I have taken Cialis daily 5mg for 16 days… There are days when i watch porn and check erection and once i get aroused i will stop touching my penis and stand up and at least 50 seconds will go down before it goes down… But thats just self testing… And then when i have sex it stays hard through intercourse until i orgasm…but all this is on 5mg daily cialis … So u are saying that if i had pfs that none of this would be happening??? Just be honest with me please??

Are you a fish with a 3 second memory span?

I’ve told you before and I’m sick of sounding like a parrot

I’m saying, worst case scenario, you have mild PFS if at all

Go enjoy your life like Finasteride Victim says.

Dude i believe you that you have mild ED Problems because Fin…But i think you are very lucky with this only Side…and in Time it will go away and when not you are still very lucky with your TRT…And to be honest your Problem is a Joke against the Problems of another Guys here…Sorry dont want to be a Asshole but it is true man…i would kill for mild ed or erectionsproblems only…

All your posting about is your on TRT and taking 5mg Cialis which you won’t need for much longer, oh yeah and your fucking every day …

@finastetide Victim…

You say it perfectly Finasteride Victim

Exactly what I’m trying to get through to him!

Thanks everyone i am starting to realize i dont have PFS… If i did none of this would be happening… However i do have low libido and mild ed… Does anyone know of anything naturally that i can take that will not hurt me to boost libido?? Im just curious…

I appreciate ure help and making me realize i dont have PFS… I still have low libido. Do u know of anything i can take naturally that will not hurt me to boost libido??

Yeah sounds like you have PFS, perhaps more mild than other people. Some people report onset of more insidious side effects later on

Do u know anything that will boost libido naturally??

seriously man, think twice before listening to anything those two (Tiger hull and the other guy) are tell you. I think their problems probably go a little deeper than propecia… Anyway, the best thing to do is to live healthy, eat right work out, and keep a positive attitude. Otherwise you end up in a downward spiral and start trolling every post on propeciahelp.com screaming doom and gloom and overusing your caps lock. Anyway, good luck and please keep us posted with any progress or regressions.

To tiger’s hull and the fin victim, please grow up a little, be a touch more polite, and stop picking fights.

Paul and George, ignore the hall monitor and all the other “you just need to eat healthy” trolls.

I have a found a protocol that is working well!! It is TRT and 5mg Cialis… I have hypo not PFS… If I had PFS none of these things would be happening… Just a matter of time before I am totally healed from propecia induced hypo…but it wasn’t just gonna poof and recover… I have to be on TRT for the rest of my life to make this happen… BOTTOM LINE… Higher the test better I feel and the lower dose ed meds become super effecetive andif u have hypo like I do they don’t lose effectiveness unless something is wrong with ure prostate. In my case this time next year I wont even need an ed med :unamused: :mrgreen: :laughing:

I believe u were right when u said I didn’t have full blown PFS… My protocol of TRT and 5mg daily Cialis is working well for me…Almost too well, But however thank u for bringing it to my attention a while back… I think I stopped and caught it just in time or I would have had it but fortunately low t is what it is… But like the others have said I prolly would have recovered naturally… But if u have low t it isn’t gonna fix itself… Overall I feel good…still a little mild ed… but on Cialis 5mg daily that’s history… For instance today I was able to masterbate 3 different times with hard erections that if I took my hand off during the process it took between 45 and 50 seconds to go limp…now imagine If u are masterbating and get an erection or aroused and u stop in the middle of it nowhere near orgasm and stand up and ure dick just sits there pointing straight out and up without touching it while u are standing up and it takes 50 seconds to go limp without climaxing or having an orgasm…if it were in some pussy there is no way as long as u kept fucking it would go limp … And I did this on 3 different occasions today… Just basically checking…making sure the effectiveness is there and had 3 orgasms… this whole 50 second thing can happen anytime of day on 5mg as well, morning , lunch, and in the evenings… and everytime hard as a rock so I believe u were right a while back when u said I didn’t have PFS… thanks and good looking out brother :stuck_out_tongue: :mrgreen: 8- this is what or an example of what 5mg daily Cialis does for me. Now remember I have been diagnosed with low t(hypogonadism) and on TRT and test was 805 2 days ago…it is what it is!!! But I am healing obviousely or I wouldn’t be writing this

No problem. I don’t mind helping people. Tigershull and Finasteridevictim have also done a lot to help other people while simultaneously suffering from severe health complications. So ignore the guy being rude to people suffering health problems, then sanctimonously telling people to be polite.

You know what??
Who the fuck are you to tell me and others our Problems are deeper than Propecia??
I was totaly normal and healthy before this Shit, had a nice Job, a Girlfiriend since 7 Years, was donig Bodybuilding everyday…do you think i have Fun to come here and talking Shit??
I dont even was in one fucking Forum before all this Mess…
Maybe your Problem is deeper than Propecia??
you has take one half Pill and come here and try to explain who has PFS and who not…
You mean a Guy like Tigershull who is Policeofficer and have Kids has nothing to do as to be here and disturb People??
I only try to explain that Guy that he has mild Sides instead of others and that he dont need to freak out…And i think this is better instead to say:“Yeah you have PFS you are fucked”
So go on and dream about your one half Pill and stop to judge People here “MR ONE HALF PILL”

Thank you Kevin, i will do, youre right.

Someone advising diet being an important part of recovery is not a troll.What other options do we have, apart from diet and exercise? Other sufferers have claimed recovery with strong emphasis on diet ie Cdnuts/Chi. We might as well try and do everything we can to try and get better IMO. Or do we just wait and hope time and the medical community cures us?

I think the only reason im healing is because i stopped in in time meaning right when i had the side of mild ed… I stopped immediately and thats why im healing… If i would have continued taking it there is no doubt i would have had full blown PFS… But thankfully God seemed it fit to give me low t instead of PFS and if it takes TRT to have a normal life then sign me up…i actually prayed before the first uro visit to let this be low t and not PFS… God is so awesome and that is why im recovering!!! GLORY TO GOD. For those sitting around waiting on a cure its not gonna happen!! I think they mite take it off the market for sure…i will keep PFS sufferers in my prayers…

you are ırrıtating all pfs sufferers. Please leave thıs forum anymore.
When ı see a guy who ıs healed or healıng, they say there wıll be no cure.
Sure, they are good now. They dont need a hope. So they can break other hopes.
Whats the poınt to tell there ıs no cure?
What do we do then? To kıll ourselves?
Get out thıs forum and leave us alone.

If God is so awesome why is he being such a fucking dick to most on this site? I apologise for my atheistic outburst, but you should really keep your praise be to God to yourself. Maybe you should show more humility and just be quietly grateful that you’ve found something that works. No need to post about it ad infinitum.