Success Stories Compilation

Why is it your favorite?

Because she was very active on trying to resolve it for ten years, then obtained a clear resolution of it, and now continues to follow up on it reporting lasting results. It’s the most overall convincing and credible one I’ve seen.

Not to be a downer here but read the story in its entirety and you’ll see it’s not a recovery story the way you’re thinking

Why do you say that? I did.

one story


I find again lol

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PFS suferred from Australia, Need Assistance!

here there are other story of apparent recovery, with a PTC similar to that of @cepo , with HCG, HMG and SERMS, y said similar because they in the beggin do not felt recovery, but later they recovered.

I think HMG is the key in that cases someone else knows who more tried PTC with HMG?, i only know 2 stories with HMG and 2 recoveries, but i do not see more cases. it can help us

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this thread’s a mess, but here’s another legit one anyway…


Otro afortunado

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Good stories. Both of them recovered with time alone. It seemed they took no supplements, drugs, exercise or diet.

It took one of them 6 years and the other 3 years.

I’ve seen a success story somewhere else of a guy who took saw palmetto and recovered after 11 years I think it might have been in a YouTube comment.


Seems to me, that one underapreciated reoccuring part of several recovery stories is walking every day for longer periods of time.


Can anyone direct me to any recoveries where they included penile sensitivity as one of the things they recovered from? I can tolerate low libido, if only I could find some fuckin stories of people restoring penile sensitivity.

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Maybe this comment will be like what you’re hoping for:

I also recovered from that and I’ve been on a carnivore diet for a year and a half. Sensitivity is 100%, erections also but sex drive is still lower than normal. End result: my wife is horny more often than I am but she gets me in the mood and every one is happy.

I saw a big change in sensitivity 6 months in the diet (which is zero carbs by the way) when I started taking vitamin A. Could be a coincidence but the timing was spot on. Vitamin A has made others worst, I don’t know what to make of it.

I have yet to hear from someone that got worst from the carnivore diet, aside from the adjustment period which is from a week to a month.


I’m going to pick some calcium magnesium butyrate up , by the looks of it you seem confident that it has been an important step in helping you manage your symtoms. How has butyrate helped you , did help het your digestion on track , help with Candida , help with mental side effects . And have the benefits sustained with supplementation longer than 6 weeks?

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Thanks Colombian.

Time is always a factor. This story tells about taking cold swim or cold shower. This shocks the body and puts it in survival mode, much the same as fasting or intermittent fasting, caloric restriction or ketogenic diet, sauna (too cold or too hot does the trick) and out of breath cardio: like running until you’re out of breath. It all triggers our cell’s survival mode and the body heals itself. It removes epigenetic markers and untie the DNA around the histone if it’s too tight enabling proper gene expression. This is not my opinion, it’s Doctor David Sinclair’s opinion, a leading expert and researcher at Harvard university who attributes aging to epigenetic damages causing cells to become senescent (old, dysfunctional and zombie like.)

Research it if you want, dismiss the claim if you won’t bother to do the research, that’s all fine to me, however I believe the things listed above would all be beneficial to pfs sufferers and as a bonus, they also prolong life.


Did you ever get tired of eating the same meat products over and over again?