Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

Now two days after stopping second cycle. Let’s see here. Morning erections that were strong during the cycle have stopped. Today I had like a half chub morning wood. I can def. Tell that my estrogen was increased by my anxiety and emotions. But at the same time, gym performance and my running is fine.
I’ve had bouts of fatigue today. Going through stuff at work today getting a lot of stuff done, was a little stressed initially.

I think the best course of action would be to see how my body works things out here for a bit, and gauge it by sex drive and morning erections. Any advice is welcome. Was feeling pretty good like midway into the cycle and them started to plateau towards the end with tiredness.
Beginning to think that sticking with 1000mg to trib daily for a longer amount of time may be better for me. I do seem to aromatize a good bit.

Still keepin on. Will update later!

Update: This afternoon has been a heck of a lot more relaxed. Gotta complete some work at home here but I wanted to add that my energy is still great. Keep in mind, I have still been taking l-phenylananine and tyrosine daily for energy purposed and they have made a significant difference.
Secondly, there is no doubt to me that tribulus is increasing DHT or 5ar or what have you, as I have had increased acne and:
There is a spot where my mustache meets my beard (there are two obviously) but on one side it never met and my beard stopped growing. After this last cycle, which was a week, it has connected, and pretty solidly too. I have done CD nuts protocol for the entirety of my recovery up to these trib runs, and the R andro cycles (which I did for 30 days most of the time due to funds) never connected my mustache to my beard.
What I’m trying to get at is that the tribulus run that I’ve done, in my experience, I can without a doubt put in another category separate from the other attempts I’ve made at recovery. Obviously, it’s early on here but there certainly are a couple sign that are indisputable to me, having been through this for coming up on two years now.

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Sorry it took long to get back to you,
the estrogen recognition is just another possible theory, in that your body down-regulated estrogen receptors as well due to the increase in available estrogen from finasteride. This would potentially explain a couple things.

Has anyone be able to recover the semen volume here? Except full total recovery cases. I tried so many things for years and my semen volume just decreased more. No improvements, also the orgasms are not as good as before. Maybe i should try Tribulus again. This time Vemoherb maybe? I hope it will increase the semen. I don’t know what to do anymore. This situation sucks.

Can I ask a stupid question? Why do you care about volume? Are you trying to have kids?

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I care because it is a indication of something bad is going on inside of me for 4 years. And i have some other symptoms too. Morning wood loss and sometimes softer erections. (A guy at 20’s shouldn’t experience such shit) I don’t enjoy orgasms so much and this makes me concerned about my health.


I didnt had morning wood when I fapped more than 1/2x a day precrash.
Now after crash I noticed that I get absolutely 0 morningwood if I fap once the day before. But seem to get it always if I abstain. I had actually more morningwood after crashing than before lol, cuz I was forced to abstain for 6 days cuz of the fullblowm impotence lol. Do you really have low semen volume if u abstain for a week or so?

Yeah i still have the volume problem when i abstain, of course it gets better but still nowhere near as before.

Just an update:
I started the Tribulus cycles as recommended by the author. I had great improvments of horniness and sensitivity in the first three cycles, then did one higher dose cycle but had no real improvments. That`s why I decided to do a two week Maca cycle which also improved things. I am now going to cycle Trib and Maca.

Overall result: After the cycles the improvments decrease, but the general baseline is much higher. I feel a bit of connection between brain and penis and I absolutely enjoy sex again.


What are the cycles you have done so far? How much tribulus per day did you get up to on the higher dose fourth cycle?

You might help some folks if you give some details on product and dosage

He’s using Vemoherb, according to his first post in this thread.

Wasn’t aware vemoherb had a maca product! My bad.

Sorry, was referring to the trib

So nobody is using the recomme ded product from Mediherb?

Hi Jack,

I kept strictly to the cycle description of the original post

here is the Trib again. I use this one because it`s closest to the one used by the author of the thread:

This is the Maca. I use it because its from Maca root, thats all. One pill per day for two weeks:

I am using the exact same brand of Trib as @fightfin. I am currently at day 3 of my 3rd cycle. Last night I had a very strong erection that came out of nowhere. Libido is strong today and my penis looks almost like prefin. I am currently still going with low dose. 3 capsules of the Vemoherb per day at max.
I try to stick with the recommendations of @Apr1989 OP to up the doses very slowly and try to abstain from ejaculation as much as possible. I do edge every other day though. I try to do a short but intense workout every day which seems to help too.


I am. I’ve also dabbled with the VemoHerb stuff. Sometimes I use that where I’d use half a Medi Herb. I rate it (just from personal judgement of them) at half the strength of the Medi Herb. Helpful in the weaning off and on. Been doing a few things and improved IN SPADES mentally, but I’m not sure the tribulus did that. Waiting on some results before I post the other things and I’d really like some sexual improvements too.

Gonna keep going with the tribulus though.

It has apparently gone up to $100 per bottle, which is outrageous given it was already overpriced at less than half that when the OP started this thread. The most important thing is that it contains protodioscin, and @Trump_1776, @fightfin and others have so far seen improvements using other brands on that basis.

As for me, I am currently on day 5 of my second cycle using extreme tribulus by nutra rise. After a 5 day break since the first cycle, this time my intention was to do a 9 day cycle of 1,1,2,2,3,2,2,1,1. However, I got confused and ended up doing 3 caps yesterday, so now I am going to do 1,1,2,3,3,3,2,1,1

Bare in mind that each cap is 650mg, not 1000mg like some people’s products, so I am still building it up slowly. Also, I am still not yet advocating this brand. I believe that I have seen some minor improvements so far, but I am still unconvinced because the bottle and labeling looks amateurish and because the 80% protodioscin claim in the Amazon listing (I have linked it for you to see) is not repeated on the bottle. I will finish this bottle and switch to another brand if I am still not convinced.

However, now I am on this second cycle I do think I have noticed the following effects:

Slightly more libido
Slightly better erections (it is still not easy to achieve them, but they seem slightly fuller and stronger and less likely to fade once they come)
Some occasional movement in that area when I think about women / sex
Sometimes soft morning wood, or more often I seem to wake up with no morning wood, but then become aroused (though not fully hard) thinking about sex
Fuller feeling testicles

Reduced semen quantity
Eyesight seems to be more consistently bad, though I am wondering if this could be diet related

To complicate things, yesterday I decided to start taking fish oil (for brain function), l-arginine (to increase NO, which should aid erections) and macuna pruriens (to promote dopamine production) daily, along with vitamin D on overcast days or days when I cannot get out into direct hot sun for 30mins in the middle of the day. The main reason being that I have these products at home and they are all supposed to be beneficial without risk of adverse sides, although of course it means I cannot be sure if improvements should be attributed to trib, or one or a combo of those supps.

Fish oil (1 cap AM, 1 cap PM), l-arginine (2 caps of 500mg each AM, 2 caps PM) and macuna pruriens (1 cap of 350mg velvet bean extract with 15% L-Dopa AM, 1 cap PM). I started with these yesterday.

I am also going to the gym to do some weights, though not as early as I would hope. As of next week I will be back working and will have to go early morning, which I expect to be even more beneficial.


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I don’t want to be mr conspiracy theory but since all of us were recommended to go and try this specific type of tribulus, driving the price up to almost double what it was, does no one think we were possibly bamboozled? I took the stuff and saw no improvements in the areas I was hoping for.