Testerone/Nandolone deconate - feeling normal after 6 yrs

No, the condition appears to be reversible, or at least manageable - but it takes time to adjust the treatment. If you have developed secondary hypogonadism (atrophied testicles), you should try to recover with other medications before committing to HRT. Take a look at this protocol; viewtopic.php?f=5&t=7530

Trust me, thereā€™s an issue with the T -> DHT conversion within the prostate. Try 0.5 mg Arimidex along with 2.5 mg Cialis a day, and see how your prostate fluid respond to that. Alternatively, TRT with a very small amount of Andractim rubbed on your scrotum once a day, or TRT with Primobolan Depot - or any other AAS that doesnā€™t aromatizeā€¦

Ok then what about women who got affected with 5AR like Fin,SP or Accutan? why do they suffer exactly the same sides as we do?

When I take TRT free E goes over range even when i take 28.5mg per 3 days. My Free T only gets to mid range. If the problem was in the periphery I would assume arimidex would give stable results - No one here is able to get stable results with anti estrogens.

Have you though about trying to block the estradiol by taking ESTRIOL? Maybe that could work like chlomid to a degree you would need to be on TRT though.

I can not control myself I am sorry, but to say prostate is the center of our cause (due to Tā€“>DHT conversion) is garbage, foolish and misleading. I apologies but [Size=4]no more Kos,Greece BS again[/size]. We have had enough this misleading, time wasting discussion thanks to Solonjk in the past already.

Believe what you want.

There are many with NO prostate that are doing fine with or without TRT. When I say fine - I mean they are not experiencing our problems.

Iā€™ve tried masteron with TRT before with no effect. I dosed it pretty heavily too. My receptors literally do not respond to androgens. Ever since my first time taking a SERM after coming off propecia my libido/erections skyrocketed. Felt like a porn star for a few days but then crashed, like so many others. After that period my receptors basically shut off. Or at least thatā€™s what I feel happened.

In other words, I got a script for cytomel so will be trying it soon. Also ordered Tiromel from the UK coming in a few weeks so I will have more liberty over dosing. My TSH has always hovered high normal in the 3.8 to 4.1 range so hopefully I will seem improvements when I get it down below 1.

Hard to believe, considering how important it is. Do you have any examples? How do you explain that the amount of prostate fluid increases, and it changes from transparent to white, when I have nocturnal-, morning-, spontaneous erections (fairly good erection quality) and high libido?

I dunno if youā€™ve read this, but there are other mental and physical side effects involved in PFS outwith libido/erections.

What was the dose? They say that Masteron is very similar to Primobolan.

Yeah, I know that finasteride causes negative changes in neurohormones. Which other physical changes are you talking about besides testicle atrophy, muscle wasting, reduced penile girth and gynecomastia?

I think the point being made is that it doesnā€™t matter if you donā€™t have a prostate - or even testicles - normally if you have these side you can go on basic TRT and alleviate them. The fact that there is such a miserable success rate among PFS sufferers points to something going on beyond hormones.

It amazes me when people donā€™t have answer how they try to dodge. If you donā€™t know simply say I donā€™t know, it is that simple.
if it is a matter of prostate then people after prostatectomy should be in miserable condition like us. It is not matter of erection or morning wood. your quality of life destroys, your career ruin. I have lost my career. I know I can never work in career again. Do you see these thing in people who get prostate out? have you ever met any person in your daily life after prostate removal? I have, indeed see him quite often. He works 8 -10 hours, which I can only dream. Does not take any TRT or multivitamin like me.
you also could not answer why women get sides from 5AR inhibitors.
So please donā€™t mislead people here with your bogus theories. just write your experience with TRT. This is enough for us.

I spent some time reading the stories of people who got prostate radiectomies - Yes there is a percent that report libido issues. But many are as horny as every they are not screwed up like us on average. It is a very common operation and if they were really messed up you would see them on trt boards and all over the net. There are some but not many. I think it is safe to say it is possible to have a libido after prostate removal and that you will not get PFS from prostate removal. There is one study which show an average increase in testosterone after prostate removal. I think on average we see a significant decrease in our testosterone after PFS. Of course there are other serious sides that can occur from postate removal.

yes mostly get erection problem due to nerve damage but not like us: testicular shrinkage, insomnia, panic attack, muscle loss,vision loss, heart palpitation, joint pain, appetite loss, hypothyroidism etc the list is long. I wish if it had been the case we would have sorted it out so easily.

My prostate isnā€™t giving me brain fog, dry skin, or thin skin. I canā€™t believe how people donā€™t see the larger problem, that professor Traish, dr. Melcangi, my own neurologist and endo seeā€¦completely neurological in nature. It also amazes me how many people donā€™t want to look at prior finasteride studies and see how it can 100% linked to all our problems, but whatever keep doing what u want.

One more thing people. This universe runs on something called logic. Everything scientific flows from logic. I say this because its logical to assume that whatever the trigger is , itā€™s the same for all of us regardless of symptoms. I think to believe that finasteride is doing different things to different people is flying in the face of logic. Thatā€™s not to say we have the same symptoms, but same triggering event.


LOL at Finnatruth he says its not his prostate and then says he has thin and dry skin and ā€œcompletely neurological in natureā€ We know your gums are not controlled by your neurosteroids - Come on man wake up. Your hormones are active in your brain and control neurosteroids too. The brain is just another organ which has been effected by the chemical balance shift.
As for the prostate idea - I think it is unlikely due to the facts mentioned.