Testerone/Nandolone deconate - feeling normal after 6 yrs

Well, whatever, i dont even care. But you dont know anything, personally or otherwise, and you are trying to buy steroids (hey - why not PM this guy for his drugs?).

No one has got any great improvement from TRT see the androgen supplimentation thread. Some people get good results in the first week and then loose all that. Restarting is BS - you obviously dont know anything about this.

As for DECA yes I only tried one shot and like trenbolone it gave me a pain on my back on the left side. So I did not continue. I used Nandrolone phenal propionate I have decaonate here but I have been though what it is like to send your rest to below range -much below range and it is horrible. I dont wana suppress mysef for too long so that it takes me 2 months to get back to PFS normal. But if you have HCG you should not have problems - I recovered from TRT with hcg very quickly - Only had one bad week. Also according to my tests if I take more than like 7mg test per day my estradiol is over range and my test is mid range. So maybe I can take like 7mg deca per day + 7mg test so maybe like 50 a week of both. Would neeed to stay on for a month to see what happenes. I might do it. But I think its not going to work for eveyone as people respond differently to DECA. I would like to see for myself what it does for muscles as I have lost about 15kg of mostly muscle from this pfs crap.

Well look, I do know 3 guys who are doing fine on trt so your above statement is false. However, I donā€™t want to argue about irrelevancies, I just want to tune in on what is most likely to give me some results, fast.

My oestradiol always seems to be near the bottom of the normal range. I always take zinc picolinate at bed time though so this could be the reason for that. When I took 25mg daily proviron years back I was an absolute horndog for 3 days then I crashed and no amount would give me that spike in libido again. I was thinking perhaps my e2 dropped too low on it or maybe just 75mg over 3 days shut down my production. Doubt it cos Iā€™ve taken 150mgs in a day since and although it did nothing, I didnā€™t feel any worse either. Dunno.

I really want to try test concomitant with hcg as test is my only value that is on the low side and osteopenia is potentially a product of low test. I was thinking of trying test cyp subq x2 weekly @50mg with zinc 50mg at night. As I say my e2 doesnā€™t seem to be too high so I may be able to handle this low, frequent dose. Does anyone know where I may be able to procure safe test cypionate and hcg?

From a doctor or take a trip to Thailand. Get your friends to post in the androgen supplementation thread thanks.

Endo will not prescribe me test. I think my balls would literally have to drop off for that to happen. Iā€™m 1 nmol above the bottom of normal range 12- 27. Even though I have scored 7nmol in the past it was isolated. Every other test has been 13 exactly.

Iā€™ll ask them to post when I next speak to them. I would of thought Enden has posted his story here somewhere though. Iā€™m not sure the other guys are even members but Iā€™ll find out.

Enden has not recovered with TRT he has to take arimidex and then gets massive swings he also uses DHT and says it does not work when his e2 is high. He has now quit TRT - As it did not work. I can get trt to work sometimes if i take anti estrogens. I can get good woods and it can also make me feel like shit. My e2 goes way too high. The fact is no one here has had very worthwile improvments from trt. You need to find out why your test is low. Is is it because the genes all over your body have changed? Or is it because one of the hormones that feedback on lh is 2 high.

News to me. When I last spoke to him he was still on trt a couple of weeks ago. Iā€™ve just pmā€™d him. I know he was using arimidex and having trouble but ultimately he had a sex life whilst running this protocol so I see that as successful. Also, itā€™s fairly custom now to use an AI on trt, just not in the UK where we are in the dark ages when it comes to TRT! I donā€™t want to keep going back and forth over this. There are a lot of people who have recovered on trt, that is a fact. I follow all the forums on this, not just this one. There are so many people that are treating themselves that donā€™t sign to this forum because they see it as too dark and depressing. Itā€™s a shame. Again, please Iā€™m really not into having arguments, Iā€™ve got too much on my plate you donā€™t have to believe me, I donā€™t care. Iā€™m going to try trt!

Good try trt it wont work without messing with your estrogen and you will prbably never ever get that stable. But it is worth a try just to observe the reaction. Last I spke to ended he had quit TRT - he is of the same opinion as me that for some reason estrogen is always too high and very very hard to manage. There are plenty of reports of people doing ok on try for a while. Lots have been to the best trt docs in the world and they are not better.

This guy called dogheat told me that he felt completely normal on 400mgs of test per week without an AI. Completely normal but he couldnā€™t continue with that dose. I guess due to health reasons and probably financial as well.

Iā€™m gonna continue with my workout shedule and just see if I can purge this shit from my body first before I try test. I can build muscle slowly so maybe Iā€™ll get lucky although itā€™s fucking hard work and after 5 weeks of hard training, nothing in the trouser department! Iā€™m just a bit fitter with a few more pounds.

ā€˜This guyā€™ is a one off if he even exists, or more likely you have mistook what he said in one sentence and ran with it as ā€˜proofā€™ that this thing can be treated. Getting fed up of halfwits filling up this forum, completely in denial about the severity of the problem despite all evidence to the contrary. For every guy who claims to have improved - not recovered but improved - there are twenty others for whom nothing has happened (or they got worse). But for some reason your eyes just seem to gloss over or ignore these people. Youā€™d be better off putting more than Ā£10 into the PFS fund instead.

All I can say to that is you truly are a twat! Youā€™re the exact sort of whining faggot who gives the credible cases a bad name! Fucking idiot!

ā€œMate Iā€™m a pfs guy too and tried 400 mg testosterone which raised my libido. I felt normal the whole time i was on it but you cant do that forever.ā€

How many interpretations of that can you make Luckfax.

Post from 56Hunter on meso (post finasteride guy)

LOVE TRT but now I dont last long in bed?! help
i have a high libido on TRT, and good erectionsā€¦also my orgasms are much stronger on TRT, all this is great but lately im not lasting more than a few minutes

im married so its not a new partner

im on 100 mgs of cyp every 4 th day

does TRT cause premature ejac?

Enden in response to 56Hunterā€™s post on Meso on 6th March 2013

ā€œI know youā€™re on TRT because you developed secondary hypogonadism after using Propecia. Iā€™ve been fucked by the drug myself, and I was wondering if you could share your story. Most people donā€™t respond to TRT. I do, but Iā€™ve trouble stabilizing the condition. I know your protocol included 100 mg TC E5D and Arimidex. What was your Arimidex dose, and how often did you use it? I would also like to hear about your recovery period. How long it took to recover, and which changes you noticed during that period.ā€

Endenā€™s now been going out with a new girlfriend for around a year. Iā€™d say that his condition is likely to be manageable.

It may or may not work but Iā€™m not listening to wallowing wretches like Luckfax. I will find a way to conquer this affliction by hook or by crook!

Go fuck yourself Monty you dumbass, klingon headed freak. You knew PFS existed while you took the stuff and even jumped back on it after being a member here. Your opinion has as much relevance to me as some Merck shill on a hair loss forum.

You clearly are a nasty little vitriolic fuck! Why do I know you wouldnā€™t have the balls to say that to my face lol. Sad little cretin! You deserve PFS!

Hell, I would do 1000mg a week for life if it brought back my sex life. Just have to manage sides by donating blood, controlling estrogen, and backfilling hormones.

On a side note though, my deca should be here in at the most a week from now I would say.

Got it from athletespharmacy.com. Internationa; source but they have human grade gear. Kalpa is probably the best lab you can get if youā€™re going undergound.

Also will be using cytomel as I have subclinical hypothyroidism. Getting it from a therapist for ā€œtreatment resistant depressionā€. pretty much the only way you can get it prescribed. My theory is that I havenā€™t been responding to testosterone because my thryoid isnā€™t functioning optimally. So will be interesting next few weeks/months.

Good luck CrazE! Make sure you use HCG appropriately, especially as you are playing with deca. I read 1 x 100mg dose of deca shuts down natty test for a month. Just one shot. Be careful!

Yep another Bullshitter. Im always right about these things. Your not allowed more than one user account monty! memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2055

And then you used Fin again after posting on this website for a year??? hairlosstalk.com/interact/sh ā€¦ experience ā€œI never claimed to have post finasteride syndromeā€ is a funny quote. Another freak with 1000s of posts of Bullshit.

In fact this Deadballs/monty guy is probably the greatest freak to ever post on this forum - and thats really saying something!

Admins, sort it out! Save the little credibilty this forum has.

Firstly, let me just say I made no effort to conceal the fact that I was Monty or I wouldnā€™t have linked you to other forums where I freely offered my very particular set of circumstances highlighting who I am. I couldnā€™t sign in so I just started a fresh. If Mew has a problem with that then he can ban me. However, I feel I have a right to be here and I am the first to admit I was stupid to fuck about for so long with these drugs but I havenā€™t touched a 5ar inhibitor in 2 years and I have zero libido so I want to figure this thing out.

Now on to the topic of the derisive attack dogs that seem to permeate this forum like no other i.e Oscar and Luckfax. You people are vexatious to the spirit. You have failed in life so this syndrome is the perfect scapegoat for your failures. You have no friends, no life, no charisma, no integrity and this would all be too much had you not developed a mentally and physically altering condition that enables you to remove yourself from responsibility of being the loathsoam parasites you are.

Incidently this is a pm I received from a member here about you Oscar. I wont put his name cos that would be a breach of trust but Iā€™m sure he wont mind me putting the PM else he wouldnā€™t have taken the time to write it.

ā€œWelcome to propeciahelp. Unfortunately this can also involve a completely unwarranted attack from Oscar who raison dā€™etre in life is to be a complete cnt and attack fellow sufferers. God knows how he hasnā€™t been banned. Many threads are unnecessarily polluted with his bile. Maybe basic courteousness and empathy were destroyed by propecia too, although I suspect that heā€™s always been a cnt. I hope that things work out for you.ā€

I would imagine this PM pretty much sums up the general sentiment of everyone who comes into contact with you. Now please hush the fuck up. You have nothing to contribute to this forum or this world so do the decent thing and go away!

Oscar tried to sabotage the early efforts of the origins of the PFS Foundation. There was almost no Foundation because of Oscar. I have no idea why his posting privleges have not been restricted because of this. I hope Mew realizes how Oscarā€™s behavior has negatively affected this community and puts posting restrictions on Oscarā€™s account.