keep it simple to TRT only. your list is growing and growing.

Yes i think u are right… So TRT, vitamin d3 and Cialis 5mg daily?? U are saying i should just stick with this protocol for now and get other hormones in line??

Keep your posts in one thread please rather than starting a new topic everytime you have a question. The forum is already cluttered enough as it is. THanks.

Keep your posts in one thread please rather than starting a new topic everytime you have a question. The forum is already cluttered enough as it is. THanks.[/Ok will do Mew…still waiting on ure reply on a prior message

Man. I have had a turn of events for sure. I have been on zoloft for a week at night, along with remeron for sleep. My muscles are swelling back up and im bulking up. I feel more manly and whole again. Wow I cant believe this. I tried so hard to get off these drugs and they were keeping me normal feeling. I will count my blessings and keep this in place. Trt might be an option down the road but the risks are very scary to me.

Will do Mew!! U never answered my post to u??

Man that is awesome sounds like u are getting better… How are things in the sexual department??

Well, they are fine as long as I take zoloft at night. I notice a decrease in libido if taken in the morning.

Thats great man!! So u have been off propecia for 2 years?? And now u can finally have sex?? Without the use of an ED med

Yea im sure I could easily. Havent tried though. I still desire to try trt. As this probably would address all issues: depression, anxiety, muscle loss, libido, and insomnia to name a few. Right now these medications are like a band aid. But atleast they are working for me.

Its hard to put the pieces of the puzzle together. But when I find something workable I need to stick with it. I was pretty near suicide a week ago.

Whatever works for u do it!! Thats all that matters… If u have mild ed try 5 mg cialis!! Works great for me!!

Just an update!!! Went to Uro this morning and got tested and my TESTOSTERONE was 805… So in 3 months of TRT my testosterone when i first went in December of 2013 was 383 and today it was 805… i asked about upping the dosage of the cream and he wouldn’t do it… He said things are fine how they are and decided to leave me on the same dosage of the cream… He said that it doesn’t need to be any higher… I asked him will the mild erectile dysfunction go away and he said being that 5 mg daily Cialis is working for me now he thinks that the longer i am on TRT that eventually i wont need any ED meds… :mrgreen: :laughing: :sunglasses: … I asked about injections and he shot me down saying that if i did injections then i would need an AI because that is when test starts converting to estrogen but right now its not!! Which is good… He did give me the option today to run CLomid again but i am not planning on having kids so i decided to stay on the cream… I go back in 3 months for another appointment…

Went to uro this morning and got test checked… I am currently on TRT…(test cream daily)… I went to uro in December and got tested and diagnosed with LOW T…(hypogonadism)… I tested 383… Now being on TRT for 3 months i went back this morning and tested 805… I asked about upping the dose of the cream and i got shot down… He said that there was no need to up the dose because for a 35 year old man 805 is right where it needs to be… I asked about injections and he said that there was no need for that because if ure test is too high that is when u have heart problems… At this level i didn’t have to worry about anything like that… And when u have high levels of test is when u have to worry about it converting into estrogen… Prolactin level was good… I told him i was taking 5mg daily Cialis and it worked great for me… He decided it would be best to leave me on 100mg test cream and told me that the longer i stay on it and daily Cialis that the mild ED would heal or go away and eventually i wouldn’t need anything… He said if i wanted i could still try Clomid but i told him i wasn’t planning on having any kids so i just stuck to the TRT… Overall i am healing and this was confirmation today… At this point i don’t have any brainfog, no muscle wastage because i am building muscle fast from working out… Only thing i have is mild ED and 5mg daily Cialis takes care of that!! I do feel good and now im believing that the mild ED will be a thing of the past now because he said that the longer i stay on TRT that i eventually will not need 5mg daily Cialis…that my mild ED would go away or heal and this came out of a UROLOGIST mouth with 35 years experience…

It’s cool you’re getting better but do you really need to make 800 threads about your TRT?

Just posting and giving people hope!!! Proving that this thing can be beat!!

I’m afraid CAP is right

You should just keep all your updates to one thread. No need for some many.

Pleased your almost cured from TRT, just hope your good improvements stick with your life long TRT commitment .

Dude you dont even have PFS, you only had maybe low Testo from Fin…

Go ahead man and live and enjoy your Life…

We all know that Low Testo is curable, but not PFS you know??

Please differentiate for me if u will thats its low test and not PFS?? How do u know the difference??

Please differentiate for me if u will thats its low test and not PFS?? How do u know the difference??
Because guys with PFS don’t get cured by TRT. And you had very mild sides compared to most of us. You would probably have recovered naturally.