It hasnt giving me any problems yet… I took it for 2 months and i was able to have sex taking vigor and test cream without the use of an ED MED… But i quit taking it… Still doing test cream!!

That is good that it works for u Cap… And the great thing about is they will always work brother!!

I never lost libido… Just had a side of ed while on propecia… I didnt really have a crash so to speak and the only side effect i had was ed… I screwed one night for 4 hours and could get off. Erection was only about 70 percent… I quit the pills immediately… There are many on this forum that dont think i have crashed by the things i have done and am able to do since i stopped taking the poison back in october of last year… However i put it down to low t and no crash…however i was diagnosed with low t 2 months after quitting… U can read my prior posts…im on trt for life… I was taking vigor rxplus and test cream and was able to have sex 10 times in 2 months without the use of an ed med!! I quit taking vigor last week… Ans started 5 mg cialis and it works great. I dont think i am as bad as alot of people on here… Feels good to know that im gonna beat this thing and have a normal life!!

None pf the problems are permanent from Saw Palmetto and what kind of problem did u have??

Unbelievably myy blood tests showed testosterone at 611 (300-1100) not sure about range… but im pretty muxh gonna ask to try some anyways. My arms are dwindling. My forearms and wrists are embarassingly small. I want my body back. I have the physique of a 70 year old

None pf the problems are permanent from Saw Palmetto and what kind of problem did u have??
how do you know if SP side effects are not permanent?

I wasn’t taking saw palmetto by itself!!! I was taking it in one pill with a whole bunch of good stuff in it!!! I only took it for 2 months… Vigor Rx Plus!!.. I am currently doing testosterone cream and 5 mg daily Cialis for my mild ED that I had due to LOW T…How ever I only too; Vigor Rx plus to see if it worked… And it did… While on test cream and Vigor I was able to have sex 10 times without the use of an ED med but I stopped taking Vigor a couple of weeks ago… I can have sex now 2 times a day on test cream and 5 mg Cialis so I don’t think the Vigor or the Saw Palmetto affected me at all…I go to Uro next Monday and I am gonna get a prescription for 2.5 mg daily Cialis!! It seems the higher my test goes up the less of this stuff I need!!

Man ure testosterone is good… that’s not that bad!! But I wonder why u feel like u do if ure test is in normal range??

What would I be feeling if Vigor Rx Plus damaged me??? Or Saw Palmetto?? I eat 5mg daily Cialis and it is literally too much for me at the moment… I need to go down to 2.5 mg daily Cialis rite now but I don’t have a script… If Vigor had damaged me then I don’t believe 5mg daily would be working like it is?? I can have sex now at least 2 times a day… So nothing has gotten worse… The 5 mg works better than 100mg Viagra and 20 MG Cialis… So surely if it did something to me this ded would not be happening?? Just want ure opinion on this brother??

Go and have a penile doppler test.
If you have a problem there fixing T will have limited affect on your erection quality in the short term.
Long term Low T/DHT damages things down there.
Be patient, stay on your treatment and hopefully things will come back.

Yes I think they are already coming back… I have had constant morning and nocturnals now for 3 months since I have been on test cream and 5 mg daily Cialis works well… Anytime during the day I get aroused I can have sex whenever I want … all I do is eat a pill about 4 pm everyday and there is no side effects because its such a small dose… Its actually almost too much and that is why I am gonna get a script for 2.5 mg daily Cialis . I never had crashed and I don’t have PFS… I just had a side effect of ed while on propecia… However I did get diagnosed with low t… So really I must be healing because months ago I would have to take 100mg Viagra or 20 mg Cialis just to have sex. Now I only need 5 mg daily or 2.5 mg daily Cialis and I can have sex everyday…Would u say I am healing in ure opinion??

If 5mg Cialis works for you, you are one of the luckier ones.
Don’t obsess or stress too much about your recovery and enjoy the good state you are in.
There are people hit much worse on this forum.

As you are not a PFS sufferer, an urologist will probably be able to help you.
I wouldn’t be too eager to stop Cialis when it is working as it helps with tissue damage.

Why are you posting on here if you don’t think you have PFS?

You have hypogonadism, which may or may not have been a result of using propecia. Fortunately you can alleviate this with TRT, and there are plenty of forums to discuss proper treatment for that.

Try AnabolicMinds or T-Nation. Discussion there is more suited to advice you’re looking for.

Thanks for the info Danny!! In ure honest opinion u think its just low t and not PFS… If it were PFS then the protocol using TEST CREAM and 5mg daily Cialis wouldnt be working well for me if it were PFS CORRECT?? I just want ure honest opinion on this??

Yeah definitely just low testosterone. Not PFS.

Thank u brother!! So basically i just have to get the other hormones in balance and the mild ED should go away right?? Im also building muscle slowly but surely from working out and its my understanding this wouldnt be happening either if it were PFS correct??

Thank u and yes it does work that an testosterone cream daily… So being that 5 mg is working do u think I should keep taking it???

Does 5 mg Cialis work for u??

Cause ive read forums that if people have bad side effects then they will return to normal over time and I doubt seriousely that I could have gotten bad effects from taking Vigor because there were so many ingredients in one pill!!! I stopped taking cause I am doing just fine now om 5mg daily Cialis and testosterone cream… There are so many good dick ingredients in Vigor …its not just saw palmetto

I am thinking about supplementing L Arginine and L Citrulline at the moment…i m currently on test cream daily for life commitment and 5mg Cialis daily and vitamin d3 daily… I am having good results with these so far… I can have sex everyday at least one time on this protocol… I am thinking of start supplementing Arginine and Citrullline along with this protocol …Can anyone please tell me if these products have helped them at all… Ure honest opinion would be appreciated… I just want to know if they have helped anyone??? As far as erections go and ED