Solutions....what are they?

I stopped the Aromasin about three weeks ago. I have been on a Tongkat Ali extract ever since (3 weeks).

The Aromasin worked, and worked well, for boners, night wood, and some libido. I didn’t figure this out until several weeks into the run, as I took far too much and crushed my estrogen far too low. But when I ran at 12.5mg every other day, I had huge night wood every night and could sustain boners during the day without viagra. A few days I even felt horny. My baseline is total ED and no sex drive. So that was a huge major improvement. The ARomasin did not effect my non sexual sides, unfortuantely. I didn’t feel much brighter, more social, brain fog remained etc. But I will definitely take boners and night wood over nothing!!!

I am chasing the dragon so to speak. I ran an OTC test booster with Tongkat Ali as the main ingredient several years ago. The effects were totally amazing. Thats why I was anxious to trial a few Tongkat Ali extracts. I still have the Aromasin in my cupboard and will get back on it in a few months. Definitely at a much lower dose. Around 6.25 mg every other day MAXIMUM.

But if you were having such obvious effects, why wouldn’t you remain on it? Why is going back to it several weeks in the future your plan ?

As I said right in the prior post, I took a Tongkat Ali OTC extract ~3 years after my PFS took full effect. Every symptom of PFS I suffer from - brain fog, impotence, no sex drive, no energy, no well being, low mood, high refractory period, no morning or night wood - the Tongkat Ali TOTALLY REVERSED. I felt amazing, slept great, had boners etc etc. Felt amazing. Ever since then I have ‘chased the dragon’, so to speak, trialing different herbal OTC’s to replicate those effects.

The Aromasin restored boners and some drive. That’s huge, considering my baseline is near zero. But I want more. So I’ll come back to Aromasin after I get tired of trialing different Longjack products.

What was the supplement with Tongkat Ali you used? I had a similar experience with some supplement containing Tongkat Ali, but when later I tried only Tongkat Ali, it had some good effects for libido, erections and semen, but I didn’t get the benefits for sleep and mental sides. I thought I wasn’t reacting as well as the first time, but now that I tried supplements with cordyceps, which was in the first supplement, I realized that the other ingredients we’re beneficial too.

The first supplement I used is this one:
The damn problem is the company that is doing this supplement is controlling his distribution and it’s not sold in every country. I bought it while I was travelling, but I was never able to find someone that would ship it to me when I went back to my country. If you live in the US, Australia or some European countries, you can get it. I saw that someone is selling it on Amazon now, but I think his price is about twice what you pay when you buy it directly with the company. Taking one and a half capsule of this supplement a day, I could actually sleep normally (sleep is my biggest problem). It also gave me back the sexual aura that makes it so easy to pick up girls and that was completely annihilated in me by fin. But then I ran out and was never able to get it after that.

So maybe the supplement you took is something similar, and I would actually give it a try.

I’ll buy it for it you and ship it to you at cost. I’m trialing various Tongkat supps now. I’m in Canada. EMT is probably the best way to pay. mssg me.

How did this stuff make you feel? Horny? Boners? How many times could you go a day?

I felt great while taking it. The big difference was with sleep. I could feel the tiredness building up at night, and I would go to bed and fall asleep without thinking about it, just like a normal person. And sleeping normally I was feeling normal during the day. Sexually, yeah, definitely a boost in libido, huge boners and semen volume unseen in years.

Just an anecdote on the last element. I was seeing a very hot girl at the time, but she was playing hard to get and only let me kiss her when we saw each other. One day, I had these old discolored black pants and we spent some time kissing on the grass in some park, and all of sudden she says she has to go home. So, I have to get up and make myself decent, but the boner just won’t go away. Checking how it looks, not only do I see the it is very conspicuous because of the pants I wear, but there’s also a huge wet spot on my lap and I don’t have a bag or a shirt to hide it. Very humiliating.

I hadn’t come, but the discharge just from the arousal was unbelievable.

While I was on the supplement, I had a day when I had sex 4 or 5 times, and 3 times with another girl the same week. It was glorious compared with what it has been since I crashed, which is normally twice a week max, or maybe tree times on a very exceptional week.

OK, I’m going to PM you.

hmm… this sounds like very potent stuff!! I will definitely add it to my list! Will be the next one or two supplements I try. Thanks very much for the feedback man.

How did you feel, mood wise? Elevated? Alpha male? Calm? Did you notice any changes in well-being?

Sorry, you’re right about sleep. My sleep is usually poor now, as well. I wake up multiple times a night, feeling like I have to pee. But very little comes out. I always feel like my bladder is full and there’s hardly any in it. And then I don’t sleep deep. Like I roll around alot, wake up alot. etc. On the Aromasin, I slept better and had raging night wood. That was nice.

And you’re right about there being more then one silver bullet. Ie. maybe it’s not just the Tongkat Ali, but a combination of herbs. The Diesel Testhardcore was a huge mix mash of herbs.

It’s definitely good stuff. It’s what helped me the most. Yeah, I felt calm, happy, confident and social interactions were also a lot easier. I took it for about a month and a half without cycling it and it didn’t lose its effectiveness. Now, I would probably take it 5 days and then take two days off, but at the time, I just didn’t know about cycling supplements.

For sleep, I began to see the difference when I took a capsule and a half. Apparently, one capsule wasn’t enough to fix my sleep. I still had to be careful, for instance doing exercise during the day and not overstimulating myself before bedtime, but I could fall asleep easily and I felt very relaxed and well the next day.

The only bad effect I got was increased hair loss, but it’s obviously unavoidable when you use testosterone boosters.

I was checking the retail price in the US and maybe the price on Amazon is not that exaggerated. If you take one capsule and a half a day like I was, the cost for a month is still reasonable.

Checking in.

Ran two bottles of Dragon Herbs TomKat (50:1 Tongkat product) on recommendation by a user. Dosage was standard and then later doubled. Some mild effect on libido and erectile quality. Nothing impressive. Will not run again.

In the meantime, ordered one bottle of BPS Dermacrine which has great reviews (topical DHEA/Pregnenolone cream). Also two bottles of Sumatra Pasak Bumi (Tongkat Ali) 200:1 arrived in the mail last week. Will run the Dermacrine first assuming it makes it through customs, and then reassess.

In my current internet wanderings, have read about Maca (5-10 grams a day) and Fadogia Arestis generating prosexual effects. Herbals have a 1-3 week kick in time (product is required to take for at least 3 weeks before a benefit is noticeable), so all this takes time.

As noted earlier, Aromasin at 6.25 mg every other day, or every third day, or every fourth day, produced really good morning and night wood, and natural erections. If all else fails, will revert back to the Aromasin therapy.

How is everyone else doing? Anyone else trying anything?

Wanted to mention - took 300 - 600 mg of zinc a day to clear a wart outbreak on my hands for the past two weeks. Libido and erections have been up noticeably in the last few days. Zinc is a known aromastase inhibitor of estrogen. Not sure what else it does.

Update. Dosing NOW brand maca at 7-10 grams a day + earth notions maca ~5-7 grams a day for the past two weeks. Perhaps a very minor uptick in libido and erections. A hiccup, perhaps. Will continue to run three or four more weeks. Maca is a major ingredient in the old Diesel Test Hardcore formulation that worked so well for me, and also a proven libido and ED enhancer.

Usually herbal products take about 3 weeks to kick in (big lag effect), so I will continue to run as is, for the next while. Dermacrine got stopped by Canadian customs.

Will experiment with high doses of Triublus next. Then Sumatra Pasak bumi tongkat ali. Then back on Aromasin if all else fails.

Checking in - ran the maca 10-15 grams a day x ~6 weeks. Some improvement in erections. Had a few days where erections were quite hard. Most days, so so. Can’t say it was memorable. Unsure if I will run again. I did notice significant hair shedding, however. Interesting - when libido boosters work, hair falls out again lol.

Started a Tribulus cycle on August 18th. Optimum Nutrition Tribulus 650mg. Running it at ~6 grams a day (5 days on, 2 days off). At the three week point, now. Seems the product kicked in. Masturbated 10 times in the last 3 days. Boners on Saturday and Sunday were extremely hard. Like 100%. Felt that pleasurable swelling of the prostate, and most importantly, that strong, unyielding urge to grind my dick into a female. Haven’t felt that in years. Science is showing the active in Tribulus upregulates androgen receptors in the brain of animals. Another member in the natural supplements forum has experienced a full recovery with Tribulus. I’ve got two more weeks of Tribulus left. Then will try the Tongkat Ali. Then try another Tribulus supplement.

I’ve been using Pusak Bumi (authentic highest quality 200:1) extract off and on for awhile. It gives me nocturnal erections, a bit more energy and confidence but isn’t anything amazing. I’ve tried Maca powder and extract and it doesn’t really do much for me, I still take the powder for the nutritional value. I’ve gone through an entire bottle of dermacrine, it made me feel a little better at first then made me feel worse. Keep us posted on what you find, very interested.

Glad to have you on board, man! Good to have another guy to bounce ideas and swap experiences with. Helps saves time and money.

Disappointed you had a mediocre experience with Dermacrine. I heard good things about it. Will put that off until later now, based on your review. I’ve trialed roughly 4 different types of Tongkat products (source naturals, BAC, Dragon Herbs, Sumatra Pasak Bumi 50:1). The 200:1 is sitting in my fridge. I start it today. If this Tongkat doesn’t produce significant effects, I might abandon my search in the Tongkat direction. After the Pasak Bumi, I will trial at least one or two more Tribulus products.

Also have in mind:

Mucuana Puriens (L-Dopa)

I should mention I trialed a steroidal aromatase inhibitor (Aromasin) and it produced good morning and night wood around the 6.25 mg / every 3 day mark.

Started 200:1 Pasak Bumi (Tongkat Ali) one week ago x 8 pills a day (2.4 grams a day).

Railed the girl I’m dating for over an hour last night with no Viagra or cialus with a 90%+ erection and it actually felt GOOD. Felt lusty feelings and enjoyed banging her. Haven’t felt that in about 8 years, since I first got PFS.

Hopefully it’s not a one off thing. Will continue Tongkat for another 3.5 weeks.

Well done Tumbleweeds, good to hear that. Hope it continues.

Quick update - nearly 2 weeks into this Tongkat Ali run. Had insomnia and caught a cold recently, so cut the dosage in half (from 2.4 grams a day > 1.2 grams a day). Insomnia and coldy type symptoms usually signal an increase in testosterone for me, so I think the Tongkat is working. Unfortunately, that’s been the only effect. The one day reprieve in symptoms noted earlier did not last. Boners a little harder, but no other major improvement to report. Mood, libido, confidence, well being, all at baseline. Will continue for another few weeks, then run another Tribulus product next.

Some good news. 4 weeks into Tongkat Ali run. Jerked it multiple times a day for the past week. Haven’t felt particularly horny, but after watching pornography, quickly became hard and was enjoyable. Erections are ~90%. Very hard. Refractory is low. Taking Dopa Mucana, as well during run (Mucana Pruriens). Not very horny today although low sleep and jerked it 9 times in the past two days. This is really unheard of for me, except for Pre-fin. I’m a guy who must take viagra to perform, so will likely incorporate this version of Tongkat in the future. Rather take a herbal product regularly then a pharmaceutical. This stuff definitely feels like natures viagra.

So it sounds like you’re in the clear. If Aromasin is working so well for you it means you had a simple hormone imbalance caused by past Propecia usage. Get that E in range with the AI and keep it that way. I suggest getting blood work(T,E, DHT,etc) when you feel 100% so you have results in hand and know what makes your libido tick for future reference.

Update time.

Ran the Sumatra Pasak Bumi for about 6 weeks. Ran it 5 days on, 2 days off x ~1800 mg per day @ 200:1 strength. Results were okay. The boost in libido/erections and fapping seem to be short lived. I’ll go a few days (less then a week) feeling good/horny, then the feeling dissipates. Same as true for the Tongkat Ali. It’s a nice honeymoon period, but it gets me excited, then I fall back. The Tongkat did give me decent erections and ability to orgasm more then once a day. All in all, brought me up from a 0 to a 3.

Also ran the Mucuana Pruriens during the Tongkat run for a couple weeks. L-dopa has good reviews on well-being and boners. Unfortunately, it interrupted my sleep and I couldn’t tolerate it. As since, it’s been shelved.

Now running Tribulus extract with 80% protodioscin. In theories section, several guys have experienced a quasi recovery eating asparagus and/or tribulus (both high in protodioscin). Into week three with the trib extract. Again, some improvement.

Also started aromasin again today. Will run @ 6.25 mg every three days. No excuses. I’m running two supplements at once now, just to speed things along. All this shit takes time and I’m 37 this month. Not a lot of time to dick around anymore.

Will consider TRT / hormonal stuff if this doesn’t work out. Peace