I think “turning gay” is an inflammatory and unhelpful way to address this matter. Even suggesting a fin-derived flip in sexual orientation may be going too far. But an increase in same-sex desire as a result of hormonal upheaval? What’s so unbelievable about that?
The very high view-count of this thread and its comparatively low number of replies leads me to believe that this is subject is at least a concern for many of us. And yet no one wants to talk about it. I think that’s ridiculous. This is the one place where we should be able to speak openly about stuff like this. How much of our shared ailment is considered paranoia and pseudoscience by the larger medical community? Try punching “shrinking penis” into your search engine and see what greets you–“Impossible”, “you’re imagining things”, “you’re just looking for an excuse for your perceived inadequacies.” I myself visited two urologists and the emergency room with that very problem, only to be met with that same reflexive reaction of disbelief and cruel sarcasm. And then I found you guys, and here we all are. And we all know too well that an atrophying penis is an all too real prospect.
So I don’t think we should dismiss anyone’s symptoms as impossible, no matter how initially far-out they might appear–it’ll only discourage them from coming forth and sharing their stories and so ultimately hamper our search for a cure and comfort. Remember that even hair re-growth was once the stuff of snake oil and witchcraft. Don’t underestimate propecia.
Personally, I DID feel an uncomfortable shift in my sexual preferences during the early and most severe days of my post-fin nightmare.To my embarrassment I found that my eyes tended to wander to male passers-by as opposed to females. The idea of having sex with another man, which had never before crossed my mind, crossed it often. As sex was (and is) impossible for me, it wasn’t a pressing issue; but it was still pretty disturbing. I have nothing but love for the homosexual community, but the prospect of becoming gay against my will was unsettling. In time, I recovered a little from PFS and the homosexual thoughts abated. Now I’m just asexual.