Story of Spstriken

Many people suggest to take supplement that are really bad in our situation. I made this thread to advice people about substances that are bad in our syndrome. Advice for new victims


I’ve been warning about this for months. Vit K2 gave me the joint issues I have at the moment. When did you take it, and how did you decide to take it?

IMO your thread suppose to be the firsr thread that the new guys will see when they sign up here, this is mandatory and it is even more important than the survey that pops up every time you sign in.

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I am really very awful and praying that this condition passes quickly. I am waking up daily with swollen colon, headache, nausea etc Just feeling like dying.My biggest issue is colon. I had this like right after SP use. It looks like I am dramatizing but really I am not. In normal healthy condition you dont know where your colon is but when I wake up I can clearly feel it. I only took two caps 3-4 weeks ago, and the side effects are not dying off. I was so fine , almost 90% recovered for the last two years. In the beginning I could not figure out but when visited other forums after taking it, I realized my mistake. All the people have reported signs similar to fin like heart palpitation, brain fog, nausea etc. Many are saying k2 (MK4) is good but not MK7.

Ridiculous. Don’t recommend K2 because it got worse but advice Vitamin d3 that made me worse?

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Vitamian D gave me hypermobility and osteorporosis and damaged all joints and cartilages, collagen and connective tissue.


I have a doctor’s diagnosis.The same happened to Konflict with Vitamin E. Ah, one last thing, I helped people… to go to a DOCTOR and the doctor himself said, to take nothing, which is potentially dangerous for us. Vitamin D is an aromatase inhibitor.

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I think we all have to becareful everyone’s body reacts differently to different supplements. Unfortunately there are no one size fits all cures.

I doubt that @spstriken mislead anyone intentionally, I’m sure he improved from Vit D, but that may not be the case for all of us.

I do understand your frustration as well @Demon

That’s quite enough @Demon and @spstriken. I would remind both of you to familiarise yourselves with these guidelines of acceptable forum behaviour if you haven’t already.

There is no point for me to come here and post.I am not selling or promoting anything. I am sharing what has helped me to deal with life after such a big catastrophe. For some people pfs meas sexual sides only and for others it is life and death situation. I am will be very happy if im barred from this forum.

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Ok back to the topic.
I think there is something with MK7. Many people are complaining about brain fog, fatigue etc.

As per this thread other people also got worse after taking K2/MK7 not MK4. Also some suggest it is due to MK7 burdens your liver.

The result was brain fog, which only faded after several days. I’m wondering why that happened, if it might cause long term damage, and if there’s some way to work around it.


I started taking this based off the good reviews about what it can do for the blood and reversing arterial damage. After randomly getting dizzy and light headed spells I realized there was a big problem. I finally pinned it down to being this supplement and have removed it from my lineup. I do not know why it had this effect on me but it did. I think people should just be careful with this supplement.


Amazon Customer

July 20, 2016

Ended up in the ER with a bad reaction


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What did the guys do wrong so you don’t like it mate?

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I am feeling ten times worse than PFS (After SP use). I cannot sleep. During night, When try to sleep on right side my right side Colon burns then shift to my left side, then left side burns too. During the day my stomach hurts tremendously, I even took AntAcid but to no avail. My nose, eyes are dry as well. I was taking only 4 to 5 tabs of vit D3 before this crash but now taking 10 tabs but still no benefits. I am again peeing like water. My armpits are dry again, no sweating.Looks like VitD3 is not working like before.

K2 gave you same effect that NAC and Tribulus gave me.

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I have been feeling better again now, almost back to normal.


Sorry another negative update.
I have become roller coaster now. Again feeling very bad. Bad nausea, sleepy, fatigued, a lot of pain in stomach and colon, no appetite, pain in bones. My bones look hinner and weaker. My hip bone are aching again. These are the symptoms which have died 3-4 years back. I had been feeling very good since August 2017 excepts for few hiccups. I cannot believe only two caps 100 mcg of K2 MK7 can push me back that severely. I am certain this K2 behind this all because I have read now tens of posts people complaining the same things. The main worry for me is VitD3 is not working for me the way it was working before. Before whenever I was not feeling well I would increase the dose and then within 1 hour all was well again, but not anymore now. Maybe K2 messed up with VitD receptors(just my theory)? Guys do not believe all BS about vitamins. I used K2 thinking I will be fine 100% and would sharing with something interesting but turned out the opposite.

Ironically vitamin k antagonists are 5ar inhibitors, and I thought they attributed that to vitamin k recycling and regulation of the androgen receptor.

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Sorry to hear that you suffere thst way mate! I know what you mean as I took exactly the sam vitamin after my second crash, Vit K2 MK7, took it along with D3 for a month amd my joints got completely fucked because of that. That means Vit K2 Mk7 is a poison for us, the PFS guys…


did you have stomach pain, colon pain, nausea etc? These are my biggest pains.
how long ago did you stop Mk7?
Have you recovered to any extent?

Its a coincidence that I was almost fine and after using Mk7 have stuck again into the mess.

Stopped it 2 years ago, and took it 1 month in a row along with Vit D3 as it is suppost to be the best combination, best combination my ass! I had colon pain straight in my ass, it was super sharp pain in the anus area, it was appearing suddenly, and it was so painful that if I was walking I had to stop and find somewhere to sit. Fortunately this thing dissapeared and I haven’t had it for maybe 6 months or so, fingers cross, you never know, it might come back again tho! Vitamin K2 gave me clicking joints, now they are dty and stiff, so I got worsened, the other sides are more or less fine. If I didn’t have the joint issues I would have lived my life quite normally I am confident in that.