Resistance training restores 5α-reductase expressions

Have you got low testosterone? Did you get bloods?

I have. I suspect at the very least 40% of members would have committed to heavy lifting for at least half a year at some point.

I don’t doubt it’s probably beneficial, but it’s by no means a cure and it’s naive to suggest so.

There’s also no evidence to suggest 5AR expression is impaired either. You can bypass 5-AR by supplementing DHT directly, it still won’t much if any androgenic effects on people with PFS.

This thread is missing what I think is the most important part…

Adding CDNuts protocol to your workouts.

Prohormones (boost 5ar)
Tbooster cycling (7 of them, rotate daily)
PCT (Post Cycle Therapy stack)

When 5ar is difficient or damaged, simply adding T or DHT directly does not help resolve the root issue, it only improves the symptoms of low T and low DHT. I’ve tried both, then stopped and both of these dropped back down to low baseline in my recent labs. So it’s become apparent to me that fixing the 5ar enzymes/receptors is important.

I think if the 5ar component is restored and operating normally, then the natural body’s process will work like it should:
T = 5ar = DHT (the converter in the middle is broken)

What concerns me the most is the neurosteroid levels and whether they will normalize as part of the above protocol, or whether we have to do additional things to restore them.

Actually you can’t bypass 5ar. When cells need DHT, they don’t generally accept DHT from the blood. They accept T and 5ar and create the DHT on the spot.

Serum DHT, from what I understand, is mostly waste that cells don’t bother to use. It is not a substitute for proper 5ar function. And this isn’t even considering the other functions that 5ar has besides converting T to DHT.


Has anyone been able to get back to a pre-fin or better muscle level from weight training?

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I was very severely affected by fin. In my many years since (almost 6) the only times where I felt confident sexually has been during those up periods where I consistently work out. Strangely gaining muscle has not been a problem nor holding onto it, but I do feel much weaker in the gym than I used to and I lack the drive I once had.

Definitely im much better off with consistent exercise but I’m just not consistent enough otherwise I honestly believe I would have gotten over this by now

My libido before fin 100%
My libido immediately after 20%
My libido during bouts of training 70%
My libido on a regular day now 45%
My Libido on proviron arimidex and wellbutrin 70%

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I did vigorous exercise for 3 months and nothing happened for me. (PAS)

Have you ever suffered muscle wastage after taking fin?

I believe for the first few years my body composition changed, yes I lost some muscle and gained fat, especially on the belly but I’ve always put this down to lack of motivation to exercise and a very bad diet. I’ve since forced myself to have bouts of dieting and got my weight more in control.
I’ve since maintained reasonably above average muscle mass

Thanks for your reply. It gives people hope that with time and persistence they can once again attain a body composition that resembles pre-fin. I’ve suffered from some muscle wasting issues, stiffness, muscle fatigue and I’ve also gained weight but it’s only been two months and I haven’t tested myself by lifting again yet. I hope it’s all reversible for me.

Did you do anything else besides progressive weight training?

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You’re right, it should have.

Here’s a recipe:
1- Resistance training
2- High protein diet (meat and protein shake)
3- High Saturated animal fat (and extra virgin coconut oil)
4- Less than 20gr carbs a day
5- Extra amino acids to address specific symptoms that remains after all four above.

I’m doing resistance training as well as taking 10mg pregnanolone (which produces many hormones including DHEA) and 10mg DHEA per day.

Resistance training is an integral part of my protocol, as well as almost zero carbs, high saturated fat, high protein diet with lots of extra amino acids.

I’m having excellent results, 7 months after crashing.

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I had visited a doctor who put me on high doses of testosterone, a very good long estered compound called nebido which really worked wonders because it stabilized my mood and did increase my libido. Had to use with a very low dose of arimidex.
I didn’t want to stay on testosterone injections so I came off.

I believe it had a permanent positive effect.

Whenever I have intercourse now I use dopa mucuna which really helps alot with desire.

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do you mean mucuna pruriens bean @Trini_youth ? or l-dopa the prescription drug? i thought about buying it too

What is resistance training exactly?

@cooper :wink:


Now Foods
Dopa Mucuna, and contains mucuna pruriens

so just supplements ? no prescription drug ? @Trini_youth

Dopa mucuna, with wellbutrin should do the trick. Dopa mucuna is a supplement I bought from amazon

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Do you still taking WB???

I take wellbutrin only on the day of intercourse

2 capsules dopa mucuna
Half tab proviron if available