I noticed tonight I had a little bit of water retention in my wrists?? Is this good or bad?? A female tole me I had puffy wrists… :open_mouth:

I’ve read one of the possible side effects of the gel is visible water retention, including swelling of the ankles.

A doctor also told me I would have to monitor my PSA closely if I decided to use the gel. Increases in PSA is another possible side. Have you had yours checked since starting TRT?

I had it checked 2 months ago and it was ok… he hasn’t checked it in 2 months

Man cant wait. I drew blood this morning. I skipped my sleeping pill for the fast. I felt so weak and terrible today. I feel like this is my only hope. Wish I hadnt touched this poison man. It may have well just killed me. Imalmost 2 yrs off and feeling weaker by the month.

When do u get ure bloodwork back and what all did they test for??

I will meet back in 2 weeks. She tested alot of stuff I dont know for sure. Everyone on here says trt doesnt help… my buddy has pfs and he has been on it for a while. Even if it helped me gain a little muscle that would be worth it to me. I cant see it hurting at all. My friend is pretty muscular. Id love to build some muscle I feel so weak.

Well my uro told me 2 months ago when I tested that my total t was 383 and he put me on test cream. I went back in 6 weeks later and I retested and t was 635. He told me then that I could either do a round of clomid 25 mg for 2 months or I could stay on the trt. He said there is no guarantee that clomid would work and if it didn’t I would have to be on TRT for life anyway… He also said that I wouldn’t see any sexual improvements on Clomid so I just stayed on the cream… I go back on march 31st for retesting… Ill let u know what test is then… I will be on test cream 90 days at that point…

Yea. Id say stay on it. Why not. I cant wait myself. I dont expext a miracle but any improvements would really go a long way for me.

Any idea why the doc might have said clid won’t help with sexual sides?

I have currently been on test cream for life and Vigor Rx plus for 2 months… Vigor Rx plus is a male enhancement and it has a lot of ingredients in it…Here are the ingedients listed in one pill:

1.Korean Red Ginseng 200 mg
2.Saw Palmetto 200mg
3. Hawthorne 200mg
4.Ginkgo Biloba 200mg
5.Damania 200mg
6.Tribulus Terrestris 150mg
7.Catuaba 100mg
8.Muira Puama 100mg
9.Cuscata 50 mg
10.Epimedium 30mg
11. Bioperine 10mg

Now all of these ingredients are in this one male enhancement supplement…I have also been on TRT daily and this since December 20th… I have great results doing this and the test cream and working out and walking weekly… Im gonna stop taking this now and just do the test cream… I haven’t taken this supplement in 3 days and I am still having nocturnals, and waking up with a hard dick… The reason im stopping the supplement is because I go back to uro in 2 weeks and im gonna get a lot of other hormones tested and I don’t want this having any effect on them… All these ingredients are in one pill… If anyone has any comments feel free to comment on any of these ingredients u see in this pill and tell me if u thin its gonna make a difference now that I have stopped taking it…The past 2 times I have seen uro I showed him this male enhancement box and ingredients and he told me it wouldn’t hurt to take it… Any comments please

Well went I went in to see him 6 weeks after I had been on the cream I told him that I was able to have sex 2 times without a pill… Maybe he thought clomid wouldn’t have any effect or do better than that… I don’t know I will ask when I go in again

Just an update started 5 mg Cialis this week just to give it a shot and see how it works… I have taken one every day for the last 6 days and I have been able to have sex everyday consistently for the past week…The crazy thing about Cialis daily is it works just as good as if I ate a 100mg Viagra or a Cialis 20 mg. I can honestly say that the mild ed I had from using propecia and being diagnosed with LOW T by a uro because of propecia is gone… The sex is great and sensitivity and orgasm are good… Dick stays extremely hard on 5mg Cialis daily during intercourse… Actually before intercourse and during…It has taken me 5 months from the last poison pill that i swallowed to get to this point… I honestly believe that 2.5 mg Cialis daily would be plenty enough for me…God is so AWESOME… I have prayed that he bring me back prefin or get me to where i feel better mentally and that TESTOSTERONE THERAPY heal me enough to either use a low dose ED med daily or have to not use one at all…I have no problem eating a 5mg Cialis daily or a 2.5 mg Cialis Daily… I go back to uro on the 31st of March and i am gonna get a prescription for both… The great thing about both of these are that they are such small doses that there are no sides if taken daily…And just on the 5mg daily dick is hard as a rock…Literally i can just touch myself a couple of times and when my dick gets hard i can look at it and not touch for at least 55-60 seconds and it will sit there pointed straight out hard as a rock… I have a feeling that the longer i go into the TRT that i wont need 5mg daily or 2.5mg daily… Either way i am still in the game. I can have sex without taking any ed meds… But without taking them im only about 75 percent of what i use to be… When i take 5mg daily i am 100 percent just like before propecia…It feels great and months ago i would have to take 100mg Viagra or 20 mg Cialis to have this effect… I am healing… I have more or less chalked this thing up to LOW T… But never the end of the world…I truly believe that my Test is thru the roof and that is why im responding well now to low doses of ED meds…There are people that have never took propecia that have LOW T and have to get on TRT and have been on it for years and have to take ED meds… Some return over time and some don’t… One more thing… When i am in pussy it feels good and the sensitivity is there but its only about 80 percent of what it used to be… But it stills feels good enough for me to orgasm and its a great feeling… So for those still suffering and waiting to heal on ure own… I will pray for u… But i think if u have LOW T because of propecia then u need to take the proper steps to fix ureself or make it as good as it can be…Any comments or questions im all ears… :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :mrgreen:

Happy for you your ED seems better, a distant dream for me…I can’t take calis etc as it makes my eyes hurt badly, like i’m going to go blind.

Are you concerned all these meds and treatments are not solving the underlying problem, and in the future they may become ineffective?

I am going down the healthy eating, exercise and no meds route. However I’m using herbal supplements, have you considered using Tongkat ali or horny goat weed?

I haven’t tried Tongkat, Or horny Goat weed…I don’t think they are gonna become innefective because I walk 9 miles a week and work out with heavy weight 3 times a week…And im on TRT… If they ever do become innefective then I will up the dose but I don’t think I am gonna have to…So ure saying 5 mg Cialis does nothing for u??? I am going to uro at the end of march and im gonna try to get other hormones in line to solve the underlying problem until then I just gotta rock on like this on TRT and a very low dose 5 mg Cialis… It works great for me… I wish it worked for u… I fdont get any side effects from it either… There are dudes on this forum that have been taking low doses like this for years and it still works for them. I believe if u don’t have any other medical problems they will always work as long as ure T is up …

PDE-5 inhibitors probably won’t work if you don’t have enough nitric oxide. In my case, I’ve noticed that it doesn’t work when the estradiol level is too high. I used 2.5 mg Cialis for a while, and I noticed the positive effects on good days. As for side effects, it caused brain fog and headache after a month.

Besides the side effects that u get Enden as long as ure estriadiol is right the low dose still works for u right??? And how long have u been using it???

I’ve only done it a couple times but 5mg cialis worked well for me, I think. It fucks with my vision slightly but I only use it when I need to, not daily.

I don’t know if cailis might work a bit better now 8 months post crash but I’m scared of any prescription meds.

Sad story, but started new relationship realised things didn’t work like they should, got dumped. Anyway I did try cailis then, but if you don’t have any libedo cailis seems not to work, and it gave me terrible side effects like eye pain, and bad headaches that lasted a couple of days.

I’m going to start my cdnuts program with 7 different testosterone boosters, hopefully that might help.

How bad was your ed and crash? Do you put your side effects down to low test?

Hello. I have also been prescribed testosterone, due to low T. I have been given a Tgel to use. Basically I have been told by my GP to use ‘as many pumps until I feel better’. So I have no real idea of how much Im taking or absorbing at the moment. I am still waiting for a GPs appointment.

I certainly feel that Finasteride has altered the T/E ratio and this is causing a form of hypogonadism. I hope to monitor my hormone values in the future. Im still unsure as to why this issue isnt more prominent on the forum.

Vigor Rx contains Saw Palmetto which i believe is a 5AR inhibitor.
It appears that a number of users on this forum have reported problems with using Saw Palmetto, myself included.