BTW: I think you are absolutely on to something here, or at least it works for me. I think we need supraphysiological doses of Teststerone to "feel’ normal. Doses that most HRT docs won’t perscribe.
80mg Test-C Every 3 days
12.5mg aromasin when needed
stopped the aromasin and Everything was great for a week and a half then it slowly faded to too much to handle ED. i also took on a tone that look like a sunburn kinda and 3 days of aromsin 12.5mg cured it and i just had great sex.
i am getting a great feel for the feeling of high or low estrogen now.
i have no doubt now the the problem is something as simple as a messed up Test/Estrogen ratio
the question is whats the next step to getting it back on track. probably need to come off TRT sooner than later
Yep, I believe I drove my E2 too low now and blew right past my “sweet spot”. I have achy joints, stiffness, and ED. Except this time the ED is different. I get hard for a short time then it fades away. It is also very difficult to ejaculate. Cialis still works at either extreme (high or low) so I am happy about that. I will stop the Aromasin for a few days to see if it comes back. I bet my labs show low E2 2 days from now.
You are right though, I think I can “feel” about where I am with E2. When it is high I get bloated, feel depressed, and get ED except it is completely soft. When it is low it feels like I described above.
You’ve absolutely got the solution here (for me at least) Thank you for pioneering this thing! I do plan on staying on HRT once I get it tuned up. Plus I love the results!
iwon’tgiveup i’m curious, how do you plan on coming off TRT now without everything just going back to how it was before? You have been on for several months now, without HCG, isn’t it likely your testes and HPTA will in fact be in a worse position than when you started? I’m not trying to be a pessimist, just wondering.
Also, have you had your T levels tested lately? I’d be interested to know whether the reason you’re feeling better is from supra-physiological levels.
3 days ago i got my blood work back that i took when I was feeling great and could get it up just fine with Viagra. my E2 was at 22. test still too high.
that day i started adding the pregnenolone cream now that my E2 is at a good level and 3 days later I can get it up completely fine with no Viagra and my dick is as big as i have seen it in 2 years -
I have also had an extreme decrease in sexual function. I have had at least 100 different blood tests including everything you might think is the cause of these issues, an endoscopy, colonoscopy, cystoscopy(bladder), an upper GI with contrast and many more tests by now untold numbers of specialists with no smoking gun or even a diagnosis. At this point most of the doctors have sent me on my way stating there is nothing they can do for me. In the past few weeks now I have had extreme pain in the hips and other areas. This is not in the actual joint but more seems to be ligaments or tendons. My vision has also gotten worse and I am becoming very forgetful. I have also begun to shake, my heart pound and I have pain in my eyes and vision problems (vibrating, pulsating). My last blood tests and a Thyroid Uptake test showed that I am now hyperthyroid. The Endocrinologist states that…
What I find weird is that you got your libido back. Some guys with long term PFS have not much ED but no libido and can’t get it back via TRT, so you did well there. Is it like old times? And are you shooting normal loads again?
okay so about 3 days after I posted last i fell back off. i dont know what happened but i couldnt tell if i was too high or too low on E2 and the doc wouldnt test me again!
i completely lost my libido and only have had it back for 1 day over the last 4 weeks. i lost the penis to brain connection and my game too. sucks way bad. ALSO of note - lost the acne on my back AGAIN (seems like every time i can get it up i get acne on my back) i thought i was too high and took a aromasin 2 days in a row 12.5 and it only got worse so I figure i was too low…
so now im trying to figure out what i am doing differently or what went wrong
I bumped my testosterone up because i started getting so anxious and it has not helped at all.
200mg/wk Test-C
Stopped the aromasin because i thought i was too low but who knows its not working
Literally running for 30 minutes every day for 3 weeks now
5.4mg of Yohimbe 3x day - bumping to 10.8 3xday tomorrow
2mg of Doxazasin /morning
hcg 150/mg 2xwk
nothing improves. had the baddest chick I have ever met in my life admit she has had a huge crush on me i brought her over and i completely failed miserably and she wont talk to me anymore lol it sucks so bad.
I was so desperate I went to the urologist and got Trimix injections. This shit sucks too. It makes my dick hard but its like a thin erection and the head doesnt get big and it kind of hurts and its numb and im still not in the mood. i just hav a fake erection
i got my results back from my testosterone metabolite test from meridian labs
Androstenedione 3.6 (.5 -2.2) high
Testosterone 41.1 (2.6 - 8.9) high
DHT 3.47 (.24 - .84) high
Te/DHT Ratio 11.8 (7.9 - 15.2) in range
5a-Androstane-3B,17B-diol (3B-Adiol) 48.1 (4 - 20.2) high
5a-Androstane-3A,17B-diol (3a-Adiol) 24.4 (2.3 - 10.5) high
so after i wrote that last night i called up an ol reliable and although i was kind of bored for part of it she REALLY enjoyed herself and i didnt think i would be able to but i nutted and the head and stuff filled in during the process… sorry for the details but just to update you for people considering teh Trimix. Im gonna have to rank it a great backup plan in the mean time. Its nice to have it my backpocket (not literally)
iwontgiveup, my protocol also only lasted about a month and I am back where I started. The Cialis daily dose effectiveness seems to wear off after a while and I am only going to use it when I need it. My GF is also long gone…
This is the same for everyone: everytime I take a supplement supposed to make a normal being feel great, it makes me worse.
All the docs interested in studying and understanding our condition must really take into consideration the fact that our bodies systematically reject everything supposed to make us better: our body is now definitely programmed to be at 0, and anything above that is sensed by the body like an anomaly. This homeostasis looks like the key to understand our problem.