and without pleasureable sensation. Most of the orgasms from PE happened when I was half erect or otherwise not ‘ready’. I can tell you the PE was absolutely awful and it made every orgasm feel like a bad piss. So tired of people on this forum making BS assumptions when they don’t know what they’re talking about. Here’s an idea: If you haven’t experienced a symptom yourself, don’t act like you know anything about it or make statements about whether these people had PFS or not. You’re not the judge of that.



With all due respect, neither are you. All our opinions are equal and our own experience does not invalidate other people’s experience nor the other way around.

I’m sure you tell the truth when you describe your experience with PE. However, mine was somewhat different. I would ejaculate after 5 seconds and had normal orgasm. Later the numbness came and there was no more ejaculations or orgasm. It lasted for over a year with varying intensity and went away.

It looks like not only we all experience PFS differently, but each of us have fluctuating symptoms and our status changes in any directions with time. I think with time the fluctuations stabilize somewhat but maybe others could tell me wrong.

I don’t know about you guys, but I often feel very irritable and can sometimes become uncontrollably furious over rather minor events.

With all due respect, neither are you.

Read my post again. Did I ever claim to be? He was the one making big nonsense statements, I’m just calling him out for it. Don’t twist the argument around.

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I’m being very careful not to make broad statements as if they were facts. I say “in my opinion”, “I think”, “I believe that” and I even quote stuff I read in scientific researches as “according to the author of this study” just to make sure it cannot be taken as anything but an opinion.

@vkg1 makes a statement as if it was a fact. He should have said “in my opinion”, he had hypogonadism and then it would be true (that this is his opinion)

You are making a statement as if it was a fact, saying PE isn’t caused by high sensitivity when you should say “in my opinion”, or even wiser, “in my case”. Because in my own case, it was caused by hypersensitivity and hyper sex drive I experienced for 2 weeks, 2 weeks after crashing. So what I had is a symptom you’re talking about and haven’t experienced yourself and that’s alright to me, I think people can talk about things they haven’t experienced (how else could we expand our knowledge beyond our experience ?)

As I said, your experience does not invalidate mine, nor mine invalidate yours.

Furthermore, this thread is about being positive and giving hope. I understand the disease can makes people irritable and sometimes aggressive. It would be preferable not to add to other’s suffering by being negative or outright aggressive.

This is all according to the site’s policy. I personally like arguments and I never take anything people write as facts unless I fact checked it myself, so I don’t mind people making broad statements as facts. I consider everything as opinions unless proven otherwise.

So, I will consider you’re in a bad place. I hope you manage to change the way you see things and make peace with your condition. I wish that to all of us. Those are the cards we’ve been dealt, now we play the game with those cards.

I wish you the best !

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You are making a statement as if it was a fact, saying PE isn’t caused by high sensitivity when you should say “in my opinion”, or even wiser, “in my case”. Because in my own case, it was caused by hypersensitivity and hyper sex drive I experienced for 2 weeks, 2 weeks after crashing. So what I had is a symptom you’re talking about and haven’t experienced yourself and that’s alright to me, I think people can talk about things they haven’t experienced (how else could we expand our knowledge beyond our experience ?)

At the very least my ‘statement’ was based on my personal experience when he was just blurting out senseless things about people with symptoms he has no experience with whatsoever. It would seem reasonable to me that this fact alone gravitates my opinion on the topic to a more valid position than his, so I disagree with this silly defensive narrative that ‘all our opinions are equal’ as a default, in that regard.

As I said, your experience does not invalidate mine, nor mine invalidate yours.

I never even adressed your experience, let alone try to invalidate it, ever. This entire comment comes completely out of nowhere.

So, I will consider you’re in a bad place. I hope you manage to change the way you see things and make peace with your condition.

Yikes. What the actual f— my dude? Thanks for this little unsollicited Freudian analysis. I’m actually fine. Just calling out a guy for making a single senseless statement. You’re the one turning it into some big personal debate here.

But yeah I wish you all the best as well (if for whatever reason you ever doubted this?)
I’m not going to spend another minute feeding and responding to what is quite obviously someone’s mental gymnastics to defend a friend even though you admit to flatout agree with the whole reason I responded to him. (But I guess that’s not allowed because ‘bad vibes’ or something.)

Does anyone know why this user with a history of natural recovery after 3 years was suspended until the year 2218, was his recovery history a fake?