Is this the entire result from this saliva hormone test or just a section of the report ?
Is “pregnenolone sulfate” included in this saliva hormone test ?
Did you have saliva DHT tested?
It’s my understanding that saliva hormone testing is showing the amount of free hormones of a particular hormone not bound. It’s also my understanding that the amount of free hormone of a particular hormone is what makes it to the receptor. So in the case of testosterone and Estradiol we are talking the AR receptors and ERa and ERb the estrogen receptors.
Your free estrogen (saliva) is towards the top of the reference range. My free estrogen (saliva) is towards the bottom of the reference range.
Same with free testosterone (saliva). Yours toward the top of the reference range and mine towards the bottom
I wonder if this is evidence that your receptors are down regulated and mine are up regulated. Maybe this is why your body binds less of the testosterone and estradiol and mine binds more