Shorgum - improvements

Man Im not in your brain… can you be a lot more specific? . …

Hi Belikewater,

Friend, the Creatine I used is from MuscleTech. The name is “Performance Series Cell Tech”. See this website: … cell-tech/

Be careful and read the ingredients to see if there’s anything that you know may negatively affect you. Also be careful because it has 38g of carbs per scoop (the carbs are there to aid in Creatine absorption).

I just took a little bit at a time to see how it would affect me before I started a full cycle. To prevent the effects of the carbs, I’d take 1/2 scoop after eating a bowl of boiled oats in the morning, and 1/2 scoop right after a workout or after eating avocado and a bunch of green vegetables in the evening. Your body handles carbs quite well after a workout.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

I’d be willing to try this, but I haven’t looked around for a source yet. BTW creatine also increases 5AR I doubled my 3adiolG by taking it. Didn’t help during the crash at all.

Another day at the paradise. Beimg my oldself feels so good. Yesterday Sorghum before bed and today Cofee 20cl and 5mg selegiline, And as thid make a lot of dopamine for hours maybe its decreasing my prolsctine than in my test hhas been above range meaning my libido surge. But my just feel so natural lile the old days not like my estrogen dominancenlibido this past years. My urologist recommended Cialis, his idea is that i have erections all the time, we talked and I tell him about preffdring pycogenol plus arginine he agreed, so im going to buy that today see how my erections responds. Feeling something lately that I had long forgotten, something is switching latelly. Please someone test Alopregnenole and post thd rezults.

Well it’s not all that hard, in that thread you claim being cured with a holistical approach. Now, exactly why are you still here trying molecules. What has gone wrong?

Hello tab. Sorry if I told there im cured. near 100% loke the tittle said is more accurate. Im not trying new things is the exact same protocol, trying to get more test and then trying to have more DHT by activation of 5AR with 5AR activators like Sorghum.

This month and a half I actually have felt 100% at least 3 times, this has been very impressed because my mind will change back to my old me, has been quite a difficult thing to digest really phsicologically. Transform the current zonbie state with 0 emotions a zest for life to a normal young man or my old self has been a bit traumatic.

I must say that 1 month and a half ago, I think I would conder being 100x100 like being 100x100 functionally, now being cured for me is going to be being my old self.

Anyways to resume the protocol is the same but after studing a little more how finasteride works Im trying to focus a lot more in activatkng 5ar enzymes than incrementing my testo like I did the last year, incrementing testo is still a good thing.

Sorry to the confusion.

I will not say im cured abymore my oldself for 6 months without any protocol.


well…ok :laughing:

Anyone got a place to buy this stuff?

Your best bet is an organic grocery store. You can also get it online.

Maybe someone should try Butea Superba as an alternative to Sorghum:

It maybe is an 5ar activator if we follow that 35to Thai man story.

I can say around 15 of last 20 days I have been having moening erections This is especially interesting because I have all my testosterone protocols halted. Lets see what happena when I continue with the protocols.

Grrr… Im a bit angry with my self. 4 years after pfs I read about ho beta sistoterol the compound that makes Saw palmetto an inhibitor of 5ar. Its in a lot of foods! And thid hasnt been spoken out in propeciahelp yet! Any pfs users taking beta sistoterol foods are firing with a gun on their selfs, we have 5ar activity enough fucked up!

So no more avocados, nuts, dark chocolate or canola oil? Man, its getting hard just making it through lunch! There has been so many contradicting theories about which food to eat / not to eat. Don’t know what to eat anymore.

What about brocoli, coliflower, fruits (sugar), etc? …

I dont think they are contradictory I just think some are good for testosterone but arent so good for DHT. I think we need a lot of more investigation, Imagine we could extract the compound od the Sorghum that activates the 5ar enzyne and make a pill fronthat formexample.

I will recomend this site: … guide.241/

How are you doing?

Evdryday morning erection here… but im in a state named Flatline that is the total absence of libido, but its caused because im on a big streak of NoFap so I cannot test myself correctly until I end the flatline. Keep Strong!

Can someone please clarify how this is supposed to be eaten? I have the grains, am I cooking them or eating them straight out of the bag? And how much are you eating?

Avocados and nuts help me so go figure.

Canola oil on the other hand is modern industrial garbage just avoid it at all costs.

Modern canola is made from refined Rapeseed oil which is very toxic to human beings due to excess Erucic acid. It used to be industrial lubricant up to the end of World War II. They couldn’t sell the stuff anymore due to competition with Petroleum lubricants until a Canadian scientist figured out how to refine the toxins to an acceptable level (where it won’t cause acute toxicity) for human consumption. They now use GMO Rapeseed and they refine the oil using Hexane (aka gasoline). They renamed it Canada Ola or Canola for short and marketed as a low saturated fat oil that’s “healthy” which actually can be very bad for your thyroid. Beware!

I don’t know about others, but I cook it in chicken broth (about 75 minutes, or until it is tender), and eat it as a side dish (like you would be having rice or couscous…). It’s actually pretty good.

Still good. On my side, libido has also improved. Not completely, but significantly. I can almost say that I would appreciate having sex … ! Just need to build my confidence and get some Cialis !

Maybe in a few months, if things keep improving.

I have been eating sorghum twice a day in the last 2 days (morning and evening). I got that tireness feeling this afternoon again, but the improvements remain. It’s incredible how much self confidence and motivation comes from feeling sexually capable. I have not been the same person at work in the last few days. I have been much more focussed, productive and intuiative, better at small talk, etc.

Just food for thoughts … you know how sorghum (DHT activator) has been the “base” food in Africa, and how rice (DHT inhibitor) has been the base food in Asia for thousand of years. Here is the average penis size for China and Congo:

China: 10.89 cm
Congo: 17,89 cm

Coincidence ??

correlation /=/ causation lol.

Rice is not a 5ar inhibitor. Ive eaten 1KG a day and serum dht never changes

Really? Ok … always thought it was! It’s kind of a good news because since I try to cut out gluten, I eat no-gluten pasta, and most of them are made of rice.

… still, Africans have huge dicks (and probably through-the-roof libido to get them going also) !!