Kevin Mann promoting Fin on youtube

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Just want to echo @Greek’s last post strongly. I know we’re in the age of some thinking they are entitled to an endless online debate with anyone at any time, but the paying of attention is not mutual. This is a support site for patients.

Just report the video if it’s lying. Personally, I doubt watching them is going to do you any favours.

More patients in a position to share their experience would end this being a hidden epidemic. We are trying to put together, for our youtube channel, a series of six videos of patients telling their story in their own words to convey what is happening and raise awareness:

Click here for a guide on making a youtube video for our series and message @Jaime for more info.

We also have an opportunity for patients to speak to a short bbc documentary.

I’ll share some advice @Greek volunteered when I said I didn’t really think my life could get more bizarre before I had to throw the ex of princess Anna from frozen off this site: Let it go.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


And he’s probably just going to delete it.

If you guys want to get back at Kevin Mann, don’t argue with him aimlessly

Save all his content pushing pro Pfs rhetoric

Wait until we have solid proof from our end

Then destroy him with facts. Push content to his audience that exposes Kevin

Note: this strategy requires us ignoring Kevin for a long period of time while channeling all the focus and energy in our efforts


Kevin Mann is a douchebag and an incel. First, it looks like he wears a wig. I was surprised that no one in the comments on his videos called him out on that but I realized he probably deletes any negative commentary the second it hits his page. Whatever he’s got going there on his head, he looks like shit. The comments on his videos are like an echo chamber with very little back and forth. Basically a bunch of his fellow incels stroking his ego and asking him for medical advice when he is in no position to give out any except for broscience. So if he was blocked from posting here, that’s good as he shouldn’t be allowed to post here if no one is allowed to post opposing views on his channel.

I don’t know if he is a shill for the drug companies or what his agenda is but he sure is extremely biased in favor of the drugs. He’s basically trying to make people with hair loss feel as terrible about themselves as possible while pushing the idea that there is no possibility that these drugs could have any side effects at all. Even the drug companies admit there is a 2% chance of side effects so for every 100 people he recommends the drugs to, at least 2 will not tolerate the sides and will have to give up and shave their head which he is fiercly opposed to. Not everyone has the money for hair transplants and even if they do, Finasteride will be required to maintain the transplanted hair.

He used Billy Corgan and Moby as examples of guys that look bad bald, calls them “cucks” and says head shavers all look like cancer patients. Kevin is just an unknown guy with a small YouTube channel, Corgan and Moby could buy and sell him hundreds of times over. What has Kevin Mann ever done in his life? When those guys are gone, their work will live on. When Kevin Mann is gone, he’ll just be gone. No one will notice. This guy can’t see anything beyond his hair.

He’s also claiming the “just shave it bro” group always bring up the same few Hollywood guys when recommending people shave their heads but that’s because people know those guys. Many people on the street can pull off the look (Does this guy ever leave his house?) but no one knows them so they can’t be used as examples. It’s the same thing for Hollywood actors with hair. Everyone brings up guys like Brad Pitt or George Clooney as the gold stadard that every man wants to look like, well, I know there’s better looking guys that that on the street. At least I hope so as those guys are pushing 60 if not over that by now.

Bottom line is that Kevin Mann is an incel giving advice to other incels. Nothing really so see on his channel. Guys sitting around claiming hair loss wrecked their lives and all women hate bald guys but no one on that channel is a woman. It’s an incel doing videos for other incels and using broscience to back up his claims while pushing the idea that hair loss is the worst thing that can happen to a man. This forum is proof that that is not true. By the way, what do any Propecia victims have to gain by posting here? They just want their health back. They aren’t selling anything while Incel Mann is potentially on Merck’s payroll or could be as hard as he’s pushing this shit.


Most people that claim hair loss is an illness and the worst thing possible weren’t getting pussy with hair in the first place. And if they weren’t getting pussy with hair they definitely aren’t getting pussy after starting Finasteride.


His newest video is full blown hate speech against bald people and propecia sufferers.


For his sake I hope he’s a shill, because if he isn’t, he’s incredibly stupid.

A long time ago, he posted a video under a different name promoting alternative hair loss treatments and said finasteride is dangerous and he’d never take it. He later claims he ended up taking it anyway and basically freaked out due to his hypochondria, and ironically he blames the PFS community for him being a totally pussy.

He intentionally ignores all of the scientific research except the earliest case series and is vague about all of his criticisms so that you can’t meaningfully respond to any of them. The guy is just a loser and I don’t think anybody really listens to him for his opinions on science.

Its really better to not pay attention to him because he doesn’t matter. Irrespective of his intellectual deficiencies, it really creeps me out the way he says testoSHTerone. I feel bad for him that his lame ass suffered from the nocebo effect, but that doesn’t mean all reports of PFS are nocebo. It’s hypochondriacs like him that muddy the waters.


Comments on the video are scary. First, it’s a complete echo chamber because I’m sure he deletes all opposing views. Second, he has these kids asking him for advice on different medical topics. Who would ask an idiot like this for medical advice when he’s not a medical professional and is obviously unstable? He’s got a degree in broscience.

What he said about women not liking bald men, why are there no women on his channel complimenting him? Why are all his videos a circle jerk among young incels?


He definitely deletes any opposing comments, theres several people here who have gotten fucked from his advice in his videos, he’s downplaying the dangers plain and simple. His cult following is hilarious in itself.


He comes out with a load of nonsense that we already had pre existing health conditions before taking finasteride.


He should stop making fun of people who choose not to take Propecia because literally everyone he makes fun of for being bald is way more successful than he is. Even if someone were to agree with any of his points, he’s too negative to be taken seriously. No one wants to listen to someone who whines all the time. He just needs to just be quiet and take his chemical castration pills and stop worrying about what other people do.


Here he starts a thread asking strangers on an internet site why he can’t get women (Username UnemployedCSCS) and they explain it’s because he is creepy and broke.

Best comment in the thread:

OP seems vehemently angry at bald people for letting themselves go bald in the same way some fit people literally hate fat people for being so lazy as to get fat. “How dare you not seek out bullshit hair restoration treatments! How dare you be okay with being bald! How dare you be confident and not give a fuck! I’m afraid and insecure about it, you all need to be too!”

He is angry at bald people for trying to “drag him down to their level”. Ironically though what’s really happening is that he’s trying to drag bald people down to his level of being a pathetic bitch. I cannot imagine anything more repulsive to a woman than being such a sniveling little manchild.

Guess what guy, most of the people on this site who told you to “shave your head” aren’t bald or even going bald. They’re just rational. They were actually trying to help you.

And here he starts a thread just to to chastise bald men, arguing with every single response he is given and telling them what kind of traits “women prefer” (Even though he admittedly can’t get a woman) and bumping the thread when too much time passes with no response.

Sorry for the bump but this was too good to not share. Kevin Mann is pitiful.


his face says it all. lack of dht cause anxiety face and women can feel it lol


Funny he calls us basement dwelling incels but has older posts complaining about not getting women lmao how did you find this, gold haha :joy: what a loser, women probably get a weird vibe from this doofus that’s why he can’t get women hair or not this guy played himself


Someone on one of his videos asked him what his hairlosshelp username was and I Googled the username and found gold.

Guy makes $30k a year and spends half on a hair transplant and still can’t get women. Classic incel behavior.


What did Dr Goldstein do for you. I am in a bad way.

We need to fight Kevin Mann on all fronts
The guys is a sociopath
He’s intentionally misguiding people having them jump on dangerous drugs claiming DHT is bad

Having looked at the links posted here of his post history online it gets even more disturbing. He portrays himself as some sophisticated vegan salesman. He was a freaking personal trainer in his 30s. He also has been showcasing his physique and acts like he is Natty.
THIS GUY IS A LIAR. His audience is growing and he needs to be fully exposed.


With all due respect, could you please introduce yourself by posting a member story after suddenly appearing and attempting to raise an army to wage war on a minor internet celebrity?

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