“perfectly reasonable” if you’re into Josef Mengele type of theorizing and reasoning. I think upholding a higher standard of what constitutes perfectly reasonable hypotheses would not be a bad idea.
Changing the title is a good idea - someone who may stop by this website for the first time is going to think its a bunch of nonsense and it discredits the site. I do believe in what people are saying about sexual preference changes and that would be very scary but we have to keep this professional if people are going to take this forum seriously - just my opinion.
That would certainly help in getting PFS the attention it needs though. Maybe one day we will all wake up to become X-men. That’d be pretty rad for us, and we’d even have the fricking military finally trying figure it all out.
I changed the title to something less “offensive”.
Hey, man.
I’m not trying to make this into a contest about who has it the worst, but I’m getting sick of people saying my symptoms aren’t real and only their symptoms are from finasteride.
The only definite thing we know about finasteride is that no one knows how it changes your body and mind.
Take a look through some of the posts over a span of years on this forum and you’ll see changes to sexual orientation and preferences have been reported amongst several patients
A recent paper “Child sexual offenders show prenatal and epigenetic alterations of the androgen system” posited
The androgen system is closely linked to sexual development and behavior… The methylation status of the androgen receptor gene was also higher in child sexual offenders, indicating lower functionality of the testosterone system, accompanied by lower peripheral testosterone levels. In addition, there was an interaction effect on methylation levels between offense status and androgen receptor functionality. Notably, markers of prenatal androgenization and the methylation status of the androgen receptor gene were correlated with the total number of sexual offenses committed. This study demonstrates alterations of the androgen system on a prenatal, epigenetic, and endocrine level. None of the major findings was specific for pedophilia, but they were for CSO. The findings support theories of testosterone-linked abnormalities in early brain development in delinquent behavior and suggest possible interactions of testosterone receptor gene methylation and plasma testosterone with environmental factors.
Please note I am of course not equating homosexuality with paedophilia. I’m posting this study because it demonstrates a relationship between epigenetic alterations, methylation levels, androgen receptor function and sexual behaviour. Given that epigenetic alteration and a dysfunctional AR are thought to be the drivers or involved processes of PFS, it wouldn’t be implausible to suggest that people’s sexual preferences and behaviours could be altered by the disease.
There are other interesting papers on sexuality and epigenetics
Just as a heads up to members, it’s fine to ask questions of other patients to further enquire about their stated symptoms but outright dismissal of a patient’s experiences, without good justification, aren’t acceptable on this patient support forum.
Thank you, Tzinkman.
There is no limit to the damage this drug can do to our bodies.
I’m just glad I wasn’t in a relationship when I started taking fin. That would’ve turned out badly.
Turning gay isn’t what’s bothering me right now. I’m actually more concerned about the fact this happened almost 4 months after quitting. This means my body is still being influenced by fin after all these months. I just pray that everything else continues to improve. I don’t care about staying gay. It’s a non-issue compared to my other sides.
I have heard of this before. Anyone shaming you needs to STFU. Just because others do not have this, does not mean you do not. Although, you may settle on identifying as: bi/ pan/ asexual/ homoflexible/ heteroflexible, etc. My own family member had some questioning issues after Accutane. Hormones do not make a person straight or gay or anything in between-but who can say for what else these drugs do to sufferers brains… Also, maybe you were not against the idea of this before? I sorta speculate if it is a libido issue, as men are more for straight for going for Pound Town and less touchy lovey? Luckily, we are living in a time where it is okay to both experiment and change teams, as it were. And yes, I agree, orientation is NOTHING compared to these horrible sides. I hope that your bad symptoms improve.
Holy shit you were gay and now you’re into women?
I’d be more concerned about this part. Like, WTF is going on here, my man? Also by this logic, you’d still be straight if you were instead attracted to a FTM transgender man like Buck Angel because he still has a vagina.
Rest of this thread is wild but I can believe it. Former gay people turning straight is nuts.
Yeah. That’s weird I know and I was never attracted to women, I tried. It was disgusting. But I’m still living with my boyfriend, its hard for us but our love is stronger than sex.
The title was not homophobic, people are offended by nothing nowadays, that’s crazy. 1984.
It’s not fun to be gay, or to turn gay when you’ve been straight for years (or the opposite). And it can be dramatic to live that if you’re living in some muslim or african countries (or Russia it seems), really an awful life, you can be killed.
I hate being straight, so I can comprehend if someone hate being gay (not the case here), its not heterophobic or homophic.
Weird symptom – I don’t mean to demean your own experience, and I haven’t read the entirety of this thread, but am I right in gathering that you haven’t actually been attracted to sex with men, but with transwomen? Because transwomen pornstars are basically very attractive women with penises, which especially if you have become conditioned to straight porn, can be an extreme turn on, as a more heightened version of sex. This goes back centuries, probably millenia. The attraction to men dressed convincingly as women does not necessarily imply complete homosexuality, and if you have been using porn a lot throughout your life then I wouldn’t consider this to be anything more than an upping of the ante.
I believe every symptoms people claim to have, altough i only experience the sexual side of pfs. but i truly cant believe finastride can change your sexual orientation.
Firstly, a lot people all over the interent claim to experience sexual orientation change, and the common ground between all those people isnt pfs, probably psycho-sexual problems is the one.
People can live all of there lives with complete denial of their sexual orientation without knowing it.
Give a quick search online and you will see how many people claim to experience it.
The vast majority of people here doesnt report anything close to it.
Even read sexual fluidity in wikipedia…
I mean, 15000 reported cases and something like 10 people max who claim to have sexual orientation change… that kinda enough for every reasonable person to reject it.
Yeah man, prayers up for you. Hang in there
If you believe that hormonal imbalance can cause homosexuality, you’re telking that is a disiase.
Personally, I don’t believe that PFS can cause homosexuality and i think that posts like this make our community less credible.
If you discover that you like trans, is not a problem,but you can’t say is because PFS
Yeah I knew some peeps who said finasteride couldnt cause ED and muscle wastage too
Y’know, I originally made a comment similar to yours that said something along the lines of “Even if you have turned gay, connecting it to PFS is a tad bit ridiculous and something that shouldn’t be on this forum” but I do remember reading a study about how estrogen in Women change what males they find attractive. The same shit can probably happen for guys. For me, I find myself with less appreciation/desire for “thick” women, indicating high estrogen women, I guess. But haven’t turned even an ounce gay.
I saw some transgenders when they take HRT they turned “gay” or “straight”. They became attracted to women or men after some time on hormones.
Homosexuality is a disease because it can be the consequence of hormone unbalance… no. That’s ridiculous. A disease is something that can alter your health, make you suffer. Being gay is not that dangerous (when you’re wise, like when you’re straight). Ok you can suffer of being gay, but it’s because of morons. I think you can understand what I mean.
You don’t believe its real, yeah ok you should try to become a doctor, you will be the exact same ones I saw, they were useless, made fun of me (because of the pain they cannot understand).
And if you think people will believe you when you just say “propecia destroyed my libido, it’s not in my head, I cannot get hard because of PFS”, they wont care and they think you’re not credible, just an hypochondriac guy with some absurd theories taken on internet.
I like browsing 4chan, because they give lots of good investing advice. They were the first ones to get into bitcoin when it was under a penny, the first to recommend AMD stock when it was under $2, the first to recommend SQ, SHOP, TSLA, and a whole bunch of winners.
The $10,000 I invested into AMD when it was $2 turned into $150k, which I used to buy a house.
The transexual-hate thread of 4chan was just a random thread on the politically incorrect board that I was browsing.
Holy fck and AMD is 50 dollars today.