Testosterone, dihydrotestosterone or 5ar2 antibodies.


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There are lots of places you can buy these antibodies. But we need to test for them in serum. I think these antibodies that are being sold can be used to help do that test using standard biochemistry assays.

But look at their price and the expertise that is required (see some of the methods used in the studies posted) and you get an idea of the hurdles faced just in order to get a non-standard blood test. That being said, most good hospitals/universities will have the capability to do this - they just need a motivation.

Oscar can you explain this. If our body is producing an antibody for a hormone or an enzyme don’t we just need to test that hormone, enzyme against our blood?

I might stand corrected on this, but “just” getting that test probably wont be simple. Its not a standard blood test so it will initially require someone to be bothered to put the test together and it will inevitably require time, money and slightly different materials. Even if the basic testing technology is the same, if a lab doesnt offer a certain test you cant force them to perform it.

But ask your own doctor. If they think theres anything in this and they have some influence at a hospital, who knows?

I am not asking you to buy but I mean since these manufactures deal in anti bodies they can test us and tell us what kind of anti bodies we are having and what sides we are supposed to have. Once if this is luckily confirmed then maybe some manufacture can help us develop anti-bodies against these anti bodies( this is new field and now some autoimmune problems are bieing treated using anti bodies instead of meds).

I have already contacted them but no luck with them.

Has anyone else noticed this connection?

Finasteride takes about 2-4 weeks to leave the system after ingestion. Most people crash 2-4 weeks off finasteride. Why? My theory is that when the finasteride is gone, the immune system takes over. The immune system is much more efficient than finasteride. Antibodies “lock in” to molecules rendering them useless. Finasteride merely inhibits an enzyme by 50-70%. That’s why on the drug, libido dropped to 6 or maybe 5. When the much more powerful immune system took over, libido dropped to 2 or 1. DHT wasn’t merely suppressed, it was in total lock down mode.

It all ties in beautifully. The timing of the crashes, the sudden increase in severity of symptons.

To further explain my theory: 2 issues------

  1. on the drug, finasteride messes up hormones. Just about everyone experiences this; some tolerate better than others. “2%” experience (report) it. People get off the drug and their hormones get back to normal.

  2. in some instances, the immune system takes over where finasteride left off. And therein lies the PFS. Either DHT or 5-alpha-reductase II antibodies locked in critical spaces.

There’s been some success with immune suppressants. And some failures. My guess why some have failed is because their hormones were suboptimal; they never sorted out the hormonal mess finasteride caused.

This is all just conjecture now, but I believe we are really starting to unravel the mystery behind PFS.

This theory doesn’t seem to be new here. Here a “friend” of xhorndog (most likely ihatepropecia702) explains his version.


If this is autoimmune then how do we deal with or cure it?

I have no idea. We aren’t certain PFS is an autoimmune disease. There is compelling evidence but we can’t draw definitive conclusions yet.

If this is an autoimmune disease, I’m not sure if it can be “cured” but it most certainly can be treated with varying degrees of success.

I still don’t understand why this has eluded so many urologists, endocronologists and medical researchers since what happened to us coming off the drug was so catastrophic. It’s analogous to nuclear bomb going off in a city and world renowned physicsts saying “hmmm…what could’ve possibly caused all this destruction?”

My best guess is that they missed a huge piece of the puzzle because they aren’t trained in the discipline that’s causing all our problems–immunology.

Has anyone gone to an immunologist? I feel like I maybe want to make an appointment now with one.

Not to my knowledge, no. I am also trying to push for a referel next week. We have to convince our doctors that we suffer from a yet-to-be discovered autoimmune disorder with the generic catch all name/internet meme “post finasteride syndrome.” We’ve got our work cut out for us.

Luckily, there are others spearheading the way. Despo111 for example:


The first post makes clear this thread is a desperate attempt to explain how a known and documented immune response directed agiainst hormones and/or enzymes may also apply to us. It is a desperate attempt because every time the ‘immune system’ is mentioned on this forum some stupid fucker starts posting about leaky gut or some other pseudoscience bullshit.


That’s a pretty interesting angle… I would want to hear more from this guy, I haven’t seen that post before

Im not surprised, your attracted to dumb ideas like a fly around shit.

If you google how to suppress your immune sytem, one of the articles that comes up is sleep deprivation. Haven’t there been people on this site who have stated when they don’t sleep there libido and erection issues improve? How else could we go about suppressing our immune systems?

i’ve seen people say it the other way around, when they DO get sleep, things seem to improve for them. my sleep can definitely be bad because of propecia… i don’t think it’s helping.

There are immune suppressants such as dexa. I think we need more data first before we start radical measures to suppress the immune system. Start by talking to your GP, tell him about your concerns, ask for a referal to an immunologist and ask for immunology blood work. The more on board with this the more data we have, the better conclusions we can draw.

The endocronology/urology route has run its coarse. Time to start a new path. I believe this immunnology path might be the way home. To know more, we need three things first.

  1. data
  2. data
  3. data

And like I said, it’s not going to work if your hormones are still screwed thanks to fin. High prolactin, high e2, low T is a recipe for sexual dysfunction without even considering a yet-to-be discovered autoimmune condition.

This is true for me, i have posted a study about it (sleep deprivation).

We need more members tested, so do it. Test all immunoglobulins, it is far more important than posting on this thread. We need to know if we can rule it in or out.