Who is actually doing the 200mg/day proviron cycle?

Was full 200mg/day AM as per pal. Last day was yesterday. Yes only taking proviron - Bayer/pharma not ugl.

Sides in general terms honestly it’s too exhausting to write “at the same time as taking X, Y improved/got worse” so I’ll probably write it up later. Written up elsewhere though. No miracles yet but this is day 1 after cessation. Might be fair to say at least though that “at the same time as taking proviron I felt way worse, mental sides and lethargy awful but sleep great throughout, felt things were getting better in the closing couple of weeks.”

Bloods about 4 months after crashing were:

Test - 17.1 nmol/L (8.64 - 29 R) (27/2/19)
SHBG - 62 nmol/L (18.3 - 54.1 R) (27/2/19)
Free test (calc) - 0.229 nmol/L (0.2 - 0.62 R) (27/2/19)
Progesterone - 0.706 nmol/L (Range: < 0.474) (5/3/19)
DHT - 1.20 nmol/L (Range: 0.33 - 3.01) (5/3/19)

Bloods on week 5 of the cycle were:

Albumin - 42.5g/L (35-50) perfect
SHBG – 31.8nmol/L (18.3-54.1) perfect
FSH - 3.91IU/L (1.5-12.4) low-normal
LH - 4.28IU/L (1.7-8.6) pretty perfect
Oestradiol – 54.4pmol/L (41-159) low-normal
Test - 16.5nmol/L (8.64-29) low/mid-normal
Free test calc – 0.354nmol/L (0.2-0.62) low/mid normal
Free androgen index 51.89 ratio (24-104) low/mid normal
Prolactin – 165mU/L (86-324) low/mid normal
DHEA Sulphate – 4.85umol/L (2.41-11.6) low/mid normal
Progesterone - <0.159nmol/L (<0.474) perfect - has gotten DRAMATICALLY lower and currently fine
DHT – 1.31nmol/L (1.14-4.13) – very low, borderline in range.

Hope that’s some help. :slight_smile:


Nice work @jinstewart! Interesting that there wasn’t much, if any, suppression at 200mg. I know it’s not supposed to at low doses, but our HPTAs aren’t exactly fully operational with PFS. I would have expected FT to increase more, but you seem to have had the right physical response (feeling) during the cycle.


Just a little update:

My improvements mentioned above are continuing to progress. The first couple of weeks after cessation were touch n go, and I had a couple of really bad days about 2 weeks out. But since then things have gotten so much better - especially this past week (6). I’ve never felt this good on Clomid/Nolva, and I’ve been on them off and on for several years (since PFS). I’m done with them on Friday, so I can’t wait to see how much my libido bounces back. SERMs typically worsen symptoms like libido and brain fog for me.

Hard to believe no one else hasn’t noticed at least a little improvement in some areas (e.g. sleep, energy, mental clarity, digestion, etc.)???


Just to let you guys know I ran a cycle of primobolan which is a DHT derivative, which gave me all the symptoms of pfs. I’m very skeptical of this protocol and think it might do more harm than good. Be cautious.


Seems like you have hypogonadism. You took a potent anabolic steroid.


How long ago did you end that cycle? Did you do a proper PCT? If not, you are probably shut down, and it’s understandable why you would feel bad right now. Lots of overlapping symptoms. If you had not ever taken any AR Inhibitors like finasteride, it could take several months for you to recover…BUT you would have a much better shot at recovery than if you had PFS. However, if you already had PFS, and took Pimobolin, no PCT, I feel bad for you.

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That’s what I thought in the beginning aswell. However, the crash I had was exactly the same as PFS. It started with a cognitive change, just lost all emotions and memory got terrible, I felt disconnected from everything. Started having pain in my penis and scrotum, nerve pain. Gut problems aswell, so I started fasting because anything I ate caused a reaction. Dry skin, hips and joints hurt to the point I couldn’t walk anymore. Heart palpations that felt like a heartattack and lasted for months. I have used testosterone in the past and the comedown was never like this. I have tried injecting testosterone to see if things change but my body doesn’t respond. My genitals are completely numb, dick feels like rubber etc, severe tinittus.

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Next month is exactly one year since i quit. I did pct, but man the crash was just fucked, all the symptoms I experienced trust me this is not just shutdown.


I believe you. If your test levels are good…one thing that helped me a lot for the debilitating fatigue, etc. was Wellbutrin. I didn’t have depression (just anhedonia), but dr’s always cry depression and Rx ADs. As it turned out the WB did help (stay away from SSRIs though), but in the end it’s still just a bandaid. You could speak to your doctor about trying it out though…to get functional for the time being.

I’ve since weened off the WB due to the aforementioned improvements which I attribute to the Proviron cycle. I know that many here poo-poo that, but after 11+ years of suffering PFS and trying everything under the sun, that was the only thing that’s made this huge of a difference for ME. There is definitely something to the cycling thing, since most of the improvements started manifesting themselves 4-6 weeks after cessation.


Did the WB improve anhedonic symptoms or just energy levels?

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I’d say it improved the anhedonia somewhat. Hard to put a number on it, but maybe 25%. I was on the lowest XL dose: 150mg (there’s 150, 300, & 450). 300mg is the most common. It did give me a little intermittent tinnitus, so I didn’t want to push it higher.


Hey jinstewart, how have you been feeling almost two weeks off Proviron?

I want to be cautiously optimistic but admittedly too desperate to contain some semblance of optimism. Really wish Pal had not disappeared but wish him the best regardless.

Any other Proviron users, specifically those who followed Pal’s protocol, either on or off with any news to report?

Thanks folks.

Very brief answer is up and down. With very definite “ups” in there as well as downs. Sexually maybe too? I don’t know I feel rather strange too.

I’ll write updates at some point also, but at the moment working frantically (SO SO busy here) and the fact that I’m capable of that now is great.

Sorry this is brief I will update I just can’t right now. Logging elsewhere though for posterity too.

Oddest thing is I’m RIGHT off caffeine and chocolate whereas I could NOT survive without them on the proviron. I was actively roaming this (then deserted) building looking for fridges and desks with chocolate in them to swipe at points… I’ve put on 10kg.

More to come, feel weird though. Not necessarily bad or good but there are ups and downs. I think I’d say “better” but idk.

Suicide ideation happily is DEFINITELY gone. Thank god for that.


Thanks @jinstewart for keeping us posted. Still intending to follow suit and follow pal’s protocol once I can get a supply of Proviron. Please keep us in the loop!

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Same experience here with the chocolate and caffeine. PFS made me crave those so badly (I don’t know if it was worse while on the Proviron), but I was able to ween myself off of those crutches by week 4 post-cessation. The improvements definitely have not been linear (some days more blah than others), but I’ve continued to improve and am grateful for that.

This week I started doing the 2-week ALCAR/Rhodiola cycling thing per @Livid171. So for the next 3 months or so, I’ll be doing that and Proviron 50mg on the other 2-weeks. (Because I’m impressed with Proviron and don’t want that precious $hit to go to waste).


2 weeks after cessation.

Had some ups and downs that’s for sure. Maybe I’ve been a TINY little better sexually - there have been times when I’ve stuck the porn on and honestly got a stiff, pre-masturbation boner in anticipation, although dick still slimmer than pre-PFS and feels dead and empty during the day. Balls still small.

However, this morning hasn’t been great and I feel very “PFS” in my head today. Sour headache, grinding teeth unconsciously, feel low.

Sleep however is pretty fantastic. At least there’s that.

No motivation to do much of anything and quite low and lonely. I think this just might be life with PFS as it is for most people. My head does hurt and I don’t feel great.

In short, as it stands now I think I’m slowly slipping back into PFS and I don’t believe this will cure me.


The 2-week mark was the worst point for me…felt like I was slipping backward. That’s the point when I saw all of the effects of Proviron finally wear off (like oily skin, pimples, etc). Then your body has to decide what it wants to do. So hang in there…it could start to get better in another 2-4 weeks.


Cheers for that - bearing in mind of course it’d be VERY nice to get cured, I do still kind of stay objective about it. This is PFS after all and we’re used to disappointments. And a tough crowd.

I’m sleeping like a BABY for 8+ hours a night. Dreams, all that.
I can walk around a place and daydream sometimes.
I can seek out and watch a movie and enjoy it.

I’d say many, if not even most maybe, can’t do even that much and would rejoice if they could, so on that alone it’s hard not to count blessings a bit.

I mean, don’t worry I’ll still feel VERY hard done-by and bemoan it HUGELY on the internet, but also some things have improved for me and I’m better off than so many folks.


so proviron didn’t increase your DHT at all

Looks like it went right down. I think, from the little I know, that should be expected as a DHT analog. I’ll run bloods again in month or so for a look.

And updates are ups and downs really. Definite ups and definite downs. No miracles yet though. I wonder I got a little improvement sexually, but no “wow” to speak of.

Some days I get online and post how bad I’m feeling and then some days I log on here just to post something nice or positive or supportive. Really depends on the mood PFS puts me in for the morning but the fact that I HAVE moods at all is maybe even something.

The HUGE caffeine and chocolate cravings subsided with the proviron also. I know I’ve said as much before but caffeine and chocolate were LIFE on that stuff. Jeez.