Has anyone else tried hopingformore's high dose of tribulus?

A user on here experienced the crash and then dosed for 5 days with double or triple the recommended amount of tribulus and tapered it off and then claimed to have completely recovered. Here is his post:


Has anyone else tried this? He used a liquid brand called Organika.

Hmm, 2 months after his initial post saying high dosage of tribulus was working, he posts this:

I used Organika brand tetris tribulus that was available in droplet form. The required or suggested dosage was 15 drops 2-3 time a day with a meal. I used about 30 drops, 2-3 times a day, usually 3, for 3 days, and then I tapered off the amount of times I took it a day for a couple days. It is important to note that the Tetris I used was a Saponis extract. Be careful not to dose TOO MUCH, I seemed to have crashed doing that. Also, my best recovery has come about a month from being off of tetteris. This is the information I can give you, I cannot gauruntee it will help all or any of you, for all I know it may harm you, as the recovery advice from many of the posters on this site seems to have done with me. Tread carefully, my friends.

Is it just me or is that incredibly ambiguous as to whether it’s actually worked on a long term basis? And then no further information in the 3 and a half years since then.

He described himself as “relentless”, but doesn’t follow up. It’s quite annoying.

He was a very active member up to that point. I’d say he either recovered or got well enough to where he moved on with his life. Can’t blame him for not wanting to stick around.

I don’t expect those who have recovered to necessarily to stick around indefinitely, but I do expect them to follow up with a clear explanation about what worked for them. This will help us identify solutions effectively. Not doing so is kinda negligent when lives are at stake.

He said exactly what he did in his thread.

But he mentioned crashing after he took too large a dose. Does that mean it didn’t work? If it did work, then what about an update beyond 2-3 months? How is it after a year?

My point is that it’s inconclusive whether this idea works and that’s a shame.

He mentioned he had crashed taking too high a dose but at the time of writing the last post he claimed to have a sustained recovery. He didn’t say ‘I crashed taking too much, now I’m impotent again’ he said ‘I had crashed taking too much (in the past) but after this last treatment I am still recovered’ then he stops posting which suggests he remained recovered. He also hadn’t taken anything for several months by the time of his last post and had been fine during that time. So it looks to me like he recovered.