Short-term Recovery with Choline, Inositol, Cod liver oil, Phenibut

@hopeless, you mentioned 5-HTP and how it shouldn’t have an effect one way or the other, but it does have anti-androgenic properties that aren’t widely known:

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Its too complicated. Last week, first week of may, I was taking small doses of tribulus and then stopping. So maybe its about cycling androgenic and anti-androgenic substances. Thats why stopping androgenic substances can improve people, or thats why anti-androgenic substances improve people.

My quess would be that is was betaine-choline-Vit-A since the improvement feels 100% as the first one which made me open this thread in the first place and my written description matches this aswell. Maybe choline and betaine help in the methylating procress and get rid of excessive estrogen.

Its will be very helpful to protocol everything I eat and supplement.

Small doses of Tribulus seemed to have helped me as much as anything, so could be that for sure. I’ve tried betaine and choline but never really got much out of it (if anything)

Hae you used Vitamin-A in conjunction?

There is another thing. I currently use tpoical tretinoin 0.025% for acne and stopped it since thursday because of a chemical peeling I did. My improvement is still there, but tomorow I wanted to continue treatment with tretinoin

What doses of the choline betaine and vit a did you use?

And is betaine the same as betaine hcl?

Vit-A, is bad stuff for PFS, Vitamine A and all the carotene supplements are 5ari. If you want to confirm what I am saying, try Astaxanthin is a carrotene a form of Vitamin A you will be fixed in less than a week. 100% recovered, I guarantee you that. …Just Kidding
I would not touch food with larges amount of vitamine A, also there are others vitamin like B2 is also a DHT blocker.

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What about the mental and physical sides?

What about lycopene. I was drinking 1.2 kg tomato juice everyday for 13 years ??

Lycopene it is also a DHT blocker, I would avoid DHT blocker food as much as possible.

@hopeless94 or @Ozeph I have choline and betaine. Should I get pure vitamin a or cod liver oil and what dosage should I take it at

Anyone tried this combo so far?

Which combo? Betaine and Choline? I have. Didn’t really notice anything from it, though some people on another forum have had some improvements from it.

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In a 1.5 liter bottle: Choline Bitartrate 6 gr, Betaine HCL 5 gr, 100 ml lemon juice, natural orange/lemon flavor, fill with water to the rim. Take no more than 150ml once a day, mix with soda water. Delicious.

You can also take only Betaine HCL 600-800mg a day. That’s the one that reduces estrogen. But Choline does lots of other good things so I take it as well. It turns into the neurotransmitter Acetyl-Choline which is excitatoty. So it’s to be taken in the morning or at noon. Choline is Betaine precursor, so by taking both, you end up with more Betaine than you taking as Choline makes some more.

Thanks man, what about vitamin A?

Well, after taking Choline and Betaine for a while, I started taking vitamin A 10000 IU per day and ended up with a sharp increase in sensitivity. I don’t think it’s vitamin A alone, I think it has to do with Choline and Betaine as well but there could be other contributing factors.

Yeah the increase in sensitivity is by far the biggest improvement, I quite sure that my sensitivity has restored almost completly or is even better than ever due to upregulation of whatever.

I have good news, I still havent had a crash or a decrease yet. This is the longest improvement I had. Only thing I take reguarly atm is muca pruriens, tyrosin and 5htp and EAAs. Maybe the choline+betaine triggered something, but last time I took it is one week ago and I still have the positive effects, orgasm quality, sensitivity and erection quality basically. If everything stays the same, I could happily live with that.

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I’m still sticking to muca pruriens, tyrosin and 5htp as well. Sex is as good as it was. I know I still have pfs, but I don’t feel it so it’s the second best thing after being cured.

I can’t complain, as a matter of fact I consider myself lucky.

Are there any possible dangers of this combo? I used some Androgenic supplements and got worse. Im scared to get worse again. I just want my health back. Should i try it? This substances don’t increase Testesterone right? I don’t want to increase my T since i got worse.