Prep medication, reversing pfs?

It’s interesting bc I’m accutane and the other was pfs, and I agree it’s honestly fairly low risk. Even if I had no benefit I always planned to do the whole month, i had a lot of brain foggy days before but I’ve been pretty solid man

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If it works longer term and for a few more people I’d be willing to give it a shot


Can anyone say how they would determine what dosage of this drug to take? I’m considering trying it but would want to decide on what dosage I would want to take before placing any orders.

Any updates @irishguy754 ?

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is there any known downsides to prep? strongly considering trying this if there isn’t.

edit: just saw the kidney and bone risk. nvm

Every drug in the world has potential sides… every single one, as you know. There are also things like once in a while blood tests to measure kidneys, but I don’t need to sell you on this one brother just letting you know

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youre right man. so mentally when you say you don’t have brain fog, can you say confidently that your original cognitives have been restored to normal/full function?

Hi, can you explain why you are cautious trying Prep? I couldn’t understand that part clearly.

Honestly I’d say 90 percent, hopefully it stays, sorry if I came off rude brother but the risks can be stopped with ceasing medication I know it was supposed to be the same with this one but mechanisms of renal failure and osteoporosis are easily measurable and can be caught long before … unlike this unfortunately for us

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Are you trying this one? I’ve been considering ordering some.

What dose are you guys taking?

Today I received Prep. I am afraid of my liver because its weak. I swallowed half of a pill. Will update.


@Lostinaustin or someone else, do you guys mind asking @axolotl this question I typed it earlier? that way we can get a reply from him

He replies here about why he’s cautious about prep but I don’t really understand it all. If I had to take a guess it’s most likely because we don’t have a picture of what’s going on on a molecular level quite yet so it seems risky to use a medication that affects Nucleic acid expression.

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i didnt understand it either, which is why i asked him to clarify. i think ill have better luck if someone else asks him to clarify

I’m not really sure how to ask him other than tagging his name in a comment like you did

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thats what im asking

Hi guys,

In terms of my personal caution, yes, this is correct. It is also based on views on the pathological driving factors of PFS and my unusual fragility, which is certainly not universal. Due to the severity of my case, incomplete scientific information, my responsibilities here, ongoing projects to further this issue and my previous attempts at therapies, I am not willing to take any further chances on therapies myself currently. I regularly caution about interruption of the androgen pathway and considering it appears this is resensitising the AR to ligand by some form of chromatin modification, I consider the same caution appropriate to at least take on board.

In terms of the science, I’ll be writing something substantial in the future that will hopefully fill in some gaps.

I’m pleased to read it’s making a big difference to @Rmoney96 as well. Here’s hoping it continues :relaxed:


CIao Axo! When will the new survey be?

Very soon indeed. We pushed it back to create and include a system to easily input sets of lab values. No promises but very hopeful for early next week.


Hey man, if you have existing liver disease I’d be careful. If the liver cannot metabolize drugs, the drug will accumulate in concentration in the body.

You can always go to your PCP and tell them you’re on Prep and that you want bloodwork done. If you want, tell them you’re in a at risk population for contracting HIV and that’s why you’re on it.

Just tryna keep it safe!