Update: still completely recovered, raging libido for the last four years

Yes I will. And to be clear here, I support all of the various actions this organization does like raising awareness, organizing, etc.

I just hate the negativity of some of the users here but I understand why they became bitter, PFS is horrible.

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What you hate is people disagreeing with you. That’s why you try to brand them as “bitter” to elevate yourself. Leave that nonsense out.

I have made clear why I disagree with your approach. And it has nothing to do with negativity and all with weighing evidence and risk. My conclusion is just as negative about your approach as you your conclusion is about my approach. Let’s leave it there.

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Agree, i get tired of it as well but very understandable, I also think the mods ultimately have peoples best interests at heart and don’t want to see people make themselves worse or for this forum to degrade into a pseudoscience shit fight lol.

I think we all agree that the traditional streams of research and science are important.

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This is it. And people who have been here for a longer time know that this place here used to be full of pseudoscience and fighting. We don’t want that here anymore.

People are obviously free to experiment and are allowed to post their experience, but it is our duty to inform members about the possibility and the examples of people getting worse.


People have been saying that for 15 years. We should’ve had a cure by now but we dicked around fancying ourselves medical geniuses because we had Wikipedia. The cost of many lives already will continue to always go up until we pull heads out of asses and do what it takes to get research started. It’s not going to happen by itself. It’s up to us and only us to get it started.


I believe @Hopingformore may have recovered from Tribulus. But as many are saying, think carefully before using as potential negative outcomes can result.

You do know that “pseudo science” is the only thing that has helped and cured people with pfs right? Hell you’re even posting in a thread about a man who cured himself with a tribulus protocol…

Let me remind you that the “real science” was the cause we’re in this situation. Merck had real science backing up the safety of finasteride. Don’t put too much hope in research by “real science”, it’s the reason you have PFS. And so far “real science” has cured 0 PFS patients.


If you think tribulus is not worth the risk, then I really doubt if you’re life is that bad because of PFS…


Another hard reality; PFS isn’t even recognized as a real medical condition by the institutes, that means insurance won’t cover any therapy. And why does this matter? That means there is almost zero incentive for medical companies to research and/or develop a drug/cure for PFS. Look into how and why drug companies develop new medicines, if there’s no (guaranteed) money to be made, chances of them developing a new medicine are almost none existant.

Another thing, the research some here are waiting for will probably point us to drugs already available on the market to get us cured. My guess is that they will conclude things like HCG,… will be used as a therapy for us to get better. Like I said they will not develop a new drug for PFS.

The tools we need to get better are probably already on the market. That’s another reason that the “just wait” strategy is foolish imo.

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My friend, thank you. I have edited my statement to reflect that there are risks involved, rather than don’t take it because of risks.

However, your assumption about me that I am not suffering since I do not want to risk taking Tribulus is not correct.


It sounds almost like you think our condition shouldn’t be researched and that we should keep trying Tribulus for another 15 years. Is that indeed the case? The two aren’t mutually exclusive. You don’t have to be against science just because you like herbal home remedies.


Tribulus destroied my life more than Antidepressants.

EDIT: changed the tone of my post, I was frustrated at the time of writing.

One of the problems is that proponents rarely have any prior history to being active in these forums, just like yourself. You come out of nowhere telling that Tribulus is the route to take. Where is your story? If you’d provide that we can at least have some idea you’re a credible source.
You keep saying “many” recovery stories yet refrain to provide links, names, dates, etcetera.

And if the science is important to you as well… why not put the effort in and take surveys like those organized by this forum. You keep saying it’s going to take years for the science to get involved. Okay sure but you do realize that uninvolvement from sufferers is a big contributor to this slow pace?

It irks me that some people contribute little to nothing to a general cause or to new sufferers, but when somebody spreads doubts about an unproven holistic treatment they suddenly feel the need to get involved and defend it. Forgive me my skepticism. I would love for Tribulus to be an effective treatment but if it truly was one I think we wouldn’t be having these kind of discussions.


I repeat, tribulus hurted me much more than antidepressants.

Yea but weren’t you the one who used a knockoff brand. Mediherb standard process is apparently the way to go if you try trib


The risk: Someone claims something helped them, others buy something vaguely similar in hopes of getting the same experience and then get worse. Maybe the substance really wasn’t for them, or maybe they used an inferior product and (wrongly) blame this on the entire substance in question.

The flipside: Someone tries an inferior product, has something bad happen then puts off others from using something that may potentially help them. So for example, listening to some guys here, I would never try Tribulus and would be in the same sh**hole as I was in 2018.

I think if we’re going to be fair, you need to disclose what you used and if you used a different brand or type of product from the one reported to work positively then that needs to be said. Otherwise with all due respect, not much more can be inferred from your statement other than “I used (some) Tribulus brand and it made me worse.” It doesn’t say much about the substance in general, only about the particular brand you may have used. And as even scientific studies have shown, the protodioscin and saponin content varies greatly depending which part of the plant was picked, and in which part of the world it was grown. It is almost as vague as saying “I ate some red berry and had a diarrhea, hence berries are bad”.


My opinion is different. I think that if someone has a syndrome that desensibilize AR, it shut down every part of the body that is regulated by AR (muscles, sexual, skin, joint, ligments, etc… ).
If someone tell that can praticate sport, weight lift, probably doesen’t has the syndrome, is just depressed.

We’ll have to disagree, because I definitely don’t think that my mental changes including loss of drive, brain fog, numb d*ck with structural changes, recurring gyno etc. happens to be depression which coincidentally started a few weeks after dropping Finasteride. Along all those things I can also lift weights, walk 7 kilometers per day, hold a job and ride a motorcycle. Does that mean I don’t have PFS?

Hopefully it should be apparent by now that there are various degrees and severities of PFS. I don’t think I deserve to be marginalized because I have less severe symptoms. Maybe I’m not as damaged as the worst cases here, but my symptoms are still very real and bother me to a significant extent - I wouldn’t be here otherwise.


i have the same symptoms speacially with somgs goose bumbs and pelvic floor goes into a spasm.

Its such nonsense man, everybody gets its differently for some reasons, and i bet there is an explantion. I got severe sexual sides, but my
body is in the best shape he as ever been. Growing mucels faster than ever and still competitive athlete.
And of course, no mental sides as far as i know.

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