Solutions....what are they?

Sure it can work, but one needs to use an individual herb only once a week IMO, I am going to start a cycle soon. Longjack 200, trib, horny goat weed, cordeceps fenugreek, and others. hope it works. If I was you give all supplements a 3 month break and then cycle 7 different herbs, a different one each day. Have a look at quality is the most important thing IMO. If you cycle 5 days on 2 off you will build up a tolerance and the supp won’t be effective unfortunately.

10-4 Fin, I’ll start really low, thanks for the tip.

I agree; quality is number#1 when it comes to herbal products. Great! Please start a thread so we can follow your progress!!

.5 - 1mg is Arimidex dosing.

6.25 mg is Aromasin dosing.

Thanks Tumbleweeds…6.25 EOD, I’ll start there. I’ll start a new thread once I get my protocol put together. Just finished a 14 day Master Cleanse, felt pretty good whilst on it. I do always feel better fasting, when I’m hungry I tend to get better sexual reactions. Going to eat clean, start lifting heavy (P90X) and I guess I’ll stop smoking my bedtime doobie too :frowning:

Bit of an update:

Restarted Aromasin six days ago. Running a new protocol - 12.5 mg, every other day. Within 3 days, improvements were noticed. Wood is definitely fuller, harder and girthier on Aromasin. My baseline is impotency, with forced erections very weak and deflated. With Aromasin, erections feel super full and very hard. Like the old days, pre-fin. My refractory improved a bit - last night rubbed out two back to back. Orgasms were so so, but the desire to climax twice is a big change.

Plan to run this dose for the next 3 weeks, then adjust accordingly. No night or morning wood observed yet, during this second run.

For those new to the thread: I dosed Aromasin heavy over a period of three weeks, achieved a resurgence in morning and night erections, erectile quality, and some breif libido improvements. Then crushed estrogen too low - lost night and morning wood, erections. When I stopped Aromasin for a week, night and morning wood returned around day#3, lasted until about day#5. This is more solid anecdotal proof of the link between low/high E2 = ED/no morning or night wood.

I am nowhere near better. However, the Aromasin has induced big changes. I will continue for the next couple weeks at this dose.

How is everyone else doing?

That’s good news Tumbleweeds…I’m going to start the Prog/Aromasin protocol as soon as tax season ends, April 15th (I’m a tax accountant). I’m going to devote the next several months to recovering. Good post, was checking daily to see if you had recovered from smashing that Estro. I have a good feeling about the latest developments, I even read that Finatruth is getting some pretty strong and positive results from Progesterone. We’ll beat this thing! Take care, thanks for posting.

finatruth reported that he crashed hard and took him 2 months to return to baseline. and now suddenly he claims to have got positive results. Go figure

Thanks for posting and the positivity.

Had some pee wood last night; again, a big improvement. My baseline is zero REM or pee wood, during sleep. Today, I felt happier. More talkative. Talked with lots of people at the gym, strangers, smiled at women. Again, this is another big change. My baseline is low mood, low energy, quiet, no levity. Today, I was cracking jokes and caught myself enjoying the moment.

Dr Crisler posted this study over at

Is brain estradiol a hormone or a neurotransmitter?

Recent published animal study that links sexual behavior to estradoil levels. Science always seems to be 20 years behind common knowledge.

I’m not saying controlling E2 is the total answer to PFS, but it’s definitely a part. I’ve got a good lead on 4 different extracts of Tongkat Ali. For those who are interested; i dosed a tongkat product back in 2009 and the results were nothing short of incredible. All PFS gone. I was a sexual beast. My testicles literally doubled in size. There is no steroid that can do that except HCG, and that’s injectable, and it plumps the balls. Not doubles. Swollen balls is a well-known side effect of QUALITY Tongkat Ali. I will be trialing these Tongkat products in a couple months, after I dial in my E2 with Aromasin. If anybody wants to jump onboard in the meantime, here they are. The first two have great Amazon reviews, and the last two were recommended by guys i know on unrelated message boards, who’s experience was consistent with quality Tongkat (big balls, libido, boners, alpha male feeling, strong sense of well being etc):

Indonesia Tongkat Ali … roduct_top

SD-200 … ords=sd200

Dragon Herbs Tom Kat … ules/21550

el.conquistador (ebay seller) … 19d6a549b2

tongkat ali is a good testo booster, better then tribulus. For me tongkat ali and maca are great testo booster. unfortunate, does not work for libido. I´m using maca, and i love, my balls are giant.

aromasin is too dangerous. remember, PSF came with 5 alpha reductase inhibitor. aromasin, arimidex, letrozole is a aromatase killer and inhibition. who knows what side effects it triggers.

for me, it is danger as propecia.

Fair enough. Could you post a source link to the brand of Maca you’re having success with? Thanks!

Maca Magic, Whole Raw Powder … ar-1-1-lbs

one tea spoon in the morning with water. For me its great. btw, the pills from nowfood does not work as powder, i dont know why.

Great man! The more feedback, the better! Can you describe the effects on this brand of maca?

Tumbleweeds- any update on lowering just estrogen ?

Thanks for the interest, Finatruth.

As for the update, I’m a few days shy of 3 weeks on 12.5mg Aromasin, every other day. REM wood, libido and erections were nonexistent to low, for most of the run. Had some intermittent REM wood the past few nights, albeit on the weak side. Plan is to bump up the dose to 12.5 mg, every day, at the 3 week mark.

Some personal thoughts - this is a slow, grinding process. By nature, I’m an impatient guy. Trialing with hormonal products always takes at least 1-2 months, per product, and gets depressing and rather annoying, if effects aren’t felt within a couple weeks. I will persevere, however, as there is no other option.

Long overdue update.

The Aromasin worked. I trialed for about 5 weeks, at various dosages. Minimum dose was 6.25 mg every day. I ran as high as 25mg a day, until joint and tendon pain was experienced. The results were lack luster for most of the run…UNTIL I stopped for a week to recoup, and restarted at a much lower dose (12.5 mg every other day). Guess what? Raging night and morning wood, every night. Every single night for a good two weeks. One day, I even felt the urge to masturbate (was horny), and did so three times. Erection strength was ~80-90 percent. Fat full erections. This is all without any cialus or viagra. I could have had sex with a woman for sure, with no pills.

The whole experience taught me I ran the Aromasin at WAY TOO HIGH A DOSE. I crushed my E2 way too low for most of the run. When I go back on the Aromasin, I’ll start at 6.25 mg EVERY OTHER DAY, MAXIMUM DOSE.
The guys who said Aromasin is strong wern’t kidding. LEarning experience here. I might even get by with 6.25 mg every three days. Anyhow, the entire 5 or 6 weeks I ran it at around 12.5 - 25 mg every day. Way way way way too much.

Right now I’m trialing a Tongkat Ali supplement. I’ll post later. I hope some of you guys try Aromasin.

Thanks for the update tumbleweeds.

Did the Aromasin run improve your baseline?

Do you have any non-sexual sides and did you see any improvement in them?

I know this might sound stupid, but at this point I do not think anything can be ruled out, but I do not think it was the adjustment of the dose that helped I think it was the fact that you stopped for a bit and then went back on. It seems to be a trend on here that whether its Progesterone, Androhard, test boosting supplement like trib that members of this community are getting their best results when cycling supplements or drugs. Just an observation you can take it or leave it!

Hey man,

I don’t know if Aromasin improved my baseline because after I stopped, almost immediately I began a Tongkat Ali Extract.

Yes, I had plenty of non-sexual sides - lack of energy, brain fog, anti social, low mood, low sense of well being.

To be honest, Aromasin didn’t help much in those areas. A couple days I felt happier or lighter and more sociable then normal. But generally, no, I didn’t notice a big improvement in those areas.

I’m trying to get back to how I felt on a run of OTC tongkat ali - all non-sexual and sexual sides effects were obliterated.

Tumbleweeds- I am confused. Are you still having good sustained results with armomasin? Or tongat Ali?