Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

1st day of the cycle. Dont know if its related but I woke up with my mouth dry as hell !!! only took one pill yesterday around midday, also since TESTOFEN Im loosing weight very easily with some cardio in between.

If your testo is at the same level as it previously was, you probably donā€™t need it, weā€™re all trying to get back to the state we were in, many of us not knowing what that actually was. Youā€™re lucky if you have tests from before.

Having abstained from masturbation for a couple of days, I just did now and it was almost like old times, solid boner, strong climax and feeling sleepy afterwards, all a little bit less than when I was well, but much more than I have had in the past 2 years. Semen was watery, but a decent amount. I also feel like my dick looks more like its previous size when flaccid, and my balls seem to hang lower again and stop fluctuating in size. This canā€™t be a coincidence, the tribulus + other things must have contributed. This feels very very promising.


Whoah! Great news brother. Which brand are you using? And is this your first improvement, since ā€œwhenā€?
Im ordered VemoHerb Trib as well.

Several days using Hi Tech Pharma Tribesterone now (at 2 pills per day).

This product is strange. I am not sure if I feel anything. Either that I am now resistant to low doses of tribulus (my last cycle was up to 6 pills of VemoHerb) or this product isnā€™t as potent as it claims. I will build up to 5-6 pills and see if it is comparable to VemoHerb.

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I am on (1 pill VemoHerb since last week and 1pill Tribulus Extra that I bought in Vitamin shop store +1 pill ALCAR ) = 1+1+1 pills twice a day, in the morning and at night before bet.
Feelling better again and very stableā€¦

After this Tribulus experiment if NO mayor improvements after a few months I will do an extra-research
to try some of the herbs that I posted that seem very promising in AR activation.


I been also using Ginger powder 1 tbs together With Tribulus + ALCAR, I donā€™t know if it makes the difference, but I always hear that ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory and also good for sexual system and brain.
I also taking it all the stuff in the morning with an empty stomach.

That does indeed look like a promising thing to try! Definitely keep us updated on that stuff. Again very best of luck too.

Since Yesterday and Today, good mood, good energy, really good libido and hard erections ( today at noon I was able to masturbate, ejaculate and get hard again in less than two minutes), also one spontaneous erection today in the afternoonā€¦
Keep you posting guysā€¦


Today I still have really really good libido, able to get an erection with a simple thoughā€¦
I sleep well almost 7 hours, although I wake up to peeā€¦
Good mood overall, very happy, good energy, not anxious, not stressedā€¦


You are not making a clean report you are taking other sustances tooā€¦

Iā€™m in contact with him outside the forum and I can assure you heā€™s only taking what he says he is on here.

Im basing my sentence on what he writes on the forum :smiley: This is about cycling MediHerb Tribulus (the same as the creator of the thread). If you are going to make a Journal in this thread at least take only what the creator said.

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Ok, no more journal.

As im taking Mediherb Tribulus, im at 5day of 2 week cycle. Started with 2 pills today, I dont noticed much but subtle changes can be been done and that is good. I expect if it work it will be little by little.

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Iā€™m not particularly impressed with Hi Tech Pharma Tribesterone so far. I think VemoHerb is better, for what itā€™s worth. I donā€™t really feel much effect and I donā€™t feel particularly good on it either, despite being up to 3 pills where Iā€™d be feeling an effect from VemoHerb by now. I will try going up to 5-6 pills but after that I am probably dropping Hi Tech Pharma.

VemoHerb or MediHerb, if you ask me.


Hello why dont just try the origina from the thread MEDIHERB TRIBULUS. Anyways I wouldnt overdose tribulus specially low quality developed gyno because of that on just one day of overdosing and it stayed for so long!

Itā€™s currently out of stock on Amazon and before that it was extremely expensive, Iā€™m not sure why the price went up so much.

If we keep dicking around with herbs and fasting weā€™ll all end up dead pretty soon, frankly, is how I see things. Itā€™s time for everyone to contribute as much as possible to the foundation before time is up.

Life with PFS when there is still hope to have a normal life is hard enough. With a little forethought, we should all be able to recognize that once you get past around 40 or so, still suffering from PFS, there is no prospect for you to have children (because women stop having children quite a bit before that age). Therefore there is no prospect to have a family, no prospect to have anyone to love or be loved by, no purpose to work for, career becomes useless slavery, all your friends are long gone busy with adult family lives, all the hobbies and interests of youth start to seem idiotic kids stuff (cars, games, sports, gadgets, whatever/basically everything), you look like a weirdo and loser to everyone, and there is no joy in life. After a certain point of having PFS there is nothing to live for and nothing but tragedy. Thatā€™s why there are suicides. Our clocks are all ticking. The more we dick around with CDNuts stuff and being too myopic and self-centered to contribute to the community, the more we seal our fates.


I respect your position, because I respect logic and what you said makes sense- however, when I first began this journey from 0% ~2 years ago (more or less), I bought a bunch of herbs and cycled them. Without a shadow of a doubt, it helped bring me to a functioning level.
I will add that the men I see fully adhere to the CD Nuts protocol - and by the way I didnā€™t even do that, just cycled herbs, did some R andro and worked out - end up doing quite well.
Now to play devils advocate of my own position, itā€™s not like people are popping up left and right getting cured from it, but to me, from what Iā€™ve seen, CD Nuts protocol has yielded the most consistent and reliable gains in this syndrome. You may disagree, and no I donā€™t have any raw numbers I can post to justify my position because itā€™s completely anecdotal. But the guys Iā€™ve been in contact with, as well as myself have all seen gains doing it, and yes many of them have been cured.

Hopefully you donā€™t view my position as combative to yours I just think itā€™s important to point out some successful treatments for this that has resulted from the CD Nuts protocol.

I also ordered everything for the protocol on Amazon, completely unaffiliated with Lost Empire herbs, and the R andro I purchased off Ebay