Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

Thats why i didnt buy that product B

The fact people have seen improvements using alternative brands means we haven’t been bamboozled. The science the OP presents on protodioscin all comes from published materials and seems very reasonable. But yes, that price hike for that particular brand does arouse some suspicion.

Has anyone ever had any siides from tribulus withdrawal? Just wondering

Yeah, funny how that happens.

I’ve been trying the muca pruriens and l dopa… nowhere near normal but I did feel something

Same… no build up or dopamine rush… its anticlimactic

I just took my first pill of mucuna an hour ago. What did you feel? All I’m feeling right now is extremely hot and sweating a bunch. The pill has 15% dopa per pill and it says take 1 to 2 so I just started with 1. Also what brand did you get? I just got the cheapest one off amazon first, I think it’s NOW brand

I’ve been doing a powder and pills…haven’t really felt much of a difference

Update: Feeling great.
I think that the first cycle my DHT turned back on pretty substantially. Beard growth etc. The first cycle I got pretty emotional, indicating increased estrogen.
This second cycle was the opposite. Fatigue, indicating lower estrogen.

I will remain off and see how I balance out. I am not in a rush to try and other supplements because this is by far the best I’ve felt in two years. Steady as she goes.


Tribulus seems to be the answer, thank you Trump for the Update, I been feeling good also, I am not taking anything for now, I will wait for a awhile before going back to Tribulus, l been ups and downs more consecutively than never, I will keep you posting I will not forget you guys.
My advise and I been thinking a lot about this:
1-Peace of of mine is crucial for the recovery.

2- Do not concern about everything that we eat ( It put us in constants alert and unnecessary stress )
I really do not believe that a little Polyphenols in a few berries of zin in a calamari will cause any
disastrous effect otherwise everybody in this world would have PFS.

3- The fat that taking tribulus seem to not make any difference for many, also Finasteride seem to no take any effect for many until strike with the symptoms latter after several months for others it took years
the point is that tribulus could be the same, you maybe see the result at the long run.
almost everybody drop the tribulus treatment after the first bottle and I think that it is a mistake.

Regards to all


I agree

Trump you have to agree, I voted for you in the last election:" Make America Great Again " lol

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I thought you were really interested the GABA angle. Have you been more interested in Tribulus than you have been in optimizing GABA (e.g., by eliminating excitotoxins)?

Good man. Great to hear it.

The problem is that we do not have any diagnostic of what the problem really is, to have a hypothesis is fine, but what if I am wrong? or maybe I am right.
For now we know that Tribulus help but nobody know exactly mechanism.
This is the list of all of steroidal compounds of Tribulus

5 α -spirostane-24-one-3 β ,23-diol-3- O -{ α -l-rhamnopyranosyl-(1 → 2)- O -[ β -d-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 4)]- β -d-galactopyranoside} ( 1 ), (24 S ,25 S )-5 α -spirostane-3 β ,24-diol-3- O -{ α -l-rhamnopyranosyl-(1 → 2)- O -[ β -d-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 4)]- β -d-galactopyranoside} ( 2 ), 26- O - β -d-glucopyranosyl-(25 R )-5 α -furostan-2 α ,3 β ,22 α ,26-tetraol-3- O -{ β -d-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 2)- O - β -d-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 4)- β -d-galactopyranoside} ( 3 ), 26- O - β -d-glucopyranosyl-(25 R )-5 α -furostan-20(22)-en-2 α ,3 β ,26-triol-3- O -{ β -d-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 2)- O - β -d-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 4)- β -d-galactopyranoside} ( 4 ), and 26- O - β -d-glucopyranosyl-(25 S )-5 α -furostan-12-one-22-methoxy-3 β ,26-diol-3- O -{ α -l-rhamnopyranosyl-(1 → 2)- O -[ β -d-glucopyranosyl-(1 → 4)]- β -d-galactopyranoside}

I will not discard any possibility, and Tribulus is one of them.
How to address Gaba ? I do not have any clue, I will do my own research on the issue, I let you know if I found out anything that can help to restore Gaba, remember is not good idea continue mixing supplements.
I think that we should stick with Tribulus for the moment, wait for results and if dosen’t work jump to another approach.

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When I start to taper down the dosage from peak, I feel worse for about 2-3 days until I am down to 1 pill again, then my system balances out again and generally I feel a bit better than before the cycle.

I felt absolutely nothing on tribulus to be honest. Has anyone recovered erections from seeing someone attractive

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I can get aroused visually yes, even in public sometimes. It’s very hit or miss though, it seems like those days are few and far in between and everything has to be ‘right’. I think the ideal combination is lifting the day before + perfect sleep, and maybe a few odd supplements. Definitely nowhere near the kind of thing you could just take for granted like with a healthy pre-fin libido. There are days when women look like inanimate objects to me, and it sucks. Usually I’m very ‘off’ on those days as well, withdrawn and asocial.

Anyway, I keep coming back to creatine. It seems that after a few cycles of tribulus it no longer crashes my mental functioning, and I’m noticing some positives. My whole body is warmer, especially my extremities. When I stay on it for a few days my mid-section fat starts to come more in balance to the rest of my body (I lose fat from stomach). I have more energy and my penis sensitivity improves. Mentally, it seems to even make my function in certain areas a bit better, for example my memory seems more active (I am more likely to remember random interesting or funny facts from previous years that I did not even know I remembered anymore).

It’s pretty clear to me that my 5-AR activity in various tissues never recovered after Finasteride, and Creatine helps somewhat. However I think you need to have a decent number of androgen receptors restored before attempting to use it, because my first time using it (before Tribulus) was a bad experience like most people here. I’m pretty sure that my recovery is going to involve taking creatine for some length of time, one way or another.


Its interesting because too higg DHT will drive down estrogen which will negate libido. But it certainly seems to be dependent on the individual

I’ve gone overboard on topical DHT before, it shuts down endogenous sex steroid production, not a good feeling.

But in my case since I have gyno symptoms I think my DHT is too low, and creatine corrects that (at least partially). However, it still seems to mostly work peripherally and I want it to work equally well on my brain as well, to really restore my cognitive function.

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