Insomnia is my only significant symptom. The only one that’s a nuisance to my life, and like I said, it’s only a nuisance. If I stay 9 hours in bed, I usually manage at least 7 1/2 hours of sleep which is enough.
Depending what I eat, I may have a bad night which will cause some brain fog the next day. If I remain disciplined, it does not happen often. Plus I need pills to sleep, so I’m definitely not cured.
The other, insignificant symptoms I have left are: slightly aching eyes for 30 seconds while taking a shower, compared to severely burning eyes that would prevent me from driving. I have slightly dry lips for 15 minutes after brushing my teeth, compared to burning lips 24/7 that would require I put Vaseline on them all the time. I have decreased sex drive, wanting sex only 2-3 days, compared to 3-9 times a day before I took fin (but I’m almost 52 yo and I took fin 20 years). Also my body odors are more consistent. I don’t always need deodorant but as it goes, I get body odors more often and even during a fast when I’m not taking sex herbs. 7 months ago I had none, ever. Then I started having some with only 1 of the 3 sex herb I’m cycling, then 2 herbs and now I can have some without herbs.
So you see, it’s all minor but it shows I’m still in an ascending curve, still recovering.
There might be others, like I’m much calmer and patient (so it’s something improving) but I think it’s because I started meditating everyday, never missing one, and I’m starting to manage to stop thinking which I though was impossible. It keeps me grounded in the present and I have less of a monkey brain. If I knew meditation could be so beneficial, I would have done it before.