Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

Ok it’s just that a lot of people have tried tribulis in the past, a lot of people are currently trying it now, and most of all, it has apparently messed a lot of people up. None of those are true for GABA. The thing to do with GABA is probably to do things that promote healthy levels of it while eliminating things that increase dominance of Glutamate. An example is eliminating excitotoxins such as those found everywhere in artificial sweeteners. See Ozeph’s thread for more.

I am doing really well lately, good penis sensation, good libido, good erections also, and enjoying a lot masturbation, I will stop supplements for the moment and give a rest to the body, and relax before to try anything else.

vkg1 if you want to try something for GABA I was doing some research and seems that Triacetyluridine coiuld work.


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Anyone here that was successful with taking tribulus know if it helped with other symptoms too like tinnitus, dry skin, dry eyes, etc.?

Oh God this is killing me…I can see a beautiful woman and nothing happens…this is almost 4 years. Been trying Tribulus again… I want to feel like you do Moonchild… I have the Mediherb brand…how long during your cycle did you notice a difference?

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I used once that I bought in vitamin shoppe store here in US, also I recently I bought Vemoherb but I just took a couple pills, but currently I am to taking anything, my advice : Just be patient, I also have been frustrated for many years since 2012 (my first big mental crash), and I wanted to kill myself a few times.
It take time to start to feeling better, the most anxious the most time it take.

Have you considered that this original poster recovered naturally and Tribulus had nothing to do with it? Many have tried Tribulus (including me) without any success. This is the definition of insanity, trying the same thing again and again and expecting different results.

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This is just another one of those threads where someone says they recovered then everyone gets excited because we are all desperate. In the 15 years of PFS, there has not been consistent cures with anything that has been tried. We have to accept the fact that those few who did recover may have done so naturally.

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Just for the record, I also want to let you all know that I tried tribulus some years ago without any improvement.

Have you considered the fact that several people in this VERY THREAD beside the OP have reported significant improvements?

I am already at least 50% better just through my own efforts. But like I said, good luck. I will never understand the issue people have with others trying to get better.


So Tribulus stopped working for you?

It stopped working for me. I am now taking a month off and will try again. Previously, it worked for a while.

It doesn’t work period. I’m just being realistic. So far, none of these supplement “protocols” have shown consistent results.

Some edits were made. Let’s chill out.

This is in fact a very good question that I have been asking myself as well. There are hundreds of substances that have been tried by the community and for each one, a few people claim they benefit from it. But it can never be reproduced consistently. So for all of these reports of improvement, it might be a placebo effect instead of a real effect.

However, when I crashed over a year ago and becoming a suicidal zombie, I bought everything that was “popular” (no Trib though) and tried it. Nothing did anything for me. So I completely stopped taking anything, quit my job, worked out in the gym insanely hard, meditation, nature etc. I recovered mentally pretty fast but no change in libido.

Trib was the first thing that improved my libido. It might still be a placebo effect since I am on the route to recovery anyways, but of course with the improvements I see, I will continue my Trib and Maca cycles. I had sex yesterday and it was completely back to normal. I’m still hardly ever aroused during the day, but I am way more aroused now by porn or sexual thoughts and insanely aroused during sex. Sensitivity during sex is almost “too much” since I am now coming too early not being used to the sensations anymore. But that’s a luxury problem.

I am now on my fifth Trib cycle and went back to the low dose again since I already saw improvments on my first cycle and the high dose cycle didn’t show any additional benefits. After that I will do Maca for two weeks and then take a one week break.


Do you do one week low dose or two week low dose?

My cycle is 1, day off, 1,1,2,3,2,1,1

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As Apr1980(?) said, you should take up to 7 pills, not just 3 man. Try higher please.

So your advice to one of the people who is succesfully recovering at the moment and who unsuccesfully tried higher doses is to go even higher?

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I feel great so idk what you’re talking about

Nah dont. Listen to your body rather than going higher. May be counter productive (as my case)

I see you advising a lot of people on what to do @Cooper. Are you taking your own advice or just having everyone else take risks so you can judge what’s right for you?