Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

Received 2 bottles of MediHerb Tribulus. Starting 2 week cycles of the compound, after been cycling with good results Fenugreek(testofen). I will take 1111-222-333-222-1111 each day and then 2 week off. Lets see!


Try ALCAR rather than L-carnitine, it crosses the blood brain barrier better. L-carnitine is only marginally better for fat burning.

Well, i cut this short. Have you seen my topics about supplements that i used? I used many things. And where do you concluded that i wait others to experiment before me? Lol. I already tried everything seems to work. Why should i do this?

And im supporting the survey and i think its important than trying suplements and running experiments here. My point was that we already join the survey and contributed. What else we can do now besides trying things? And whats up with that ā€œdnaā€ tests? How can we collect a data from there?

23andme patient data analysis

Also, to all of the people saying this is ā€œjust another thread where the OP recovered and nobody else didā€, please read the thread before making comments. There are multiple long-term users of this forum reporting significant improvements this time around.

My only concern is no one is replicating his use of triptorelin. Also what brand of mucuna are you using? I was using the cheapest brand I saw on amazon but I might consider a higher quality

Exactly. I finished off my bottle of VemoHerb and my baseline is significantly up than before starting it.

Now I have a pack of Hi-Tech Pharma Tribesterone which I am hoping will be even better. Gonna start using soon.

Iā€™ve already defeated one ā€˜incurableā€™ disease which Iā€™ve been diagnosed with since 20 y/o (hypothyroidism). My latest labs are flawless. I am used to getting no help from the medical establishment and give them disregard of the highest order (or a middle finger, in laymanā€™s terms), at least as far as chronic diseases are concerned. It is largely a ā€˜take-matters-into-your-own-handsā€™ type affair.

To others who came into this thread with a negative and dismissive attitude towards our efforts: If you insist on waiting and doing nothing, good for you, but please do not detract from others attempting to heal via their own efforts, you are doing them a great disservice.


I cant wait to hear how that product goes

Will you mind sharing the source of this high quality tribulus so we donā€™t have to pay $100+ for mediherb

Today I am getting better again, more libido, good erections, I started taking Vermoherb Tribulus a few days ago, yesterday I add L-carnitine, today I replaced it for Acetil-L-Carnitine.,
for now I will stick with this regime.
I am also taking it the tribulus and Carnitine while fasting, I will keep posting my progressā€¦


Good to see you get those results again man, Iā€™m hoping my next cycle Iā€™ll feel the same I did the last time

Yes, I posted this earlier but the name is

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Tribesterone

I wonā€™t post any links so no one accuses me of being a salesman, you can find it in various places.

NOTE: I havenā€™t used this product myself yet! So I have no idea if it is good, but the company seems reasonably serious, and if the specifications are correct it should have as much protodioscin as MediHerb (but then again so should VemoHerb). Anyway I will post my subjective opinion on the strength of it once I use it.

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I was taking both of these the beginning of this year and seems to be a very good combination :muscle:t2::+1:t2:

You dont need to pay that price for mediherdā€¦ just in Standard Process website is half the price.

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No shit?

You should only need triptorelin if your testo is very low, could it explain why some people are seeing effects and some are not?

You seem to need a recommendation from a healthcare professional to order it through their website, at least for me in the UK

Thing is my testosterone sits around 400-500 which is pretty low for a guy my age, but it was that low pre PFS and I had the libido of a maniac

Then get it

I really think triptorelin had nothing to do with recovery