I was hypogonadal even before Fin. After Fin all my sex hormones crashed even further, but especially DHT. I have not taken my T labs recently (will do that soon) but I assume they are better now because I feel better. Either that or I am more sensitive to androgens.
No I am not taking TRT, but I do use ocassionally T boosting stuff like Mucuna, Vitamin K2 etc. The point is that just like a lot of people here before Tribulus, boosting androgens made me feel worse, but now, the opposite happens. I am dumping 5g of creatine daily which used to crash me before and give me awful hypogonadism symptoms (heart palps, sweating, anxiety) by overconverting my T, now all that happens is that my muscles got bigger and I have more energy for workouts, some acne too so there is definitely more androgens and they are activating the receptors.
I was also experimenting with androsterone recently ( converts into Testosterone and inhibits aromatase ) and I had a lot of energy and felt almost like I was 18. But ideally, I don’t want to use hormones and am trying to get my body to a level where it has enough androgen activity on its own.
The main problem that I still have is low libido and my brain 5-AR is not high enough yet because I lack that mental ‘warmth’, drive, motivation, sexual thoughts, and clear thinking… hopefully that will come eventually.