Hey man Jesus Christ is my lord and savior… I called on him December 20th before i went to uro and asked him to please let me hVe LOW T and not PFS… And he did. Thats why i have found a proticol that works…im only posting to give hope to people that if diagnosed with low t from propecia then TRT will help… U should really check ureself before u start blaspheming God…

I am on this forum because i came here for help. I took propecia for 15 months so i have every tight to be here as the next guy… Not trying to irritate PFS sufferers. My heart goes out to u guys that have this horrible disease…i now have low t but i can admit it wasnt all from propecia… There are other factors that went on in my life that brought this on other than propecia…however TRT has helped tremendously…but at the end of the day i dont have PFS. But i do have hypogonadism… And i will be on TRT for the rest of my life…I will continue to pray for a cure for PFS!! In the meantime guys with severe symptoms keep praying!!

Jesus Christ may be your saviour but he isn’t mine. That is your opinion/belief but it isn’t mine, although I’m sorry for disrespecting your beliefs. People on this site may have other beliefs or none.

This site is supposed to be for help and people are more or less acting like they are mad because im healing through TRT… Dont make any sense

People are not acting like they are mad

They are just sick of hearing you talk about having sex 16 times in a row and then coming out and telling us we won’t ever be cure, that is irritating and rubbing it in

Why are you still here making posts? It’s beyond me

You’re not really healing if you’re on TRT and cialis. That’s called treatment, not healing. And your hormone imbalance was probably called by propecia, and is likely permanent. Anyway, ii you want to find out if you’re healing, stop the treatment and see how you are doing. The evidence on the board suggests that people have tried out TRT and felt great at first, but over time the positive effects waned and the negative effects became more prominent. So be careful in declaring yourself cured, or even in suggesting that the treatment will work long term. Hopefully it does. If it does, please keep us posted.

In the mean time, as my friend Axl used to say about good ol’ brown sugar…

I used to do a little but a little wouldn’t do it
So the little got more and more
I just keep trying to get a little better
Said the little better than before

Stuck it in the middle and I shot it in the middle
And it, it drove outta my mind!
I should’ve known better, said I wish I never met her
I should leave it all behind!

Oh it will work long term… No doubt… Its healing itself as we speak… Its takes time… But it will heal. I have secondary hypo… Not gonna heal itself… I can fuck like this and its only gonna get better as time goes on… My uro has 35 years experience!!

The point is TRT does not heal hypogonadism. It treats it. You need to maintain it for the rest of your life and have to be concious of keeping a persistent level without inducing an overload of estrogen.

To ‘cure’ hypogonadism you need to restart the testicles. TRT does the opposite. To restart the testes you need to use an estrogen antagonist such as Clomid or Nolvadex to stimulate endogenous LH which signals production of testosterone again. However it’s by no means fool proof.

I understand that but my urologist said that eventually as time goes on i will not need to take the 5 mg daily cialis… He said the longer i go on TRT i will heal and not need cialis… He knows that this is propecia induced hypo!!

Going to dr Friday. Went to emergency room today bc of thoughts of suicide. Decided not to commit myself. Antidepressant giving me more erectile dysfunction lol. So fucked up. Will see doctor Friday. Will insist on TRT. Regardless of risks. Im in a place where I have ZERO left to lose. Meaning I would try anything. Big pharma has literally ruined my fucking life. This shit is rediculous and unjust.

Right I have already had the opportunity to run Clomid 2 times and the urologist said there is no guarantee that it will stick meaning once the test is raised that it would stay up when I got off of it… He said the only reason we would do Clomid is if I wanted to have kids… Of course he said if Clomid didn’t work that I would have to be on TRT for the rest of my life anyway… Right now my test is 805 I still have mild ED… But Cialis 5mg daily is working great for that. Its not even an issue anymore…If I did run Clomid I am sure I would have mild ed still… The reason that I am not changing to clomid is because the protocol I am on is working at the moment… And I damn sure don’t want to run CLomid and have high test and have severe ED… That would suck…lol… :unamused:

Wasn’t ure testosterone in normal range?? If it was its gonna be hard to find a doc to give u TRT…??

Hey ive been reading on TRT forums here lately that If u take LARGININE and LCITRULLINE and u are on TRT and u take 5 or 2.5 mg daily Cialis people are getting great result in the sheets like this. And throw a low mg Doxasosin in the mix for even better results… Havent tried this yet but I am planning on doing it… Maybe some people on this forum have had any luck with this… Right now im on TRT and 5mg Cialis daily and im having good results from this protocol… I am thinking of adding L arginine 2000mg a day and L citrulline 2000 mg a day to the mix along with what I am already doing to see what happens…Anyone on here tried this??

She said that it was trending downward over the last three times u tested. And she was willing to give it to me. I told her I wasnt ready. Now im surely ready.

God. If this does not work I’m not sure what I will do next.

Follow up to my original post: As of 4/10/14…
I’ve been OFF TRT for 6 months and used some Tbooster supplements with diet/exercise and fasting during this time.
My labs came back today…
Test dropped (bad) to 264 ng/dl from 1,867 in November
SHBG dropped (good) to 27 nmol/L
DHT dropped (bad) to 177 pg/mL from 602 in November
FSH increased (good) to 4.5 mIU/mL
Estradiol dropped (good) to 20 pg/mL

So now I decided to go back on TRT at a much lower dose, and Anastrazole to keep Estradiol in check. I may also add Andractim to bring up the DHT later.

Finasteride seems to have permanently damaged the ability of 5ar to convert T to DHT considering the results from all my labs. And going the natural route has done nothing to boost T or DHT.

I stopped Propecia 4 years ago after having taken the poison for 7 years. I find it very hard to believe that so many years have passed and there are still no medical solutions that can reverse this damage. And nobody from Merck is in prison yet.

I havent even hit 2 yrs yet. But I feel like ive been fighting this forever. If trt can help me I will give it a go. I feel so weak and impotent in all aspects. I refuse to live like this. I habe a couple of backup plans. I had a good results from zoloft and remeron. If trt does nothing for me I may just get back on these drugs as I felt the closest to normal as I have since this started.

Doctor would not give me testosterone. Said mine was normal. And she is right but I feel like shit. Im done. Out of options. Will just have to wait for a reasonable treatment option. Will try to stay off here and live well. Workout and take care of myself.