Please differentiate for me if u will thats its low test and not PFS?? How do u know the difference??
Because guys with PFS don’t get cured by TRT. And you had very mild sides compared to most of us. You would probably have recovered naturally.
I understand that but im not cured!! I am on TRT for the rest of my life… I still have to take 5mg daily Cialis to have sex until the mild ed goes away?? So how am i cured?? I feel better and i am putting on muscle fast and getting bigger!! … Please differentiate… I have reversed what propecia has caused by the things i am doing!! So u are saying if this was PFS then this would not be happening??? And even on TRT the blood level would not be going up?? Im not trying to make anyone mad… I just would like to have someone thst knows explain it to me

Because guys with PFS don’t get cured by TRT. And you had very mild sides compared to most of us. You would probably have recovered naturally.
I understand that but im not cured!! I am on TRT for the rest of my life… I still have to take 5mg daily Cialis to have sex until the mild ed goes away?? So how am i cured?? I feel better and i am putting on muscle fast and getting bigger!! … Please differentiate… I have reversed what propecia has caused by the things i am doing!! So u are saying if this was PFS then this would not be happening??? And even on TRT the blood level would not be going up??
Yes, TRT does not cure PFS

That’s what he is saying

People with PFS have tried TRT and does not work on PFS victims, so you are either very lucky if you ever did have PFS and your getting better, or you just had low T and not PFS

I understand that but im not cured!! I am on TRT for the rest of my life… I still have to take 5mg daily Cialis to have sex until the mild ed goes away?? So how am i cured?? I feel better and i am putting on muscle fast and getting bigger!! … Please differentiate… I have reversed what propecia has caused by the things i am doing!! So u are saying if this was PFS then this would not be happening??? And even on TRT the blood level would not be going up??
Yes, TRT does not cure PFS

That’s what he is saying

People with PFS have tried TRT and does not work on PFS victims, so you are either very lucky if you ever did have PFS and your getting better, or you just had low T and not PFS
ok now I almost on the same page… Please clarify this for me… So there are people that have been on TRT and it didn’t raise there testosterone blood level like mine is rising??

So what u and Luckfax are saying is if I had PFS and I was on TRT that my blood testosterone level wouldn’t be rising like it is meaning getting higher as time goes on?? Meaning that it would be getting lower or be the same as when I started TRT and a low dose mg Cialis wouldn’t be working like it is??

So what u and Luckfax are saying is if I had PFS and I was on TRT that my blood testosterone level wouldn’t be rising like it is meaning getting higher as time goes on?? Meaning that it would be getting lower or be the same as when I started TRT and a low dose mg Cialis wouldn’t be working like it is??
Look, its not rocket science.

Fact is, TRT is not proven to work with PFS victims, yes it will raise your T level but you dont see any benefits, such as ED is still the same. Also Cialis does work for some PFS victims but the good affects soon wear off so that before long Cialis does not work as effective or not at all.

I think you would benefit from time away from this forum, since I’m fairly convinced you dont have PFS and if you do, you only have minor sides that you are managing successfully with your TRT and cialis.

So what u and Luckfax are saying is if I had PFS and I was on TRT that my blood testosterone level wouldn’t be rising like it is meaning getting higher as time goes on?? Meaning that it would be getting lower or be the same as when I started TRT and a low dose mg Cialis wouldn’t be working like it is??
Look, its not rocket science.

Fact is, TRT is not proven to work with PFS victims, yes it will raise your T level but you dont see any benefits, such as ED is still the same. Also Cialis does work for some PFS victims but the good affects soon wear off so that before long Cialis does not work as effective or not at all.

I think you would benefit from time away from this forum, since I’m fairly convinced you dont have PFS and if you do, you only have minor sides that you are managing successfully with your TRT and cialis.
Thank u for ure help in this matter!! I still have mild ED but i do feel really good from the TRT and i have been taking cialis daily 5mg for almost 3 weeks now and it seems to be getting better!! I have been building muscle but i have been working out hard for 3 months… Uro seems to think that the farther i go along with Trt and 5mg daily cialis he says i want even need the cialis anymore that my ed will heal or go away!! But once again thanks for ure help

Thanks for the updates. Please keep us posted and let us know if the results persist.

Also, what sort of options for TRT were you presented with. Besides the cream, there is a shot you can receive also, right?

Oh dear, another one who only took half a pill once, claiming to be struck with PFS too :slight_smile:

Maybe you could fix your PFS with TRT as well :laughing:

Dude, get bent.

Wooah- he is a moron, don’t mind him. Its been documented over and over that only 1mg to even potentially .5mg can cause PFS with the same symptomology as a user of many years.

And your a dickhead Fina who thinks everybody’s symptoms are identical

With your whole neurosteroid theory

Bragging to have loads of money to pay for an independent study, yet doing fuck all to help raise awareness

Your a shit head and never liked your self righteous attitude any way

Telling people they’ll be fine when they are crippled with sucidal thoughts

I think that makes you the moron!

I am sorry if I hurt your feelings

Guys we need to direct our negative energy at Merck not each other.

Test = 130 (249-835)
LH 1.2 (1.5-12.4)
FSH 1.3 (1.7-8.6)
Free T 2.3 (13.5-39.1)

His bloods look pretty much hypo-gonadal, isn’t that what PFS is?

When I first got tested back in December my test was 383 and lh was 2.5 and fsh was 2.5… now being on trt 3 months test is 805

I’ll share my own experience with TRT. Keep in mind each man has different DNA, age and how long they took Propecia may be a factor.

I went to Dr Goldstein in San Diego, expert in Sex Medicine. He convinced me I would be on TRT for life, so I believed and trusted. As the year went by, he had increased my doses of injection 3 times because it was still struggling to recover. But sexually, things were working and muscles were coming back. It was all the other side effects which CANNOT be treated by Testosterone or Clomid or Anastrazole that were the big problem. I ended up with my T levels at 1287 which caused me to be extremely irritable, angry and ultimately pushed my wife over the edge for a divorce.

This is a dangerous path imo. Especially since there are so many other natural options to manage T and E.

It’s been 6 months since I had a T injection. I’ve been working out, fasting, eating healthy, taking a large selection of vitamins, supplements and minerals (all of which are mentioned on this site). And most recently, I started Progesterone.
This is THE MOST NORMAL I have felt in about 6 years.

The reason I post this is because my experience on TRT caused MAJOR life problems and did NOT address any of the other numerous side effects. PFS is not just a Testosterone to DHT problem. So please just take this as a potential warning and not to get your hopes up thinking that a boner equates to being cured.

I found TRT to be a dangerous experience which introduced even more complications, not to mention the hassle of jamming a needle in my thighs twice a week. Check out the bodybuilder sites or PHFsupplements.com. A wealth of expert information on boosting T with diet/exercise/supplements.

Yes I understand that injections can make u feel like that… Right now I feel better and im putting on muscle from working out… I still have mild ed though but its very mild that 5mg daily Cialis takes care of that… libido is low to normal but once aroused it stays hard through intercourse which is good… I have had sex 16 days in a row on 5mg Daily Cialis and it is not losing effectiveness… They uro told me that he would not put me on injections or up the dose of the cream because he felt like where it is now is enough… He did however say that the longer I am on TRT that eventually I will heal and I will not even need 5mg daily Cialis… Which is GREAT… He said that when u start doing injections is when u risk heart attack and strokes and shit like that… U have major anxiety and it makes u crazy…The 5mg daily Cialis is great… I can have a normal sex life like this… The sensation is not prefin during intercourse but it is enough to stay hard and get off and when I cum during intercourse it is very pleasurable and big loads…its almost like the oragsasm is gonna end lol which for me is good and as long as u have a hard dick and not a soft on then women cum… :mrgreen: :laughing: :sunglasses: :laughing: :blush: :open_mouth:

Personally I’m getting bored of these repeated posts now… ‘eventually you wont need cialis’ must have read that 10 times.

If you doing that well, why are you still here? You should be enjoying fucking 16 times in a row instead of posting here, which may be perceived as rubbing it in to us far worse off than you with full blown PFS.

No im not rubbing anything in… I am however giving people hope that TRT and low dose cialis for people that have been diagnosed with low t or hypogonadism can help this situation… I dont believe this is your forum and i took propecia for a while and i have just as much to post as u do!! So have u tried 5mg Cialis daily?? Can u achieve an erection on it suitable enough for intercourse?? If not do bigger doses help u?? If not u may have low t as well!! Its almost been 3weeks since taking 5mg and it hasnt lost effectiveness yet!! At this point i dont think it will…

i am thinking the same.

Dude like i said go ahead and enjoy your Life Man…We have here Guys (like me) who would be happy if they can fuck one time in a Year…So again take a Break from this Forum AND ENJOY YOUR LIFE…

YOU DONT EVEN KNOW 5% of what PFS feels like and be glad for that…

I never heard of a Full Blown PFSguy to have 16 Times Sex in a Row…

We have here Guys who are thinking to end the Life, how sounds that to you??