Has anyone else noticed this connection?
Finasteride takes about 2-4 weeks to leave the system after ingestion. Most people crash 2-4 weeks off finasteride. Why? My theory is that when the finasteride is gone, the immune system takes over. The immune system is much more efficient than finasteride. Antibodies “lock in” to molecules rendering them useless. Finasteride merely inhibits an enzyme by 50-70%. That’s why on the drug, libido dropped to 6 or maybe 5. When the much more powerful immune system took over, libido dropped to 2 or 1. DHT wasn’t merely suppressed, it was in total lock down mode.
It all ties in beautifully. The timing of the crashes, the sudden increase in severity of symptons.
To further explain my theory: 2 issues------
on the drug, finasteride messes up hormones. Just about everyone experiences this; some tolerate better than others. “2%” experience (report) it. People get off the drug and their hormones get back to normal.
in some instances, the immune system takes over where finasteride left off. And therein lies the PFS. Either DHT or 5-alpha-reductase II antibodies locked in critical spaces.
There’s been some success with immune suppressants. And some failures. My guess why some have failed is because their hormones were suboptimal; they never sorted out the hormonal mess finasteride caused.
This is all just conjecture now, but I believe we are really starting to unravel the mystery behind PFS.