Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

The original poster took a week to two weeks non-taking period between cycles.

Alright, thanks for answers !

One more questionā€¦ Do you abstain from masturbation only during cycle or during the off period aswell?

I crash with sugar or bread, this condition it is more than tribulus, I believe that our inflammation markers are really high or high enough to donā€™t let our body to recover.

I eat sugar and junk food every day and still recovered to 90% just with hormones and supplements cycling over 3 years.


What was your first symptoms? Glad to hear you are better. @Invictus

Invictus I have some questions for you and I am sorry bro if so many:

1-For how long did you used finasteride ?
2-How old are you ? and how long out the drug ?
3-When did you started to recover ?
4-What hormones are you using and for how long did are you been using it ?
5-hen you say 90% at what specific symptoms are you referring ?

I am sorry for so many questions but important to bring hope to the forum.
Thank you

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I also eat sugary things and havenā€™t changed my diet since PFS and have gotten a lot better.

What improved specifically?

Why not test them?

How got better? Thx

Anything that says that has 80% protodioscin is pure lie

Hello I have been taking Testofen-Fenugreek (the one that says it has high protodioscin on it)
Something different feeling seems to good direction. ( Specially in senses)

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Fantastic to hear

I will point out here something to take in consideration:
If the problem is epigenetic and let supposed to be it, diet and everything that we eat like food and supplements in this case tribulus or other supplements that is know to work with libido, it make sense that can be reversed the low libido problem thank to epigenetic, but how long it going to take ? What dosage ? That is where the problem may be.

Just ordering VemoHerbs Tribulus at the moment, i will share my results with it. Letā€™s see! I feel very hopeful.


Iā€™m saddened to see all this enthusiasm for herbs that people have been trying, failing, and getting hurt by for over a decade. It feels like I could have not come here once in the last ten years and not missed out on anything. Still no Baylor, still no one contributing, still no one answering survey, still no one taking dna tests, just people suddenly discovering the same herbs that people like cdnuts keep hawking over and over. Even after numerous people have set themselves back on many of them (including tribulus) severely.


This is my idea how to boost AR even more:
Tribulus + L-Carnitine + Fasting




What do you want from us to do? What will happen if we take dna tests? Nothing. Who gives a shit to us? No one. Thats why we try our own methods.


The reason nobody gives a shit, @Cooper, as you put it, is that thereā€™s no documentation to prove the existence of the condition. Because the community spends itā€™s time trying to heal itself by taking supplements or fasting. In ten years, nobody has managed to get the mix of tribulus and fasting and Carnitine correct. Almost like itā€™s not the answer, right?

I think that @vkg1 is correct on this point. We are finally getting on the right track with our survey. The whole point of that is to generate the data which we can define the problem accurately.
It was ensuring that the survey was able to generate scientifically useful data that took so long and is why Awor and Axolotl had to spend over 1000 hours writing, programming and testing it.

If we can provide scientifically accurate proof of either something which we all have in common genetically, or a link between symptoms and the drugs we have fallen victim to, then we can illustrate our position to the medical community. A decade of forum posts is not the same thing.

Iā€™m surprised to see you so beligerently in favour of taking supplements since Iā€™m not sure you are trying anything, more standing at the sidelines waiting for someone to run these experiments for you.

If you actually want people to give a shit about this condition, take the survey. If you have taken the survey, get someone else to take the survey, like Iā€™m trying to now.