I have currently made a commitment for TRT for life… I have been on TEST cream for 2 months today!! I have spontaneous, morning and noct erections everyday and night!!! I have been able to have sex a couple of times prolly 5 or 6 without the use of an ed med since i have been on the test cream!! i go back in March 31st for more bloodwork… I have read numerous articles about if testosterone is normal or up that ed meds work exceptionally… I am not at 100 percent yet but i feel like i am getting there… Have had successful sexual attempts without ed meds but its not like that every time…I am on cheap test cream at the moment. I am thinking about switching to Androgel or injections depending on what uro says at next appointment. The good thing is that if i pop a pill or an ed med the sex has been extraordinary… Not sure if its because im on test cream and test is up or what… but i can maintain a normal sex life like this meaning test cream for life and ed meds if i have to take one… Not a big deal for me… If anyone has ant comments or opionions pleae feel free to comment!!! Like ui said i have had successful attempts without ed meds just on test cream and sometimes i pop a pill…

Impressive :slight_smile: I strongly recommend that you stick to the preparation you’re using. Definitely don’t change to injections, as it may cause trouble with aromatization. Make sure that you do extensive bloodwork (sex hormones, thyroid hormones and adrenal hormones), and please share the result here. What cream and dose are you using, btw?

You taking low doses? Perhaps just small amounts help?

any water retention in legs, chest or stomach?

Enden I am using testosterone cream 200mg… I apply half a milliliter a day which is 100 mg daily… I may bump it up to 200mg daily when I go back in March 31st… I not 100 percent yet but getting there… Sometimes I have to take a pill and sometimes I don’t!!! But when I do take them the sex is extremely good… When I have sex without taking them the sex is ok… Meaning im prolly like a 6 or a seven without taking one but things are looking up

Im taking test cream m203010 (testosterone 200 mg/ml) 100 mg every day… Im gonna try and bump it up when I go back in on March 31st to 200mg a day and see if that makes a huge difference in the erection department. so far this has helped me tremendousely and that’s why I decided to go on life commitment… I could have done clomid but I was scared of losing the improvements I have made hear… I cant screw everytime I get rready right now without a pill but I can sometimes… And the times I cant when I eat a ed med the sex is amazing… I know this sounds crazy but the sex on a ed med is just as good or better than before I took propecia… Weird but true. Sensation and orgasm and everything is amazing and the women love it… For REAL… there are many articles about TRT and ED meds and they are true… I took three clomid pills a while back but decided to stay n the cream… Didn’t want to lose any gains…Fina truth do u think I should bump up to 200mg a day?? let me know what u think???

No water retention anywhere that I have noticed!!! I walk 9 miles a week and workout with heavy weights 3 times a week… 5 days out of the week I am on a nonfat diet… Fruits… wheat sandwhiches… rotissierie chicken and vegtables…I plan on bumping up to 200 mg a day instead of 100 on my next appointment… What do u think about this??

What were your testosterone levels before taking TRT? Most people don’t report such a benefit from it. Is 100mg considered a small dose?

My testosterone was 383 and lh was 2.5 and fsh was 2.5 the first time I seen uro…he put me o test cream for 6 weeks and I went back in and retested and my test was 635… I go back March 31st and I will retest… Its 100 mg a day… He told me I had 2 options… I could do TRT for life or I could try Clomid for 2 months… 25 mg a day and that there was no guarantee clomid would work and if it didn’t then I would have to go on TRT for life anyway… So I just stayed on TRT… I may start doing 200mg a day when I go back in at the end of March… I am hoping it will make it where I don’t even need an ED med at any time…I believe when I get tested again it should be between 800 and 1000… We will see

Your testosterone level is good as it is on 100 mg IMO. 200 mg is a lot. I was using Testogel once a day, and that’s 50 mg… Large doses may cause a problem with estradiol, and according to my personal experience with TRT, less is more.

I am seriously considering this even though im only 25. I figure why let the prime of my life slip away. How are your muscles?

Im gonna get estradiol, estrogen, prolactin and testosterone checked when I go back in on March 31st…So my estriadiol need to be low and estrogen needs to be low and prolactin needs to be low correct??? I will see what uro thinks about upping the dose

My muscles are fine… No water retention that Im aware of… I work out 3 times a week with heavy weights and I am putting on muscle fast meaning moving up in weight fast and getting stronger. Starting to bulk up… I could have took clomid but I didn’t want to lose anything I have gained… I have gotten spon, morning and nocturnal for the last month and a half and they are not going away… They are sticking… Im doing the TRT and hoping if done long enough my body will kick in eventually and heal itself… I know that ed meds work for me exceptionally well… And I have been able to have sex 5 times since I got on TRT without the use of an ed med. But I do know that if on TRT the ed meds will always work well as long as estriadiol and estrogen and prolactin are all low to normal range. I believe that in 6 months I wont even need an ed med but if I do big deal… At least I will be able to screw… Tthats how im looking at it… Im starting to wake up with morning wood at least 5 out of seven night a week and nocturnals are there every night regardless… And im getting hard spon sometimes twice a day

Do you have blood results before and after your TRT? Be interested to see if anything other than testosterone has changed, specifically SHBG, Estrogen and Progesterone.

Most guys with PFS do not respond very well or at all to TRT, we’ve been through this many times.

This guy does not sound like he had full blown PFS, nor even particularly bad ED to start with. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=8586&p=77011#p77011

This guy texted me dozens of times without me replying. He definitely did not have PFS.

Yes I took my last pill in October of last year and went and seen uro in December… First visit in to see uro my test was 383 and lh was 2.5 and fsh was 2.5…that was all that was tested at the first visit… I went back 6 weeks later and my test was 635… I have now been on test cream since December… When I go back in March 31st I am gonna have uro check SHBG, Estrogen, Estriadiol and prolactin, and progesterone… All these other blood tests should be low to normal correct???

Luckfax I hope u are right brother!! I remember my first initial post a while back and even then I was still able to do the things I do now… Now I guess because im on TRT that all these things have intensified or gotten much better… I never felt a full blown PFS crash like I said in my previous posts… Nor had all the symptoms like u read about…I may have not have crashed… I hope u are right!! So being that u are saying that I didn’t crash do u think Clomid would work for me now being that I didn’t crash… It seems to me like it would if the TRT is working like it is. What do u think???

Second Amendment man I hope ure right… Maybe I don’t have PFS… so if that is the case do u think I should run Clomid or stay on the cream after my next URO visit??? If I don’t have PFS then clomid will prolly work right???I already chose to stay on the cream up to this point because I thought I had maybe crashed and by thinking that if something was working I damn sure didn’t want to change it… I was scared to even try Clomid by some of the things I have read on this forum :unamused: :open_mouth: … So with that being said can u tell me why u don’t think I have crashed??? I value ure opinion and if I haven’t then its all good. U think that my case is simply just a case of LOW T and no crash?? Be honest

Just an update… I was talking to fiancé on phone earlier about sex and got an erection and without any stimulation it got hard and stood up and without touching it it stayed hard for about 50 seconds just sitting there throbbing or jumping… I believe the TRT is definitely bringing me back and fast… It is starting to do this consistently now…Which is amazing… :blush: :open_mouth: :laughing: … I feel like I am healing for sure now…