Sexual Orientation Change - I am now gay

The people on this thread saying that this is bullshit are just as bad as the people on hairless communities saying PFS is a lie.

I’m not fucking imagining 100x itchy scalp, stomach pains, and popping joints. I’m also not fucking imagining my new-found attraction to men.


Bro I have a pudendal nerve a joint pain a nervous a stomach pain a fish pain a testicular pain tintinnus a hadh pain but I like a pussy for ever and ever. You before a finasteride are a men and now you are a men. Stay calm.

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Ofcourse not. Endcorine disasters can result in various symptoms, one of them is sexual orientation change. In fact, after I crashed, I had such thoughts myself which prior to pssd, I have never had them. They suddenly went away and now I am completely asexual, it’s funny people believe those meds can make you asexual, yet not change your sexual orientation. It amazes me to see how shocked are people when it comes to their own symptoms, but very near sighted when it comes to others stories/symptoms.


PFS is feminisation of a male that essentially destroys the bodies ability to utilise androgens which are needed for the male phenotype. Sexual orientation can be influenced by hormones


Yeah, it seems everyone thinks the occasional libido and dick problems are the most severe sides that can happen with finasteride.

If you visit hairloss forums, they all make jokes about finasteride chemically castrating entire civilizations. They don’t make jokes about turning gay and wanting to hump men.
The only people who are damaging our credibility are people who are freaking out about lower libido and ED.


I think these drugs could mess with your head in that way, in my own experience after I took Isotretinoin I started having intrusive homosexual thoughts. Never had those thoughts before, and I could not control them as they would suddenly appear. Antidepressives left me completely asexual.


@WorriedGuy123 If this drugs is changing your sexual orientation than I’m very sorry for you.
On the other hand you could have said it in words so that people don’t think we are a joke, why not say that you think it’s changing your orientation which makes you feel more attracted to the same sex, and this has never happened to you before you took finasteride.
Instead you say ‘‘Help I’m turning gay’’… you’re saying it as if being gay is a disease. And how do you think this will be looked at from the outside world?
Do you think people will take us serious with that kind of language? We have a bigger chance of becoming a laughingstock.

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I do find it kind of hilarious the people that doubt that this can happen - have you learned nothing? These same people go to their doctor and get upset that no one believes their issues are from the drugs and then they come on here and bash people saying the drugs couldnt be the cause lol


Anything is possible with fin it’s the drug of Frankenstein, the changes are incomprehensible for most and Papasmurf gives a perfectly reasonable explanarion why this particular side could develop. Ridiculing one of us for speaking up and being brave is not what this forum is about. Supporting each other is essential and should be a standard. Let’s be good to one another. We get enough shit outside of here


Thank you, man.

It’s obvious that the no one really knows how this drug can change your body and your mind. I wonder how many parallels the deniers here are making between themselves and the hairloss forum members who deny PFS.


It does make one wonder. I have changed so much and when in the heights of this which is far too often I can’t believe what goes through my mind with the paranoia, extreme stress, anxiety, anhedonia, tears, suicidal thoughts etc. Its capable of Changing anything and everything. The knockers tend to be the ones with minimal or stable sides. As said many times I’d have been one of those if I’d known the god damn cause of my deteriating health. I’m out of the ball park now where so much unexplainable shit has landed so I know anything is possible with this. Don’t over stress about what has happened, it’s the worst feeder of all.

I agree. So many people here have only non-debilitating symptoms like low libido and slightly weaker erections.
Then these people turn around to people like us with serious physical and/or mental problems and tell us to stop making the PFS community look bad!
I would do anything to have only low libido and weak erections.


Omg people here are like doctors, they make fun of us because we say something they cannot comprehend.
It’s disappointing. And that’s why I avoid to talk about this kind of symptoms. Even if it’s one of the most disturbing. Becoming straight after all these years … sometimes I’m gay again but it never last (sometimes my other symptoms disappear for some hours or a day or 2, and I think I’m cured…). And this shit is not in my head. PFS gives us a lot of symptoms, no sex drive, no erection, no motivation, body pain, skin damage,…, sexual orientation change,…, and you cannot pick the symptoms you’re going to have.


I totally believe u. Finasteride and all other anti-dht drugs are used by transgenders, so maybe u had some kind of brain feminization. People in use these drugs for their male to female conversion or castration endeavours. We healthy straight men were never made to use this. We did a fucking huge mistake by inhibiting our dht for some fucking hair strands. Such an insecure idiots we were.


There was a PFSer who was on Maury or Dr Phil or something around 8 years ago who claimed Finasteride turned them into a transsexual or something. They were ridiculed from what I remember.


Erectile dysfunction is not a non-debilitating symptom to a lot of people here. This severity debate or fight over who is the most sad or the most ‘debilitated’ on here is so pointless and very antagonizing. People have the right to express their suffering, regardless of how it compares to yours.

Moreover, ED leads to a plethora of problems regarding urological health, self-confidence, relationships, depression by lack of intimacy and pleasure, just to name the logical ones. I’m even more inclined to say that an extreme depression, which I have personally dealt with for years, is more curable than Fin-induced ED and all the consequences that it has in life. So I really don’t feel it is fair to say that ED is ‘non-debilitating’.

Also while I can understand that you are going through disillusionment, the title of this thread is melodramatic and homophobic and I feel it should be changed if acceptance and credibility is what we aim for.


“perfectly reasonable” if you’re into Josef Mengele type of theorizing and reasoning. I think upholding a higher standard of what constitutes perfectly reasonable hypotheses would not be a bad idea.

Changing the title is a good idea - someone who may stop by this website for the first time is going to think its a bunch of nonsense and it discredits the site. I do believe in what people are saying about sexual preference changes and that would be very scary but we have to keep this professional if people are going to take this forum seriously - just my opinion.

That would certainly help in getting PFS the attention it needs though. Maybe one day we will all wake up to become X-men. That’d be pretty rad for us, and we’d even have the fricking military finally trying figure it all out.

I changed the title to something less “offensive”.