Just another update… I had sex last night successfully without the use of an ED med… Was really good… Another successful attempt in the books… I am thinking at this point that 5mg Cialis daily would be beneficial at this point if I even need it at all in the future… :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue: :mrgreen: Feeling happy right about now. I hope it sticks

Another update I got a blowjob last night for about twenty minutes… I would say it was at about 80 percent hard… My legs were shaking like crazy…lol… So I believe the sensation is intensifying from TRT… Had a really big load… Of course she swallowed!!! :mrgreen: :unamused: :laughing:

Im insisting on TRT after my lab work comes back. Im sure it will show low T. My main frustration is muscle wastage, libido, and energy. Just want to feel like a MAN! Even if it doesnt cure me I have hopes that it will give me the edge I need. Im not too bad off, but enough that im willing to take this next step. Best years are passing by and I dont think Im really improving to be honest.

Yes I understand I am not totally fucked off either… I am 35 and I prolly got about 15 more good years of sex before its over anyway…lol… I do feel a lot better on TRT…I can get blowjobs and sometimes have sex without an ED med… And sometimes I have to pop a pill… Ihave noc, morning and spon erections many times a week… And everytime I eat an ED med I am able to have good sex to the point of orgasm… sometimes 2 times … But after 2 orgasms I might as well hang it up within a 12 hour period… Dick will be hard but I wont ever get off… No use in wasting the rest of life waiting on a cure that maybe will never have… ED meds work exceptionally well if people are on TRT for LIFE… U can google TRT and Viagra or TRT and Cialis… I am gonna continue my TRT commitment for life…And in my 40’s if the ED meds ever stop working then I will go to injections.(caverject) I have talked to uro about all this and he says injections last 5-10 years on people… So I wouldn’t have a problem shooting medicine in my dick if that’s what I had to do… And if that ever stopped working then I would get an implant… Penile Prothesis… There is a website called Frank Talk.org… and its a forum of people who have gotten Penile Prothesis and they are saying wonderful things about them!!! So there are ways around all of this and ways to fight… As far as sitting around waiting o a cure>>FUCK THAT… I don’t have the time or the energy… People in my opinion popping a pill is not that big of a deal… Hey if u can keep a relationship u got to do what u got to do… So if u decide to go on TRT I am pretty sure u will feel better because I know I have :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

lol. It’s kind of refreshing reading about sex in here.

It’s not that simple. A too low estradiol level will give you a lot of problems, including reduced libido and ED. A low prolactin level is good. It tends to increase libido, decrease the refractory period and make orgasms more pleasurable. Increasing the testosterone dose is a really bad idea, especially when you’re respond as good as you are. Optimizing TRT after crashing, may be difficult, as estrogen dominance will affect adrenal- and thyroid function negatively. Small steps and low to moderate doses are the correct way to go.

So estradiol needs to be normal and not low??? Prolactin definatley needs to be low!!! Where does estrogen need to be???

Estradiol needs to be optimal in relation to the level of testosterone, but no range or value has been established. Estrogen is usually just another term for estradiol, although it includes estrone and estriol.

So as long as estrogen or estradiol is in the middle range and optimal to the level of testosterone then I should be ok???

How does your body look? Gain any muscle back from trt?

Actually yes i am getting bigger and putting on muscle and fast… I work out three times a week and i an moving up in weight fast… I noticed im getting cut and defined too… I have been doing this since december…

Thats what I like to hear! One more question. Are you sleeping better?

Yes i am sleeping good… I sleep in between 6-8 hours a night… I wake up but only if i have to pee!!

My beard is getting thick and full again!! If i shave today by next wednesday. It will be extremely thick again… According to people on this forum i didnt crash and i dont have PFS… Although a uro diagnosed me with LOW T. (Hypogonadism)… If i dont have PFS its great however i do have low t and thats why i decided to go on TRT for life… I mean the testosterone wasnt gonna just go back up on its own…

Just a quick update… Had sex tonight without the use of an ED med… Screwed for about twenty minutes doggiestyle and she got off twice… My leg starting to get tired… But the sensation and sensitivity were great… I let her give me head for a minute and went at it again. Had a really good and pleasurable orgasm… I feel like I am healing and healing… I have prolly had sex at least 10 times in 2 months since I started the test cream in December… Libido is not as strong as it was pre fin but its still strong enough to get it done!!! Things are looking up :mrgreen: :unamused: Im starting to feel like I am gonna beat this thing being that the only side I had was a very mild case of Erectile Dysfunction. it seems like its getting better week by week…

I will definately give this a try. I feel I have nothing to lose. I feel like im 25 in a 65 yr old body. Very annoying. My bosy shape is insane. Skinny upper body and a tire around my midsection. I work out like a beast. Im tired of this my body is really making me angry. All my coworkers and friends my age look normal and healthy. I train hardet than most of them but still my stubborn body hardly responds. So angry.

Tired of training like crazy and looking like a fuckin slob who doesnt take care of himself. Too young for this bullshit.

Im sorry u are going through this… Since this whole thing started I have never felt like a 65 year old man… I don’t believe I crashed however I do know I have low t which is why I am on TRT… I feel great and I am able to have sex without a pill. But really the only side effect I had was mild ED… But if I were u I would get on it…

Thanks man. Very encouraging. I know of another guy with pfs who doesnt post on here. He has been on trt for years and says it helps him alot.

Its not our fault that we were lied to about this poison… But we can do whatever neccesary to feel better and i truly believe that over timexthat TRT will heal people… Its healing me… I hope it works out for u!!!