Any member here recovered after having long-term side-effects?

Doesn’t apply for finasteride but pssd lab had many recovery stories and I also read from people here (mostly) recovering from pfs

To be fair, hair tests ARE pseudoscience. That is to say they aren’t recognised by any health authority in any country and the only people who think they’re helpful are people who are making money from them.

If you act upon the advice given as a result of pseudoscientific tests, is that safe?

Here’s a scenario: we’ve seen people have negative results with Zinc, a mineral. If a hair analysis says you need to take lots of zinc (a 5ar inhibitor, like the drugs that bring us here) then you are risking your health.

I’d say it’s a good call to not allow pseudoscience here.


I’ve seen people in the PFS, PSSD, and PAS communities claim to be cured after more than a year, but there’s always others who try to reproduce their treatment and it invariably fails.

The most credible recovery I’ve read, IMO, was some PAS patient who appeared on and claimed to have naturally recovered at around the 10-year mark. No stupid theory, no idea of why this miracle happened to him, just that it happened.

Why can’t they just share their recovery and whatever treatment they were doing without a hare-brained theory to back it up? Yeah, they often get shut down for pushing pseudo-science. Is it that difficult to simply say you’re feeling better?


i took a hair test for that mineral supplement stuff

wish i saved that money


What’s wrong with people sharing their theory? They don’t force anyone to try their regimen to get better.

I remember that one thread that got closed because he dared sharing his opinion about this community.

Sometimes the most productive members get banned for ridiculous reasons.

Why do moderators remove “pseudo science”,
But not people who say they found a cure using meth? This is since Jan 8th

Insane Sexual Success with Crystal Methamphetamine (110% Libido!)


Surprised that no one’s mentioned the recovery stories compilation thread

There are also some members that stopped being active but if we check their post histories then we find that their symptoms were improving with time so they may have recovered. One guy who comes to mind is @tim1911, who hasn’t posted since 2018. He’s had to take less ED pills as time’s gone on, although he seems to have made no progress with brain fog. Probably not safe to assume 100% recovery but it still seems like a win to me.


Thank you friend

If pseudo science is presented as matter-of-fact, it gets removed.

  • “I feel cured and I think it was because I spent an hour a day doing handstands for the last month.”

  • “Doing handstands is a cure because there is an intricate balance between the sense of balance and the brain’s control over hormone levels and handstands shock your hypothalamus to returning to homeostasis.” -removed

  • “If you want to be cured you should do handstands because there is an intricate balance between the sense of balance and the brain’s control over hormone levels. Here’s a link to Dr. Vertigo’s blog where he explains how handstands shock your hypothalamus to returning to homeostasis.”
    -removed and probably a warning or temp ban

  • “Hi, I’m Dr. Vertigo, and I’m fully cured after 4 months. If you want to be cured too, come to my blog where I explain how handstands shock your hypothalamus into returning to homeostasis by exploiting the balance between balance and the brain’s control over hormone levels. If people say this doesn’t work, it’s because they’re losers who can’t do an hour-long handstand a day. This place is a censoring dictatorship, so hurry and copy this genius protocol before it gets deleted.”
    -removed and probably a temp-ban or perma-ban

Not rocket surgery to read the damned community guidelines and follow them.

If we systematically remove recovery stories, like some claim, where did all of these from the past year come from?


I am


theres loads of ppl who have recovered. I have spent hours researching the forum and if you do you will find loads of recovery stories. the compilation thread a good place to start

unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a silver bullet cure and time is the only common denominator

personally im 4 years in, and although still not 100pc , and do have have bad periods still…im significantly better than when all this started


I wish this site had a cured section.
That asks what exactly you did to cure yourself.
Then organizes it by supplement / diet / other.
Then we would know how many people were cured by what brand, doses and time


A section that lets you vote on the things that you have tried.
(Click here if you have tried tribulus) ( did it cure you? Yes or no?) (did it help in any way? Yes or no?)

That way we could see the success rate / fail rate of those things

i think i have read the entire forum, have literally spent days on it, my conclusions to save you time

  • There is no silver bullet cure
  • Most get better over time, some cure fully others do not but notice at least some improvement
  • Some do not seem to improve at all, although feels like minority
  • Things that have improved some people: tribulis, tongkat ali, clomid andractim, progesterone, boron, vitamin d. I have personally tried all of these (bar andractim) and noted improvements, but none a silver bullet
  • Exercise helps

@towm8er was cured and did a PFS podcast episode describing his road to recovery.

There’s also some great stuff in his posts, including a reading list he suggests which I’ve copied below:

Books to read:
BulletProofDiet - Dave Asprey
Dave is a computer hacker who utilized his analytical skills to hack his on bio-system to lose weight and balance hormones. I big emphasis is placed on food products which contain mold toxins. I found the bulletproof coffee idea worked very well for intermittent fasting, but don’t agree that his coffee is the only one to make it work.

The Adrenal Reset Diet - Alan Christianson
Great insight on Adrenal function and how foods/diet impact us. A guide to restore adrenal function.

MAN 2.0 Engineering the Alpha-A Real World Guide To An Unreal Life (forward by Arnold Schwartzenegger) - John Romaniello and Adam Bornstein
For the younger guys who can actually handle REAL weightlifting without risking injury. I have a bad back, so my workouts are modified, but the concepts in this book are phenomenal and likely to produce the best results in a short amount of time.

Why Zebras Don’t get Ulcers-Robert M. Sapolsky
The acclaimed guide to Stress, Stress-related diseases and coping. This is a very detailed book on how our stress response works, how it can get out of whack and what to do about it.

The Power of NOW - Eckhart Tolle
Although I am Christian, I found this book to offer great insights on how to process your thoughts, emotions and to put things in perspective.

Deadly Emotions: Understand the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection That Can Heal or Destroy You-Don Colbert M. D.
I had no clue how damaging emotions can be until I read this. A true eye opener, even beyond PFS recover it’s a good idea to read this one.

The Art of Living - The Classical Manual on Virtue, Happiness and Effectiveness - Epictetus (He was born a slave in A.D. 55 and taught in Rome until A.D. 94) Yes, that’s nearly 2000 years ago. The sayings are short but packed with wisdom and insight. Highly recommended and very useful.


I hesitated before posting. I’ve been told I wasn’t sick before, I was a fraud etc… so I’m worried about negative responses.

But for all it’s worth: I started eating carbs again, 50-100 gr a day, I eat normal healthy food and healthy plates from restaurants. I still exercise, I cut by half the supplements I’m taking. I try to stay hungry everyday and often skip meals. Freckles on my face are still fading, 80% gone now, and they’re a sign of epigenetic damage being repaired. ( I had them for almost 30 years after a bad sunburn, dermatologists said there was nothing that could be done so when they’re fading away, I assume some damage is being erased)

I’m taking Clostridium Butyricum probiotic and lots of fibers (legumes, potato starch and inulin). The bacteria turns fiber into Butyric acid.
I eat carbs 12 hours away from ketogenic meals, so I remain fat adapted. I still produce BHB out of my own fat and I still do tricks to produce sirtuin proteins which are said to repair epigenetic damage and regulated de-methylation and methylation when needed (check the thread about About ketogenesis and fat adaptation). More about BHB, Butyrate and Butyric acid on Success Stories Compilation if you read 3/4 in the thread.

I’ve had no neurological symptoms, no physical or sexual symptoms from those changes. Sex is as good as before, maybe sex drive is lower or maybe it’s being married for 7 years… I’m still just as attracted to girls outside as before, I just look and don’t act upon the impulse.

Sleep is getting better. Just yesterday, I had my first 8 hours straight sleep in years ! Even 3 years pre-crash I wouldn’t get that. I’m still taking sleep supplements and meds for sleep but if I continue getting better I will start to taper down those.

So I’m not completely cured, but I’m on a steady uptrend in my recovery.

I believe it’s the diet and exercise, then maybe the supplements, and certainly time is a big factor. But who knows ! Most of pfs is behind me and in the last 6 months I had only a few bad days due to bad sleep. None recently.

I will not post as often now. I wrote plenty on this forum and I documented all I did. It’s free to read for those interested.

I know it’s cheesy, but I love you all and I have sincere compassion for what you’re going through.

I wish you all the best.



I have not seen even one known credible longterm and more serious case recover.

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Man I remember going to sleep with a smile on my face just after having good sex with the new girl I was dating at the time. I took that life for granted

Now trying to fall asleep and stay asleep is a dreadful task. Sometimes showers work sometimes they don’t


I know the feeling. I’ve been having insomnia for 5 years, that’s 3 years before crashing, and after the crash I was fearful of going to sleep, not knowing what the night would be like and if tomorrow I would be functional.

Nasty disease. (you all know that !)

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Hi @Ozeph ! Your posts motivated me to go on keto diet to tackle some physical and neorologic sympthoms. Could you please write me what symptoms did you reduce/improve for lont-term with keto diet (and excersize)?
Thanks man!

Hey Moonchild so happy to see a post from you. Because of you I have added grass fed organic Ghee everyday maybe 2 teaspoons worth to my keto diet. Definitely see an improvement in the brain fog area but not much on the libido front, maybe I should increase? Thinking about BHB powders next but researching a bit, don’t want to roll back any gains I’ve made since Feb 2018. How have you been lately? Cheers…