Keeping up despite embarrassed but lots of sided did ease despite me deciding they were perm. It's always better to just give it a week at least when in tragedy

I don’t believe that the problem is a lack of information. Sure, we could compile it somewhere, but I don’t think it would make much of a difference. I rarely jump in on a topic to give treatment advice, but in the case of @Junkieasteride, it was clear to me where he was heading. It makes me very sad that he didn’t listen.


Yeah, I see you guys are chasing the other members here warning them all the time but they just don’t take these warning seriously. You can tell someone that something is dangerous, other guy will tell it helps and then we get the outcome, another dead guy…


You also have to remember that the thread creator is consuming cocaine (and other hard drugs) which cant be beneficial towards his health or state of mind. I think its important that members take this into account when assessing his outlook and condition.

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This poor kid has been in a state of high anxiety and when that hits you cannot make logical decisions, this has been proven. Anxiety is a serious condition and guys who crash need to be made aware of what it is and how it will affect their minds. Their heads become overrun with fear and thoughts and it doesn’t matter if you warn them. The anxiety must be treated properly. It needs to be taken seriously and a post pinned warning people.


I would argue that in many of our situations suicide is irrational because a lot of us have not tried to get better through healthy and safe means

If you’re going to end your life and haven’t tried diet/ gut health, meditation, and therapy, then jumping to suicide is a bit irrational IMO.

The neurotic loop playing in your mind that your life is over, your life is over, your life is over, is a loud, annoying, disturbing drum. There’s more than one option to silence that drum.


You sound like another minor case. Basically if you haven’t seriously considered suicide you aren’t a severe case.
And cancer doesn’t destroy your whole personality. I wish I got cancer so I wouldn’t have to commit suicide. If you don’t like it stay off these topics. And it’s likely this dude did commit suicide. Sorry if the grim reality of this condition bothers you. Stick to topics about erection problems then.

RIP @Junkieasteride

I hope he is in a better place. I know he mentioned Finasteride in his suicide note.

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Well said. I have no feelings or sexuality or sleep. Plus and numb and shrunken dick. Plus a million other symptoms. I’m 38 and stuck bedbound in my mother’s house. And life was no picnic before this. OCD and anxiety, then Crohn’s from Accutane ruining my 20s. I try to stay alive for my mother but enough is enough. Some of these people just don’t understand how bad it can get.

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Totally agree. Sometimes suicide is very rational. And in the worst of this condition it’s rational

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As someone who considers suicide daily yet carries on, I submit this essay for your consideration.


This is honestly a fucking atrocity. How old was this kid? 19? 20? 21? Too fucking young!

We need to get closer to a cure – or at least a few universally accepted effective treatments.

P.S. @Junkieasteride If you went through with it, rest in peace, you did NOT deserve this. If you’re still out there, get in touch! Everyone on this board wants to see you feeling better.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not passing judgement. I just shared an article that gave me encouragement.

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Where on the forum can I learn more about androgen supplementation?

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From here on out, all comments with arguments are getting deleted. This isn’t the place to argue. The exact same conversations happened on @AnhedonicApe goodbye post, and it was disgraceful to see fighting on such a post.

Let’s not pass judgement on each other or our suffering. We are all going through the same condition. Please keep it respectful, as we may have lost a member here. A really young guy with so much potential.

I’ll post a positive impact @Junkieasteride gave me from messages. Throughout his heavy suffering, he still asked me about my own suffering which really showed his character and thoughtfulness. He was also an avid weightlifter and loved anime. I sincerely hope he’s still with us today.


Has anyone heard anything from him?..Im guessing at this point, we should have a new function at the forum, where everyone of us leaves the name and number of someone he trusts, so he can be tracked down, if anything happend…I know it would be a problem privacy wise, but its still better than losing someone…@Junkieasteride please if you are reading this, send me a PM.I can help you…I was exactly like this after the crash, and i was really goiing to kill myself, but here i am now, and im glad i didnt do it…I wouldnt have forgiven myself for going without putting a fight…You are a warrior yourself as many others here, so dont go down without putting up a fight…YOU WILL GET BETTER; I PROMISE…I got better, and so you would…PM me please


Really good idea!


I really hope and pray he is still with us. With the way he quickly spiraled out of control by dangerously experimenting with super doses of testosterone/DHT/arimidex and taking hard drugs like meth, etc, I think he may have let his impulsivity get the last of him.

Admins need to make a disclaimer for any new user coming into this forum. The message needs to simultaneously acknowledge their trepidation, assuage them, and admonish against reckless and impulsive experimentation or even informed experimentation in general as action rather than inaction has so often and notably resulted in worsening of symptoms and/or new ones. If such a disclaimer is already in place then never mind what I just said.

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I don’t want to be tracked down and I know quite a few people who ended it wouldn’t have wanted to be either. This is a terrible condition and if someone chooses to end it that’s their choice. I don’t know where this idea that these problems can be talked away came from. Maybe in some minor cases sure. But what can be said to the worst cases to make them want to live? The answer in my case, and most others, is nothing.

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I have never said, that suicide is not acceptable, or should be publicly shamed by anyone…I respect everyone who made their choice, whether to to fight or live…But to be honest, do you really want to go and kill yourself, and be just a number in the local suicide depression statisitcs “Young guy killed himself becuz of depression”, or would you want “even if dead”, still be able to contribute in our legitimite cause of recognition, and right to be taken seriously in terms of looking into this curse, that has fallen upon us?..I myself would want my death, to be noted, and help others in this war, and the only way to do it, is for someone to tell my story afterwards, and if the OP had killed himself (Which i really hope he didnt), then there would be noway for us now to know that, and his death would be just another number in the statistic, and i hardly believe that anyone of us would want that…


I agree with this. I feel like to many people disappear. A little too much anonymity on this forum.