So recently I have seen many posts about Butyrate and its demethylation powers.
So in addition to buying the supplements indicated by Moonchild (BHB by Bulksupplements and Butyrate pills by Bodybio), I also researched the probiotic “Clostridium Butyricum”, which is a bacterium that also produces Butyrate.
Here is a study presented at a Brazilian Congress of Chemical Engineering on this bacterium. The conclusion is that the lower the pH, the substrate used in this research (glycerol) was more converted to Butyrate by the action of Clostridium Butyricum bacteria.
So my first try will be to use:
- Ketogenic or carnivor diet;
- BHB powder + butyrate pills;
- Ghee and butter;
- This probiotic with some acidic juice that does not escape much from a ketogenic diet:
- Do the above cycles with constant aerobic exercises.
Nor do I disregard using other demethylation agents at the same time after a few months, although some people here have used some of them individually and have had no effect.
As a personal complement, I will try to use the Chi’s (diet, probiotics and natural herbs to combat inflammation and Candida) and Ozeph’s protocols, as well as the probiotics indicated by orthog and Stronguy for the production of neurosteroids.
I have several protocols to test together that I think might work, but I’ll explain later on other opportunities not to misrepresent this topic. I am confident that I can greatly improve this condition, or even get healed someday.