Crashed Vitamin d3

You need to see a doctor. None of us are medically educated.


i read your post man, first of all, chill tf out… eat a lot of veggies and fat and water… you will be fine.

use liquid vitamin D, K, A on skin only, not internal, never surpass 10kIU of vitamin D, your body only absorbs 10% of vitamin from skin, so if you use 50k IU of liquid drops on skin, you will absorb 5kIU if you rub it in, vitamin K/A is needed as co factors to vitamin D, you probably are just low on vitamin K, get liquid K2, A, and D, take only a few drops of K on skin, only 5k IU of A is really needed, here’s a good source of K2: they sell D and A also

never take any supplement internal ever again, only take those above, use cronometer to hit your vitamin needs, also eat calcium (not a supplement), when you take D, it’s letting your body absorb calcium, if you dont eat calcium, your body will suck it out of your bones, which is probably what is happening here

vit D should be between 50-60 ideally, check it with bloodwork at yo docta

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there are so many different reasons for yellow stool. it doesn’t mean he is almost going to die. fear mongering is not a good idea.

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Yea let’s pat him on the back and tell him it will be ok while giving him medical advice and suggestions on herbs to take. Vit D is toxic at high doses. If you overdose on vitamins or supplements the last thing you need to do is get on a forum and ask medical advice from any of us.

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50.000Ui is way too much. I had very low vitamin D. Took 500 to 1000 in a day for a month and it went back to normal range. I don’t think Vitamin D is a good thing to play with. I am not a doctor, but even doctors say crazy things nowadays. IMO, people should not prescribe themselves more than 500 UI.

  1. Don’t panic
  2. Limit your calcium intake for a while
  3. Check your kidneys and gallbladder for stones after a while
  4. Don’t take high dosages of anything
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What’s the interaction between vitamin D and calcium?

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According to Wikipedia " An excess of vitamin D causes abnormally high blood concentrations of calcium which can cause overcalcification of the bones, soft tissues, heart, kidneys…
Hypervitaminosis D symptoms appear several months after excessive doses of vitamin D are administered. In almost every case, a low-calcium diet combined with corticosteroid drugs will allow for a full recovery within a month. It is possible that some of the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are actually due to vitamin K depletion.

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Sorry, I could have googled it myself, thanks for sharing.

Has your state improved?
I’m pssd guy who crashed once after 5.000 vitamind and several times after sun bath. Though i recovered everytime after 2-4 weeks to baseline.
Back then low calcium diet was helping.
I wonder what can cause such vitamin d sensitivity?

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I have taken 20,000 a day for weeks on end. I have low D in bloods. I am also a comparatively mild case of PFS. I have been prescribed a short dose of 50,000iu years ago by a doc to improve my Vit D levels in the middle of winter (pre PFS). I will now rethink how much I take. I kind of dont think D3 is your issue. So many people on here take it… but there are so many variations of symptoms and issues that anything is possible. Also, I believe @Konflict ran into trouble with a vitamin B that was methylated or something like that. @axolotl would know his story better.

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I started having terrible insomnia and worsening of PFS symptoms after taking methylcobalamin and SAMe. Started searching through all of the PFS/PAS/PSSD forums looking for a similar experience and found that @douglasmich and @Konflict both posted on solvePFS that something similar happened around the same time they took methylcobalamin (methylated B-12).

@adrian, There was a PAS patient I was in contact with years ago that said he had a severe worsening of sexual symptoms and after taking huge doses of D3. He also said the D3 triggered development of gynecomastia. I can’t remember the amount he took, but he was genuinely terrified by what it did to him.


Hi friend, no improved I only worsed…

SAMe will really boost your dopamine a lot which causes the insomnia. I like it because of the energy boost but yea it does keep me up. Messes up my gut sometimes if I eat too soon after. I usually take it mondays if I go out on the weekend. Great for mood

It seems to be still boosting my dopamine 8 months after I quit taking it then. In all honesty, I think the methyl-B12 had as much to do with it as the SAMe. B-12 has been shown to have a strong effect on sleep cycle timing for certain individuals and there was a doctor on reasearchgate discussing several people who experienced insomnia as an adverse reaction to the two taken together.

That’s why I think it’s so important to consider stories like those of people with an adverse reaction to excessive D3. Messing around with megadoses of these vitamins can apparently make the life of someone with our condition much worse. In fact, it probably isn’t a good idea for those among the general population to megadose vitamins either.

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Guys i took 5000 ui of vit D3 for a month, first it was amazing, it helped me so much. But few days ago i woke up with pain in my nipples i stopped taking everything and pain went away in 5 days. Yesterday i took 5000 ui of d3 again and today i have pain in nipples. Is it possible that d3 is cousing that? Also i feel my libido is 0 again, and i’m suicidal again. Gosh i was making insane progress

I take 10,000 iu Vitamin D3 everyday, still my e2 keeps rising every month. This is something strange.

Few days ago i started taking 1000UI, after three days i got insane pain in nipples again. Also i had pain in nipples from cod liver oil. No idea wtf is happening with my body.

Same here

I never saw this thread before but I totally agree with everything @Demon said. Vitamin D cure-to-all MADNESS NEED TO STOP! I was sold years ago on its ability to raise testosterone, I guzzled 4000IU-6000IU everyday for a long time. I ended up with pretty much every low E2 symptom in the book and major depression/suicide ideation being the worst of them all. I endured numerous injuries to my joints and tendons and Estrogen always came up extremely low and Vitamin D high.

Vitamin D (along with other fat soluble vitamins) in high doses kill Estrogen. Period! I quit everything containing vitamin D and my serum level remained high for a long time. I only got better when I literally dropped EVERYTHING and turned completely natural for months. Don’t be gullible like me.