Prep medication, reversing pfs?

This all sounds great! I am wondering if you previously had issues with reduced ejacluate, that was also watery, and if so, if that’s improved.

As I said things are gradual. I am now at the gym for the second time in 3 days. I I went previously I would crash very quickly. However I am running and lifting weights.

My ejaculate is not as watery now and my dick is normal sized now.


Night time/ morning erections back ?

Good news for anyone concerned about shrinkage (I’m only saying this so if anyone searches for that term, it’ll come up in the results).


Would anyone know if there is any correlation between prep and methyl steriods that some, including Anonymous1968 also found relief in? Both seem to hint at autoimmune issues, but others have said their autoimmune tests come back clear. Is it posssible the current tests don’t test for everything, or perhaps PFS is something that mimics autoimmune, and treatable the same way?

Also, LPN (low dose Naltrexone) was mentioned by some as also offering a bit of relief, and that too is treatment for autoimmune issues. Clearly, IrishGuy754 is onto something with his (so far-fingers crossed) lasting positive results, and I’m so glad he’s shared them. I, like others, have only experienced “3 day recoveries” and this does offer hope that we may be progressing.

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Hi @NewYorker, no, it doesn’t. You may be interested in this earlier reply:

Feeling good today ?

Hi @axolotl, any further insight on why prep may be working in relation to pfs. I have another guy that says he is going to try it. He has no life atm and is desperate and to apply the medical principle of risk verses reward, it’s better for him to try it than continue, in his current situation. If it works for him, then treatment of pfs with prep, is not unique to me.

I was waiting for myself to crash, that hasn’t happened. It has now been a month. I am waiting to fully judge this at 12 weeks. I feel good right now, sad a bit shit because my life is a mess but not depressed. It’s a very strange feeling. I am also sitting here feeling horny about certain guys and feel like I could have normal healthy sex.


Could you get your friend to sign-up here?

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He has already disclosed on the thread. He is Zadig777


Oh, sorry I thought it was someone you knew IRL.

Is this the best month you’ve felt since PFS started? And remind me again you have had times where sex seems to be foreign to you like it is currently to me but you feel better at the moment ? (Horny) once again thank you !! :slight_smile:

@irishguy754 we gotta keep in mind the other guy is PSSD, it wouldn’t be exactly right to rule it wrong if it doesn’t work, however If it does work it strengthens the bond between 2 diseases

Can you describe what would happen when you would crash previously? Please in detail

Edit: Also what activities made you crash? You mentioned exercise? Weights or cardio? Can you please be more specific

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Is it still beautiful brother

Yes brother ha ha. I am actually good. Unhappy but not depressed. Working out still


Still much improved? Good libido and erections? Glad to hear from you man

just to mention that im starting prep tommorow but have to make notice that i dont respond to drugs, alcohol,benzos etc…
so if it doesn’t work for me doesn’t mean it wont work for u

i have pssd and not only physical sexual symptoms but also emotional bluntness etc…
so im not a marker for u
if i have improvements on prep than i can report back daily,if not im just gonna say that i don’t and thats it

best regards


Good luck @zadig777 I hope it goes well for you.


How long you gonna try? A month ? And good luck man <3