Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

no i havent been consistent with adopting an healthy androgen receptor lifestyle and i do believe that is key to recovery because of experiences ive had in the past year adopting such lifestyle choices.
I fasted for 7 days no food just water and i did notice a positive gradual improvement after a month of completing the fast.
I also sprinted 10x/every other day and I felt a subtle but noticeable increase in libido after I did that.

While on tribulus i didn’t do noFap because I wanted to see if i could more easily attain an erection while on it but I really couldnt. It wasnt until last day of my cycle i abstained for 3days and i woke up one night feeling sexually frustrated like how i used to feel before taking Saw Palmetto. After the cycle ended i repeated abstinence but I didnt feel the surge of libido again and like i mentioned before I felt like tribulus made it harder for me to retain an erection and attain one as well.

Yeah man, the most successful people on this forum are the ones doing nofap, fasting, good exercise, paleo diet, and some sort of hormonal therapy.

Keep trying stuff, just remember to stay safe.


I don’t think that’s true at all.


Well whether its true or not I know it doesnt do bad and is beneficial. Especially exercise and noFap. It is well known among the erectile dysfunction community that excessive masturbation+ pornography causes erectile dysfunction. And there are even studies to prove it.
I know fapping is not the cause of out sexual problems but I believe abstinence can help from things getting worse.

How are you coping with pfs?

There doesn’t really seem to be a way. That’s why we need to start working on getting research started. Every day that goes by that we don’t is another day of having PFS.

Could you please post these studies? I’ve seriously never heard of excessive masturbation or porn causing ED outside of advocates of NoFap making that claim.

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Something akin to an addiction–there may be some kind of dopamine high that the person needs more and more and so he watches porn more and more and/or masturbates more and more. This hypothesis has been online and in the news for a while now. Dopamine again is only one part of our brain–an organ that we dont know a lot about yet.

This website should have the link to the study https://www.forhims.com/blog/porn-induced-erectile-dysfunction.
According to the website “A more recent study involving 350 people with sexual compulsions, many of whom were compulsive pornography users, revealed a 26.7% correlation with sexual dysfunction. This study was meant to explore an increase in sexual addiction, but the fact remains that there is a positive correlation between porn usage and sexual dysfunction.”

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Lol that’s hims they are the people prescribing finasteride smh bullshit study!

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what? just because they sell finasteride it d
oesnt invalidate the study. smh

That’s just a blog post by a notoriously unethical online pharmacy, not a study. The links to the studies cited in the blog post are dead ends.

HIMS are scum IMO. They are making it look like their hogwash is backed by science by posting nonsense links to scientific journals.

Check it out: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Partner with Hims; Company Pushes Sertraline, Saw Palmetto and Finasteride on Social Media


Him’s is nearly making it seem like you can get these drugs from a vending machine. I am really not a fan, esp for finasteride. Low dose Viagra/Cialis? Sure, have at it.

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Yep and then after guys get ED and PFS from finasteride from hims, they can go back to hims to get generic viagra! UNCONSCIONABLE.


One stop shopping


I took two or three weeks of HCG between February and March, and then I used a week of low doses of Tribulus MediHerb. I was already seeing a gradual and VERY slow improvement, even before HCG. Now I have thicker skin on my penis (as it was before), although other sexual problems persist. I don’t know if I am improving over time or it was the OP protocol (HCG + Tribulus MediHerb). I am also doing pelvic exercises. The fact is, I don’t know if I still use Tribulus Mediherb or try to believe the theory of time and stop using any chemical shit.

Where can I buy this? Amazon is out of stock.

Fuck, even the brand Mediherb that OP recommends can vary in deleterious phytosterol content from batch to batch. First two bottles for me, everything was perfect. Was feeling hopeful. Tried to do another cycle with a third bottle and it set me back to square one. Insomnia back to where it was almost two years ago, muscle stiffness all over my body.

Dear all.

I have made quite substantial progress the last months. I can only speak for myself but I have an overload of pathogens inside me and those are with high certainty what causes the symptoms I’ve referred to as PFS. In 2019 I cycled Vemoherb Tribulus on several occasions, I believe I took three or four bottles during the year. On it, I felt some relief and found a lot of my personality again. When I tapered of, I gradually slid into PFS state again; the detached state where penis feels disconnected and emotions get blurry, penis retracts, sleep and concentration problems and so on. A very shitty place to be, mildly put.

Tribulus terrestris has according to research an antibacterial effect. In my case, I don’t believe this has anything to do with 5AR or receptors. It’s just a bunch of microbial bad guys dragging me down. That’s why I feel so much better on Betaine HCL, probiotics and Tribulus terrestris and also when boosting with transdermal magnesium (simply facilitating better T production). I had a shoot-in-the-dark with Metronidazole a couple of months ago and then Diflucan a couple of weeks ago. Both made some change, but far from any recovery. Diflucan actually made me think of my penis as something interesting again, which of course is nice. But I took other supplements at the same time.

(digression:) During the Metronidazole cure I caught a deep fascination for climbing and for the mountains. I haven’t felt something like that in years. I’ve always had the interest, but never pursued it. This interest has persisted and I watch documentaries and am joining a friend of mine this summer to start trying this out. It feels good to feel some connection to a field of interest again.

I’m just saying, it might be that when you take Trib, you can experience a bad reaction from die-off as well as increased E2. For those of you feeling good on Trib (in the case of pathogens) you’re probably better off microbially than those feeling worse since die-off might not be that bad. But be careful with the aromatase.

I’ve had frequent UTI symptoms the last year. It seems Tribulus does a good job in keeping these down, based on experiences in 2019 and now.

Again, it might be that the majority of this forum has the “real” PFS. But I have a lot of symptoms corresponding to a lot of you and I’m battling this with high probiotic doses, digestive enzymes, HCL and tribulus now, and it has a significant effect. It makes me function almost as before, except for a truly stable emotional/sexual life (still some fluctuating libido/sensitivity depending on supplement state and what I eat), and I’m also a bit reduced energy-wise (procrastination/brain fog). But even these are getting better. I also struggle with short-term memory. After Diflucan I’ve felt attraction to women and the urge to make contact and to have sex. I haven’t felt that for years. The point here is that I need multiple “attack supplements” targeting different things to feel something resembling “acceptable”/“good”.

I’m not claiming this is the answer for all of us, far from. I just wanted to point out that what someone are perceiving as receptor reconnection with Trib might just be killing off bacteria and/or fungi. And these guys can cause hormonal distress and stress in general. And a body ridden with stress is not a body in a good condition for reproduction, as we all know.

I’m starting to wonder if I actually could megadose myself out of this misery. Let’s see.


So, what do you specifically recomend?
Also:n did you visited any doctor? Did you perform any test?