This theory is based on a really good post by Oscar.
Im quite simple in knowledge of the human body, but the way i understand it is when something that was missing come back, dht, 5ar2 the body then saw it as a outside invader, disabling and rendering it usless but still appearing “there” in blood tests.
I wonder if what jn has actually stumbled upon is he has used hydrocortisone, which has suppressed the immune system somewhat while supplementing androgen.
Another interesting piece of info that i just skimed across, sorry no links, is that thyroid meds, and antibiotics, (two things that a few people have had a little bit of luck with) also suppress the immune system.
That also reminds me of the user dury who was on thyroid medication and raised testosterone via clomid.
This could also be linked with the abnormilities some people have had in their white blood cell test results, along with low free testosterone which many have.
Please if anyone has any further information or thoughts on this can you please post.
Also can we please keep this thread away from leaky gut, parasites, candidia etc.