Testerone/Nandolone deconate - feeling normal after 6 yrs

Hi Enden,

Are you taking Methenolone ? if so what dose do you need to take it at ?

I don’t understand what you are trying to say but yes it is simple. If you have issue with 5AR DHT should resolve without any issue. Just go on any forum for FTMs and see how fine these girls/trans sexuals are doing with DHT. they don’t have any issue at all. Some of us are having negative effects from DHT/Agel. Oscar blames his further mess/shrinkage on DHT direct application to his penis. I never a single negative comments about DHT on any FTM forum, all are singing the praise

I initially had a MASSIVE sour in libido after taking a small amount of proviron. Now I can take as much as I like and it has no effect whatsoever. 10 times the initial amount and nothing, absolutely nothing!

Any idea if it helps with genital numbness? Where can you get the DHT cream?

To me it is very simple. if you get benefits from DHT you have no issues (like anti bodies or allergy against DHT). The proof is the post that I made few months ago about kids born without 5AR enzymes. They had small penises and were like girls. They responded well to DHT application, their body changed, penises grew bigger. I have gone through many forums and no girl complained on continued use of DHT. AFter all there is some magical power in DHT that is why it is loved by FTMs.
you can try DHT but my bet is it will stop working after few days/weeks.

DHT is a very potent androgen, and when you’re using a gel, you’ll get a lot of DHT in your blood, which exerts negative feedback on your HPTA. In other words, your testosterone production decreases, and symptoms of hypogonadism gets worse. If you’re going to use a gel for DHT replacement, you’ll have to be on TRT as well. TRT alone presents a lot of issues. Also, too much DHT will reduce libido and cause ED - even while on TRT - so it’s not so fucking simple as you want it to be. You have to keep in mind that DHT is defined as a paracrine hormone, which means that testosterone is converted to DHT in the target tissue/organs. That way, DHT is able to maintain tissue/organs which are dependent on it, without interfering with the endocrine system.


Yes, I’ve been using it for a while now. I’ve experimented with doses up to 400 mg a week. I’m currently on 200 mg a week, but I’ll reduce it to 100 mg a week, which appears to be a good dose. What’s strange, is that I feel strong androgenic effects on low doses, but not so much on high doses - so I suspect that it works synergistically with testosterone.

is it your interpretation? Do you have any proof /evidence from any forum? especially too much DHT causes ED. I will do some research and see if FTMs use TRT as well with DHT replacement, as long as I know they don’t and by your logic without TRT they should feel crap/crippled like us and should have,insomnia, joint pain, dry body, indigestion, muslce loss etc since they are on DHT and don’t have T. I will try to find.

CrazEPharmacist? You still alive? How about an update? No reply 2 my pm? Hope all that deca didnt mess u up.

I’ve done a lot of research over the years. Everything is based on that, and personal experience with steroids and other medications.

In response to Deadballs’ posts about 56HUNTER:

thinksteroids.com/forum/mens-hea … 99311.html

I forgot to mention that 56HUNTER tried a cycle with testosterone and nandrolone as well…

thinksteroids.com/forum/mens-hea … 86000.html

I got this information about 56HUNTER from the threads;

  • February 2008: Began TRT
  • July 2008 - November 2008: Used 200 mg testosterone cypionate + 200 mg nandrolone decanoate a week
  • June 2009: Doing great with 100 mg testosterone E5D and an unknown dose of Arimidex

Now, question is, did nandrolone actually have anything to do with his recovery?
He states that he was using Propecia from 2006 - 2009, but I guess that’s an error - and that it should be from 2006 - 2008.

I think it’s important to consider why exactly deca-durabolin could be helping people. As has been stated on the forum before, 5 alpha reductase reduces nandrolone to NOR-DHT, which is inactive. So taking deca is a lot like taking TRT + finasteride - nandrolone is actually decreasing androgen action in tissues where 5 alpha reductase is highly expressed.

Nandrolone, then, is essentially returning the body to the state prior to stopping finasteride. This fits in nicely with the success many people have had reducing androgen action. Indeed, using nandrolone allows a reduction in androgen action in the specific tissues most likely to be affected from finasteride use. It seems possible that returning the body to the state it was in before epigenetic changes kicked in (“the crash”) has induced a reversal of some of these epigenetic modifications that have made our symptoms persistent.

he was taking 100mg / 200m Test that probably results in a lot more androgen action than a normal person who is not on trt. I think its more the ratio of anabolic hormones to estrogenic hormones. This is why trt did not work for mark.r.d - High estrogen nullifiies the effects of T in eveyone.

How are you feeling these days?

So are you saying that those of us with physical changes (Fat/water gain, smaller testicles, gyno, etc.) are screwed for life?

I have a great Endo who has given me many options with HRT including Testosterone, HGH, Progesterone, but I am scared to try any of these with other users reported side effects. I am on a very low dose T3 medication called Liothyronine, it helped my libido a bit and my body temp rose a little, but I put on about 30 pounds since last year. I also had Low T and Low E2, somewhat high Prolactin, and I can’t lose a freaking pound. A lot of my stress comes from my physical appearance, and I don’t know how to correct these with HRT. I know you are really intelligent regarding hormones and ratios and what not.

Sorry I don;t buy it that it is an issue of dht conversion. I would need more proof to belive that. Many can lower their DHT with finasteride, dud, sp for a long long time and feel very good or evern more horny without big problems. As I said I took fin for 5 weeks and sstarted growing new hairs and didnt have liido issues then. I think something else snaps and ruins the T//E ratio which lowers adiol g a lot.

Anyway is crazyepharmasist still alive no reply to pms? No updates here? No reply to email? Maybe deca killed him?

lol i’m alive. Deca hasn’t done anything for me. I think someone asked if I was still taking test. I am, 50 mg cypionate twice a week from walgreens. No effect from that either. Initially the pregnenolone and dhea pills has a massive euphoric effect on me and I gained a bit of water weight. I felt great for a few days mentally and physically. No libido or erection effects though. That has worn off now and I don’t really notice any effects from them. I have a script for HCG from a while back I am trying to get approved from my insurance. I have taken HCG in the past and that helped my libido somewhat I remember.

But in other words, I basically feel like a female. Completely feminine. Maybe I should just get a sex change and be done with it. lol kidding. but really depressing.

I would try things one by one - give them a couple weeks to work.

Did you get any good effects after your first shot of T?

Good to see you still have your sense of humour though :slight_smile:

First shot of T, yes. Morning after I woke up with a weak erection that wasn’t just due to having to urinate. I gained a bit of water weight and had a ton of aggression and energy. Few hours after the first shot I felt very hungry, like a ravaging type of hunger. Effects wore off after a few weeks and now I don’t even gain water weight anymore. Very weird.

I’ve been feeling great since I started using Primobolan Depot in March - until yesterday. I received two packs of Primobolan Depot. I’ve already gone through the first. I injected 100 mg earlier this week, and I didn’t respond completely as I expected. I wanted to compare my response to a higher dose again - so I injected 200 mg yesterday, along with my usual 100 mg Nebido dose of course. That injection sent me downhill. I think that those Primo ampules were fake, and it feels like fucking testosterone… I’m going to take a blood test within a couple of days to see if I’m right. Alternatively, Nebido is really starting to kick in, and the dose is too high. The only thing I’m certain of, is that my estradiol level is way too high at the moment.