Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

A lot of people? Where? I remember advising proviron or DHT once for a severe and desperate case, with stating the precautions. I mean i can’t force anyone to use something.

Also, as the original protocol goes, you have to take up to 7 pills. Which i did with no results. If he didn’t see much with 3 pills maybe he can increase his dosage, that was my point.

Are you recovering? I didn’t read all of the messages. Sorry. Don’t take more pills then, staying at 3 pills is a good idea if you seeing the benefits of course.

Sorry guys I know I am not an active member for a long time but I follow apr1989s threads and other recovery protocols for a lot of time now. The people above that complained seemed not to follow the exact instructions of neither apr1989 nor those that had success with the tribulus.
Please read the whole thread before randomly claiming that " it doesnt work "

I try to recap for those who are too lazy to read the whole thread as i dont want this discussion to go sideways

OP took tribulus of the brand Mediherb which is now out of stock on most internet sites and those that still sell it, sell it for a very high sum of money.
Other people including myself had success with the Vemoherb tribulus.
Both brands seem to contain a high quality amount of Protodioscin which I believe is key to PFS recovery.

OP started with low doses and off cycles in between over a period of MONTHS and then tried out cycles of high doses of tribulus. OP used 0,1 mg of triptorelin in order to up his testosterone levels which other users here did not use but STILL saw signs of recovery ( including myself!)

I think, that IF USED CORRECTLY, and in the proper doses, and in a HIGH ENOUGH QUALITY, tribulus helps in the process of recovery.

Lets agree that this seems to be the status quo for all of us that used Apr1989s protocol correctly! :slight_smile:


Thanks, also what are your improvements?
Can you give some details for some hope, any orgasm intensity or semen volume increase?

Okay I was going to wait another week or so to do this but since I’m back to baseline PFS I’ll give you my experience with Mediherb Tribulus…

When I used it for the first week and a half I noticed immense improvements basically made a 85-90% recovery in all symptoms. I noticed this on the 3rd day of usage.

I got a spike in libido for the first time in the year or so of my crash, my genital atrophy reversed!!!(back to shrunken PFS State now) oddly enough even the tissue felt normal again, still lack of sensitivity but I felt each day it was improving as well. I woke up with weak morning wood but was able to get hard manually and it felt 95% back to normal. My mood and well being were amazing I had very minor brain fog and my joints seemed to have felt better to, Fatigue was also very minor, more so I noticed it in the morning but once I ate breakfast and took a shower it seemed to subside and I was able to get on with my day much better. If only I could have kept that recovery I would have happily went on with my life!!! I’m not sure what it did to me but I wish it continued to work for me. Oh well… I still have some pills left but I’ll wait another time to use it, I’ll let my body rest for a while.

It sucks even more because now standard process doesn’t even sell it anymore wtf!!???

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Your last post has been lightly edited to remove deifnitive statements concerning your views on tribulus. It can be compared to someone saying it is a fact that tribulus flat-out doesn’t work. Just a reminder to not bother stating something as indisputable or making assertive conjectures about mechanisms of action of therapeutic substances in regards to treating this condition. It’s part of the site rules and such statements will be deleted if discovered.

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How many cycles of tribulus have you done?

That was my first time using tribulus, the results were amazing, if only they lasted!

I am fairly certain it takes at least several cycles to see any lasting benefit. Before my first cycle for example, taking creatine would crash me. Now I can take it fine, and I believe that’s because I have greater androgen receptor density, and I am not as bad as I used to be before. So don’t feel discouraged if you went back to baseline after the first try.


Did you have low Testosteron when you crashed? Are you on TRT or any hormon modifying drug?

Should i try VemoHerb? I only found one on Ebay which ships to my country. MediHerb is out of stock. I used tribestan with zero results i hope this one will help.

I’d (just personally) say VemoHerb is worth doing.

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Not sure how good that brand is I’d rather stick with mediherb personally after I got those results.

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Im sorry if my statements were too bold.

I might have asked this before but how often do you guys usually ejaculate? I mean the guys who saw improvements on the tribulus? Do you abstain or how frequent do you masturbate? I remember OP stating that we should try to avoid masturbation as much as possible…

I used vemoherb for 2 years. Great stuff.

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I was hypogonadal even before Fin. After Fin all my sex hormones crashed even further, but especially DHT. I have not taken my T labs recently (will do that soon) but I assume they are better now because I feel better. Either that or I am more sensitive to androgens.

No I am not taking TRT, but I do use ocassionally T boosting stuff like Mucuna, Vitamin K2 etc. The point is that just like a lot of people here before Tribulus, boosting androgens made me feel worse, but now, the opposite happens. I am dumping 5g of creatine daily which used to crash me before and give me awful hypogonadism symptoms (heart palps, sweating, anxiety) by overconverting my T, now all that happens is that my muscles got bigger and I have more energy for workouts, some acne too so there is definitely more androgens and they are activating the receptors.

I was also experimenting with androsterone recently ( converts into Testosterone and inhibits aromatase ) and I had a lot of energy and felt almost like I was 18. But ideally, I don’t want to use hormones and am trying to get my body to a level where it has enough androgen activity on its own.

The main problem that I still have is low libido and my brain 5-AR is not high enough yet because I lack that mental ‘warmth’, drive, motivation, sexual thoughts, and clear thinking… hopefully that will come eventually.

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Hey guys ,

I m gonna try this cycle for the first time

Day one: one pill
Day two: one pill
Day three: one pill in the moning one pill at night
Day four: one pill in the morning one pill in the afternoon one pill at night
Day five: one pill in the morning one pill at night
Day six: one pill
Day seven: no pill
Day eight: last pill

English is not my first language so if someone could tell me how long are non-taking periods before each of these cycles?

10-14 days break is what I did.

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I didn’t abstain from masturbation for the first 3 days then I did once every other day the rest of that week and a half I used tribulus

Where did you get androsterone? You can pm me if u want